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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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With 200K soldiers Russians won't be able to control Kyiv let alone whole of Ukraine. Russian strategy is weird unless this is just the start of a long term plan.
Russian strategy isn't occupation. Their plan is to cause damage and force negations with Ukraine to agree to never join NATO. 200k soldiers is more then enough.
It's called international trade, something you know very little about these days.
Sure. When I was active duty back in the Cold War yrs, it was genuinely called 'trade' between the Warsaw Pact countries as well. :enjoy:
Unfortunately, the Ukrainians stumbled onto this when they started having NATO connections and exercises. They should have seen this coming but were thinking NATO exercises meant NATO presence when even NATO knows Russian red lines. However, as @Joe Shearer pointed out it may well be a 20 year policy to end the last remnants of the Soviet Union by baiting Russia into such moves.
It is difficult to see Russia coming out of her forthcoming decline. Whatever science and technology she had inherited from the old Soviet Union, their remarkable achievements in archaeology, their attention to medicine for the masses, their attention to metropolitan transport, all are headed for a slow decline. What a shame!
Good afternoon,

Stealing myself away from work to type this. What we know so far:
  • Kyiv announces air raid alert
  • The mayor of Rivne has reported a missile strike on the city's airport.
  • A Reuters witness has reported sirens are going off over Lviv in western Ukraine.
  • 137 Ukrainians have been killed since 0300 UTC yesterday
  • 120,000 people have been displaced (left Ukraine) - UNHCR
  • Russian forces are less than 20 miles away from Kiev
  • Russia first targeted key military infrastructure sites such as airfields and radar bases before advancing on multiple fronts with ground and airborne troops
  • Russia resumed air strikes at 0400 local time
  • International Criminal Court says it will investigate any war crime in Ukraine

Ukrainian troops are defending their positions on four fronts

Wreckage of a military aircraft in the capital:



Building on fire after a missile strike in Kiev

US Air Force plane receives fuel over Poland​


USAF Refuelers in the region


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With US and European interference Ukraine will end up like Syria, a battle ground for testing the latest weapons and strategies and outflux of millions of refugees. Poor Ukraine became a sacrificed Pawn , sacrificed by the west for their own interests and to take war to the Russian front. Ukrainians were Russian one day, renegades the next day and today enemies of Russia. Thanks to greedy politicians the civilians will suffer immensely. The UN needs to come down heavily on the war mongers, the bringers of chaos and negotiate peace before huge calamity befalls the Ukrainian civilians. It is freezing cold there and if the war escalates Ukrainian food , water and heating could rapidly start dwindling causing untold suffering.
Russian strategy isn't occupation. Their plan is to cause damage and force negations with Ukraine to agree to never join NATO. 200k soldiers is more then enough.
Yeah sure...

From 'Not Us' To 'Why Hide It?': How Russia Denied Its Crimea Invasion, Then Admitted It​

In the darkness of the morning on February 27, 2014, heavily armed men wearing green uniforms with no identifying insignia stormed the regional parliament in Simferopol, the capital of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, and raised the Russian flag atop the building.

The seizure came a day after pro- and anti-Russian protesters had clashed outside the building over the future of the peninsula following the ouster of Kremlin-friendly Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who had fled Kyiv days earlier. And it was just the beginning.

As masked commandos in similar garb fanned out across the peninsula over the next two weeks, surrounding Ukrainian military bases and taking control of other strategic facilities, it was clear to many on the ground that they were Russian military. One of the soldiers said as much on camera.

But despite clear indications that Moscow had dispatched these forces -- or "little green men," as they came to be widely known -- Russia embarked on a campaign of denials and obfuscations about their provenance and role in helping cement Moscow's annexation of Crimea in March 2014.

Russia described them as "self-defense units" created by locals concerned about alleged threats against Crimea's Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian ultranationalists.
Nothing To See Here

A day after the seizure of the Crimean parliament and the regional government headquarters, masked Russian soldiers took control of the Simferopol airport. One woman in the crowd appeared certain about their nationality, yelling "Russia, Russia!" as a group of commandos loaded their weapons and equipment into a military truck.

But the same day, Russia's ambassador to the European Union told Euronews that the troops at the airport were not Russian. "There are no troops whatsoever, no Russian troops at least," Vladimir Chizhov said.

Days later, during his first public comments on the events in Crimea, Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked directly whether Russian troops were blockading Ukrainian soldiers inside their bases on the peninsula.

Despite the clear evidence of Russian soldiers' role in these blockades over the previous days, Putin replied: "Those were local self-defense units."

The Bloomberg reporter who asked the question noted that the armed men wore "uniforms strongly resembling Russian Army uniforms."

Putin responded: "Take a look at the post-Soviet states. There are many uniforms there that are similar. You can go to a store and buy any kind of uniform."

In high-stakes meeting, Russia tells U.S. it isn't planning to invade Ukraine​

Top U.S. and Russian diplomats said they had constructive talks Monday in Geneva, but they did not achieve a breakthrough in their attempt to defuse tensions regarding the Russian troop buildup on the Ukraine-Russia border.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov emerged from the nearly eight hours of talks and declared, "There are no plans or intentions to attack Ukraine." He went on to say, "There is no reason to fear some kind of escalatory scenario."
DDOS Strikes have taken our several hundred Ukrainian government and affiliated websites, in addition a massive DDOS attack has targeted the OSINT search engine Intelx.io which is now showing bad gateway.


Russia-Ukraine War: 500 Indian Students Stuck In Hostel Basement In Ukraine's Kharkiv

Both Pakistani and Indian students are taking refuge in the hallway of a underground train station in Kiev:

It is difficult to see Russia coming out of her forthcoming decline. Whatever science and technology she had inherited from the old Soviet Union, their remarkable achievements in archaeology, their attention to medicine for the masses, their attention to metropolitan transport, all are headed for a slow decline. What a shame!
Failure to diversify has been their problem even though their software industry made huge strides they either relocated to the US or were gobbled up by competition. Its the same reason the Saudis are sinking 1/3rd if their reserves into getting away from oil.
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