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Pakistan approves deal to import 300,000 tonnes of Russian wheat

Pak govt should invest on its farmers with new tech to increase the output of local farmers rather than relying on foreign expensive imports
I've always wondered why countries like Belgium can make chocolate and export and we a 200 million population nuclear great power can't export cheese chocolate cookies like the tiny nations of Switzerland, Belgium
Pak govt should invest on its farmers with new tech to increase the output of local farmers rather than relying on foreign expensive imports
Wheat production targets were missed due to the floods.

Lol we need to create our own block. Enough of orbiting others
Pakistan is in no shape to create its own bloc. Pakistan needs to remain neutral and focus on stable governance and economic development. Integration with Eurasia and MENA blocs while remaining on positive terms with the west is the best strategy.
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I've always wondered why countries like Belgium can make chocolate and export and we a 200 million population nuclear great power can't export cheese chocolate cookies like the tiny nations of Switzerland, Belgium
People do not change their food brand preferences easily. Belgian and Swiss chocolates have very long reputation, Belgium started making chocolates in 1635 A.D. Swiss were also making chocolates in 17th Century. Similarly with cheeses. When California started making fine wines, it took a long time to convince that California wines are as good or better than French wines, even though blind tasting proved it. Similarly, Swiss watches command premium price though Japanese watches are as good or better. People pay huge amount for Rolexes not so much for Seiko.
IK is a foreign policy nightmare - if he didn't go and meet Putin (something every other normal politcal leader would be smart enough to not do and would choose to stay nuetral)

You would have have gotten the Russian oil, wheat every goddamn Russian thing out there without breaking neutrality(which by meeting Putin than he kinda did)
His advisers are at fault as they should have counselled him to cancel, but instead encouraged him to take enough string to hang himself.
Can someone kindly explain

1. Pakistan is a major wheat producer and exporter.
2. Why do we import wheat??
I think because of floods this year sadly
No bhai it happens every year. Same applies to other items like rice. We export ours and import rice.

I was thinking perhaps ours is good quality and we import crap for local market
I am just amazed how we used to be self sufficient in wheat and cotton, and now importing it.....
This is the problem...we also are a major global exporter.

So why do we import wheat if we export it
Depends on crop planting seasons. I believe Pakistan typically imports wheat in winter time and exports it in summer time.
Can someone kindly explain

1. Pakistan is a major wheat producer and exporter.
2. Why do we import wheat??
There may be different types of wheats. Some wheats are good for bread, some for pasta (Durrum - high Gluten), Flat breads like Naan may be better with low gluten wheat. Talk to someone who bakes bread - you will be amazed how many different types of wheats and flours there are.
There may be different types of wheats. Some wheats are good for bread, some for pasta (Durrum - high Gluten), Flat breads like Naan may be better with low gluten wheat. Talk to someone who bakes bread - you will be amazed how many different types of wheats and flours there are.
This is true

First wheat consignment from Russia arrives​

Prices crash in Punjab after CM Elahi doubled supplies to mills from govt stocks


The first consignment of wheat imported from Russia by the incumbent government reached the Karachi port on Monday, raising hopes that the ongoing flour crisis in the country would ease in the coming days, officials said.

The government has planned to import 750,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia by March 30. So far, 350,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia and other countries arrived at the Karachi port.

Another shipment of 450,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia would be imported through Gwadar.
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