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Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen resigns as head of ruling Democratic Progressive Party following local election losses


Oct 17, 2018, 2:41 PM

A US Navy ship stopped at a port in Taiwan, and China is not happy​

Lol.. u think China is so inhumane not to allow a research ship come for an replenish in Taiwan?

You keep saying every stupidity that comes to your mind. What do I have to do with the EU's policy? Do you have something to do with Mao's cultural revolution? You imply nonsense and just stand and press "laugh" reactions all the time. That amounts to a troll account.

You keep fcking mentioning "EU's policies" and Israel and India. Wtf do I have to do with that? Where were you when I talked against Western hypocrisy back when the war in Ukraine started?
When someone decide to derail the topic by start attacking one credibility. It just shown some has lost any of his mean to effective rebuke somebody point. So they need to resort cheap move like this to discredit others. Lol..
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