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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

I don't Trust any institute in Pakistan until elections are called

Option A:
My suggestion to people is "stop working" and stop going to jobs
Full No Cooperation Movement
Let economy Tank

With Absentees in all Jobs

Option B
Alternative is a Long term 2nd Jalsa in 6 days
Block all Commerce

Lock Down Streets till election

There is no emergency situation to accept a Choor and Murderer PM as our leader

It is insult to post of PM

Cherry Blossom became PM with bogus No Confidence Movement based on illegal member manipulation , which is illegal

The Criminals were given power by Courts , a illegal act again

CM of Punjab was setup with illegal vote
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After watching all those scenes of brutality with our eyes in the heart of Pakistan! No it's not some far remote area of Northern Tribal belt or Balochistan, it's all been done in metropolitan cities in the heart of Pakistan for multiple days and nights! None of the people are even armed with the wooden sticks, they are with their families and kids helpless, bare handed.

Now plz let me know how our youth or those little kids would defend or positively deny the brutality of state they are accused of carrying out in East Pakistan of gang rapes and genocides by our "brave" forces. How would people distinguish them from the Israeli and Indian occupiers in Palestine and Kashmir? I think the state has lost its moral legitimacy in the public. Now the complaining Balochis and Pashtoons would be felt closer to the heart of those people than any uniformed occupier!

What kind ISPR would you now need to deny those recorded facts that would keep coming back to haunt you for decades! They have lost the faith of the only masses of the public which blindly stood by them and defended their legitimacy whatsoever!

If a state looses the faith of it's public, then no amount of armor or firepower can protect the state and their corrupt leaders.

To mitigate these adverse effects, I suggest Supreme Court should put the current PM, CM and Federal Cabinet in jail, announce elections to be held within 2 months. Army Chief should address the public on media now, apologizing for what happened to the public and announcing his early retirement just after the successful organization of upcoming transparent free and fair elections. If they don't then this state is just 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 state with 0 legitimacy or moral strength.
He is saying that next time he will come prepared. That's some sinister messaging.
Yeah I have heard rumors(I hope these are false rumors, I hope to God) of militant wing of PTI Punjab after what police did with PTI in Punjab, they are thinking along these lines

We don't need this shit in Punjab, they'll turn Punjab into a shit hole too
If anyone cares for well being of Punjab they should stop this- politcs aside this will ruin our society

What were they expecting when they raided people's homes in the middle of the night harassing women and children.
Yeah this is what I was saying
State Acts like brutes, you can't expect them to lay down, they have right to defend themselves
So they'll do that- you pushed people

But all in all our society will suffer - lanat on mofo Rana sanaullah
mera nahi khyal in k andar itna pani ha k aslaha uthaye. Only religious fanatics have the balls for that.
MQM says hi...
Like I said we didn't experience it as much, but they're introducing culture of political violence on another level - that'll dramatically change our society for the worst

So that's why I hope it doesn't happen and Rana sanaullah gets taken care for in other ways... Wink wink

But when I saw what thugs were doing to regular people it was making my blood boil, wanted to pick up a weapon myself and take of these mofos

So I know where they're coming from but I also know thisll destroy our society
i see IK as that uniting force the only leader that every ethnicity sect group whatever stupid divide province follows someone who is clean even before he was forced out IK united people and i am saying from personal experience specially after attending dharnas and march i see not one group of people i see every group standing together united also groups from different economic background and that seemed impossible in Karachi trust me impossible!

so how is this wardi mafia any better its like a country has a political setup but army is the militant wing that has some good on war front so now they want to dictate how the country run! how is that good!

In Ajk I remember during PPP, PmlN time people were Kashmiri nationalist due to issues with Punjab and Punjab elite but since Pti came so many youths are loving Pakistan and chanting Pakistan zindabad slogans. In another words they are willing to forgive issues with Punjab and unite as Pakistanis.
I always thought what a master plan by establishment for working with Pti to unite Pakistanis but the same establishment then removed Pti. So its all confusing now.

The people of Pakistan want to unite but when those at the power seat play dirty politics, discriminate, pick on the weak then smaller provinces use ethnicity nationalism to counter, they say we need to care about our people, those in different provinces don't care for us etc.
Self defense is mandatory

a) Gandasa/Stick
b) Hockey stick
c) Small Arms with License

People attending jalsa is 3 million people

3,000,000 People vs Police force 4,000 and few thousand neutrals

If Elections are not called in 6 days there will be a No cooperation , movement

And if any illegal violence is done by Rana Sana , then unfortunately Self defense will be needed by Pakistani Citizens

An implanted Government will not be accepted

The public will use punches and kicks on defenders of corrupt
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