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Salman Rushdie stabbed in New York. - Just in.

Not entirely true. When the USA came to Iraq (for wrong reasons and lies), Iraqis started killing each other. When USA came to Afghanistan (they shouldn’t have done that), Afghans continued killing each other.
When the US and it’s proxy Saudi Arabia entered the war in Yemen, Muslims (Iran vs Saudi Arabia) started killing each other on a massive scale.

So it wasn’t the USA that killed most Muslims. Muslims started or increased killing Muslims. On behalf of the USA. With American weapons. Paid by Muslims (in case of Saudi Arabia)

It’s an unconvenient truth maybe, but America didn’t kill millions of Muslims. Muslims did. Because for a part they wanted to please the USA. Or they wanted to avenge what happened in the past.
The lies Americans tell themselves lmao.
Not entirely true. When the USA came to Iraq (for wrong reasons and lies), Iraqis started killing each other. When USA came to Afghanistan (they shouldn’t have done that), Afghans continued killing each other.
When the US and it’s proxy Saudi Arabia entered the war in Yemen, Muslims (Iran vs Saudi Arabia) started killing each other on a massive scale.

So it wasn’t the USA that killed most Muslims. Muslims started or increased killing Muslims. On behalf of the USA. With American weapons. Paid by Muslims (in case of Saudi Arabia)

It’s an unconvenient truth maybe, but America didn’t kill millions of Muslims. Muslims did. Because for a part they wanted to please the USA. Or they wanted to avenge what happened in the past.

Sure sure. That is about truthful as the americans claiming that Iraq had WMD tha tcould destroy europe in 30 mins......... :disagree:
Not entirely true. When the USA came to Iraq (for wrong reasons and lies), Iraqis started killing each other. When USA came to Afghanistan (they shouldn’t have done that), Afghans continued killing each other.

As per international law it's an occupation power's duty to ensure civil peace in the occupied territories. If they're unfit for the job, they ought not have proceeded with military occupation. It was the US / NATO wars and the methodical destruction of state institutions which plunged these nations into utter chaos. And societal chaos by definition is conducive to civil strife.

Also it's not as if deliberate engineering and stoking of inter-communal clashes has not been part of the US regime's agenda for West Asia. In Iraq, any and all such violence was triggered by the 2006 bombing of the Al-Askari shrine holy to Shia Muslim at the hands of the "Islamic" State in Iraq grouplet, one of whose leaders, Al-Baghdadi, had been briefly detained and then promptly released by US occupation forces in 2004. In Afghanistan the more accurate description would be, NATO armed and trained Muslims (the Afghan army) to kill other Muslims.

In any case the overarching, main party responsible remains the US regime. Politically, legally and morally.
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The REAL barbarity is from the americans who have murdered over 3 million Muslims globally over the past 21 years. Yet they are championed, feted and praised for it. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Why do the americans have a free pass for mass-murder yet Muslims need collective punishment for injuring only one person?

Then don't chat sh*t.

Youll never find a white western admit killing millions of muslims is barbaric. Its too much to bare for his own pride. Too consumed by decades and centuries of propaganda where of course rest of the colored world is barbaric and the white man is the civilizing saviour.

There is this line of thinking in a significant portion of white people, men and women alike. Its bubbling under the surface.
Thats why I say “for the wrong reasons and lies”

So killing millions of iraqis and facilitating their murder over lies is okay because it is being done by americans?............. :disagree::


What ever. Pigs fly. Before this Indian criminal Rushdie ever stepped in any court

Nations have gone to war defend their interests, no difference in our case here “ do not insult our faith”

Simple don’t don’t do this is that so hard for people to follow.

It's pointless talking to people who think they have right to murder anyone on basis of religion. I don't even think it's worth having a discussions with religious bigots.
As for Rushdie, he was disliked in India as well because he was against hindu nationalism/extremism. Maybe you should read more and blurt less.

Not entirely true. When the USA came to Iraq (for wrong reasons and lies), Iraqis started killing each other. When USA came to Afghanistan (they shouldn’t have done that), Afghans continued killing each other.
When the US and it’s proxy Saudi Arabia entered the war in Yemen, Muslims (Iran vs Saudi Arabia) started killing each other on a massive scale.

So it wasn’t the USA that killed most Muslims. Muslims started or increased killing Muslims. On behalf of the USA. With American weapons. Paid by Muslims (in case of Saudi Arabia)

It’s an unconvenient truth maybe, but America didn’t kill millions of Muslims. Muslims did. Because for a part they wanted to please the USA. Or they wanted to avenge what happened in the past.

That was some twisted rewriting of one of the most well documented wars in recent history.

Was Iraq a stable prosperous state before US invasion or not. Was Libya Africas most crime free and well functioning welfare state or not?

How barbaric and grusome one have to be to destroy lives of tens of millions of inncoent people, in order to please some Oil company bosses.

China meanwhile became worlds largest economy without invading a single country. Proving that its China and not the white man who is the real civillized.
Simple: DO NOT insult our Prophet(pbuh)….. its that simple.

If you can’t do that, well, don’t blame me cuz you’re then picking beef with Almighty God himself…..u gonna win that? Lolz
So killing millions of iraqis and facilitating their murder over lies is okay because it is being done by americans?............. :disagree::

I think you have difficulties reading. Where did I say it’s okay? I think nowhere.

That was some twisted rewriting of one of the most well documented wars in recent history.

Was Iraq a stable prosperous state before US invasion or not. Was Libya Africas most crime free and well functioning welfare state or not?

How barbaric and grusome one have to be to destroy lives of tens of millions of inncoent people, in order to please some Oil company bosses.

China meanwhile became worlds largest economy without invading a single country. Proving that its China and not the white man who is the real civillized.
Millions of Uyghurs will totally agree….
Pakistani and Iranian people oversees are well educated and affluent and their loss will hit their country.

Yet, find a single practicing Muslim who has a high position in US. Zilch.

All important federal reserve and central bank jobs are for whites or Jews and you are antisemite if you say that.

Occasional non Muslim Indians get into high ranks as well but never a Muslim Indian.
Examples of Kashgari in federal reserve as a non Muslim Kashmiri. They are practicing Hinduism at the same time. Yet they get a job.
Pakistani and Iranian people oversees are well educated and affluent and their loss will hit their country.

Yet, find a single practicing Muslim who has a high position in US. Zilch.

All important federal reserve and central bank jobs are for whites or Jews and you are antisemite if you say that.

Occasional non Muslim Indians get into high ranks as well but never a Muslim Indian.
Examples of Kashgari in federal reserve as a non Muslim Kashmiri. They are practicing Hinduism at the same time. Yet they get a job.
Zalmay Khalilzad was quite succesful (although that’s the only one that comes to mind at the moment)

Plus Rashida Thlaib and Ilhan Omar in Congress
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