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Chinese PLA female medic Blindfolded gun disassembly - 39 seconds

So you are everywhere, what do you really argue about? I mentioned the Olympic games as a reference in reply to another guy, I thought you were talking about this thread, as what you said about your personal experinec, I have no interest, your personal experience means nothing to me, I didn't even read it.

Dude, it's you who are everywhere.

My beef in this is why you got triggered on something you claim mean nothing. Mean nothing to you then you shouldn't comment on that. Which mean "The world does not revolve around you" comment is uncalled for. So I mentioned some of my experience, which you have not interested in, means I am a egoistic man who the world evolves around me??

A lot of your post have no meaning to me, I didn't engage to those post, and if you don't find it interesting, move on, not going on a binge on someone experience. Which is something YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT to begin with.
Dude, it's you who are everywhere.

My beef in this is why you got triggered on something you claim mean nothing. Mean nothing to you then you shouldn't comment on that. Which mean "The world does not revolved around you" comment is uncalled for. So I mentioned some of my experience, which you have no interested in, means I am a egoistic man who the world evolve around me??

Are you seriously that stupid??
Again, your personal experience means nothing to me, I don't bother read them. they neither prove nor disprove anything, the olympic thing is just a small reference and I never intended to dwell on, so you can say yes or no, it's up to you, my beef is another guy sounds iike only Chinese parade soliders do this rifle assembly training.
they neither prove nor disprove anything

by saying "The world did not evolve around you" means you are not neither prove or disprove anything.

That's being triggered. Do you know what is being Triggered?
by saying "The world did not evolve around you" means you are not neither prove or disprove anything.

That's being triggered. Do you know what is being Triggered?
We Chinese always say this phrase, it doesn't mean anyone is triggered, again, I was talking about this thread and not aware that you were talking about something else.
Dude, do you really think my flag is fake? I can speak Chinese too, and that phase "世界不是环绕你转" is not what people always say.
So it's a common Chinese phrase, even you know this, but you should translate it as 世界不总是围着你转
lol, ask PDF Chinese, good one. Chinese exist outside PDF, you know, right?

On the other hand, as I said 屌你老母 are very commonly used, does that make it acceptable to you when I say this to you??

But you said you never heard it in 41 years? that means you don't talk and hear much Chinese , just ask, not only in PDF, you can ask your 老母

By the way, in Beijing we never say 屌你老母 just 屌你妈
dude, I was educated in Hong Kong and China, I have had thousand of School friend in China growing up, NOT A SINGLE ONE said that during the 20 odd years I know of them in my 41 years of my life.

And My mom died 20 years ago, it's kind of hard to ask her.

And in Hong Kong, you just Azad Kashmir Kai.
Just ask anyone Chinese, simple, don't believe me, and come back after you get a third party answer.
This is a standard training drill to familiarize soldiers with their weapons. Blindfolding also is important for night time action.

why would you field strip your rifle at night in total darkness in the middle of combat?
makes no sense.
Perhaps a valuable skill for the circus, it has no battlefield relevance. But then what else can you expect from the PLA Parade Loving Army. I bet @jhungary can field strip and reassemble a rifle completely drunk, now that is a valuable skill at the O Club.
The purpose of dismantling and assembling guns is to train soldiers to maintain and maintain guns.
Most kids in texas can do the same, while drunk and having earplugs in addition to a blindfold, same goes for gangbangers.
Most kids in texas can do the same, while drunk and having earplugs in addition to a blindfold, same goes for gangbangers.

That is a very common training and competition subject in the army and police.

It's just that our "PDF THINK TANK: ANALYST" don't know that.

US Marines and Romanian Soldier

Indian soldiers

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