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Boycott The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics? Just Do It!

First of all, the bats that most closely resemble the virus dna are from Laos not China. The similarity is only 96% which shows extraordinary divergence. Any lab can get a hold of this virus dna and manipulate the difference in dna.

How is it Chinese propaganda when the case figures from other East Asian countries are far lower than the west? This shows China is not the source.

China was just competent enough to identify the strain as a new disease unlike many other countries that noted a sudden spike in pneumonia cases.

Also quite interestingly, the CIA was aware that covid was present in Wuhan weeks before China found out. Pretty interesting isn’t it.

Well china was hiding information and not sharing virus details. Infact sending falls information to mislead the world. WHO was not happy about it and wanted to investigate the virus origin. Can you give me the reason, why china was reluctant for WHO investigations.
China allowed WHO to come to Wuhan twice , what China is not happy about is being the only country being investigated, we believe US and India should also accept WHO investigation.
WHO sent several teams and investigated China thoroughly, but US had virus weeks before Wuhan outbreak, why US doesn't accept WHO investigation?

4 months after the investigation started. Enough time to erase all data.
After coming out of negative growth, only 7%?
I remember a few days ago, Indian PDF members said that India will grow by 20% in 2021?

There is no country in EU with such low living standards as China. How often did you travel Australia, New Caledonia or Peru? I'm in my early 20th and do all this. In 2 weeks egypt. Next year antarctica cruise.
Well china was hiding information and not sharing virus details. Infact sending falls information to mislead the world. WHO was not happy about it and wanted to investigate the virus origin. Can you give me the reason, why china was reluctant for WHO investigations.
Hmm China was hiding the spread of this virus? But somehow it was easily contained in Wuhan without spreading widely to other provinces or other East Asian countries. If you don’t believe Chinese data, the data from surrounding countries corroborates this fact.

It is almost like some foreign entity planted this virus in Wuhan. A virus that was already spreading widely elsewhere. Then they immediately pushed a premeditated political program worldwide.
There is no country in EU with such low living standards as China. How often did you travel Australia, New Caledonia or Peru? I'm in my early 20th and do all this. In 2 weeks egypt. Next year antarctica cruise.

China's per capita GDP is indeed lower than that of Greece, but the gap is not large. And China is the origin of all goods, so everything is cheap in China. Coupled with the first-class infrastructure and perfect welfare, I really don't think the life of the Greeks can be better than that of China.

In 2019, 670 million Chinese people traveled abroad. Haven't you seen Chinese tourists in Greece? Oh, that's right. Chinese people usually choose France when they go to the EU, and few people will pay attention to Greece.

BTW: I'm a cemented carbide foreign trade manager. I suggest you don't compare the number of going abroad with me. Of course, I'm not interested in comparing it with a little Greek boy.
China's per capita GDP is indeed lower than that of Greece, but the gap is not large. And China is the origin of all goods, so everything is cheap in China. Coupled with the first-class infrastructure and perfect welfare, I really don't think the life of the Greeks can be better than that of China.

In 2019, 670 million Chinese people traveled abroad. Haven't you seen Chinese tourists in Greece? Oh, that's right. Chinese people usually choose France when they go to the EU, and few people will pay attention to Greece.

BTW: I'm a cemented carbide foreign trade manager. I suggest you don't compare the number of going abroad with me. Of course, I'm not interested in comparing it with a little Greek boy.
China’s nominal GDP is kept low because the RMB is kept at a lower devaluation in order to keep China’s exports competitive. The PPP figures are more indicative of China’s actual state of development. China already has the world’s largest economy by far, this can easily be ascertained by industrial production figures and consumer market figures. China dwarfs the US in most areas. If someone thinks China’s nominal gdp is a true indicator of China’s overall development then China should be comparable to Mexico. But anybody who has been to both countries can attest that China and Latin America are two completely different universes in terms of modernity and wealth.

China’s infrastructure and modernity is on another level compared to Europe, which is very stagnant and living on legacy. Greece is among the poorest in the EU and it is a tiny country whose economy is strongly dependent on tourism, it is absurd to compare it to China which is a technological colossus.
China's per capita GDP is indeed lower than that of Greece, but the gap is not large. And China is the origin of all goods, so everything is cheap in China. Coupled with the first-class infrastructure and perfect welfare, I really don't think the life of the Greeks can be better than that of China.

In 2019, 670 million Chinese people traveled abroad. Haven't you seen Chinese tourists in Greece? Oh, that's right. Chinese people usually choose France when they go to the EU, and few people will pay attention to Greece.

BTW: I'm a cemented carbide foreign trade manager. I suggest you don't compare the number of going abroad with me. Of course, I'm not interested in comparing it with a little Greek boy.

It's these trash and suburban bumpkins that make me laugh the most.

They think their little world is everything when they're just 井底之蛙. They have the audacity to brag about going abroad or having a yard as if these were some huge achievements.

Yes, to them it is indeed an achievement, but that is also true for someone in a wheelchair being able to walk again or a homeless man finding a job and shelter. The difference is the man in the wheelchair or the homeless man won't brag about it.
It's these trash and suburban bumpkins that make me laugh the most.

They think their little world is everything when they're just 井底之蛙. They have the audacity to brag about going abroad or having a yard as if these were some huge achievements.

Yes, to them it is indeed an achievement, but that is also true for someone in a wheelchair being able to walk again or a homeless man finding a job and shelter. The difference is the man in the wheelchair or the homeless man won't brag about it.
He thinks he’s seen the world because he’s been to Peru lol
China is the most important country to see if you want to know what the future will be like yet because he is ideologically brainwashed, he will refuse to see it. Lmao what an ignorant bumpkin.
China’s nominal GDP is kept low because the RMB is kept at a lower devaluation in order to keep China’s exports competitive. The PPP figures are more indicative of China’s actual state of development. China already has the world’s largest economy by far, this can easily be ascertained by industrial production figures and consumer market figures. China dwarfs the US in most areas. If someone thinks China’s nominal gdp is a true indicator of China’s overall development then China should be comparable to Mexico. But anybody who has been to both countries can attest that China and Latin America are two completely different universes in terms of modernity and wealth.

China’s infrastructure and modernity is on another level compared to Europe, which is very stagnant and living on legacy. Greece is among the poorest in the EU and it is a tiny country whose economy is strongly dependent on tourism, it is absurd to compare it to China which is a technological colossus.
Greece should not be the poorest country in the EU.
I remember that Bulgaria's per capita GDP is lower than China's poorest Guizhou Province. Bulgaria should be the poorest country in the EU.
A few days ago, Chinese media predicted that China's per capita GDP would exceed that of Romania in 2021, so Romania's per capita GDP should also be lower than that of Greece.
I think Greece is the third poorest country in the EU.
Of course, this is just my personal guess. I am not interested in Google's per capita GDP data of all EU countries to confirm that.
China's per capita GDP is indeed lower than that of Greece, but the gap is not large. And China is the origin of all goods, so everything is cheap in China. Coupled with the first-class infrastructure and perfect welfare, I really don't think the life of the Greeks can be better than that of China.

In 2019, 670 million Chinese people traveled abroad. Haven't you seen Chinese tourists in Greece? Oh, that's right. Chinese people usually choose France when they go to the EU, and few people will pay attention to Greece.

BTW: I'm a cemented carbide foreign trade manager. I suggest you don't compare the number of going abroad with me. Of course, I'm not interested in comparing it with a little Greek boy.

Well the little Greek boy gets each month 4920€ from his parents. Let me calculate in your money ...

35229 yuan. I cant complain.

As for tourism, chinese guests are not very popular in most destinations. Most never left china before and have no good habits.

Greece on other side is booming in tourism.

We lost tourism during Corona, something we blame China for btw.

Its quite interesting though. China does alot in PR here in Greece to polish its image. It all backfired.
He thinks he’s seen the world because he’s been to Peru lol
China is the most important country to see if you want to know what the future will be like yet because he is ideologically brainwashed, he will refuse to see it. Lmao what an ignorant bumpkin.

If China is the future, faceless and soulless planned cities where people live like insects, then i prefer the past.

On a sidenote, China offers nothing that im interested in.

I was in Australia for the wildlife, in New Caledonia as well. Egypt, because i love mediterranean history. Greece and Egypt share much history. I visited Peru to see the Inka culture, cloud forests around it and Chile for the Atacama. Next year Antarctica. I have zero interest in cities or shit like that.
That circus is rubbish anyways. Olympic games should always be at the same place and not travel around world. That place is Olympia, nowhere else.

Considering that Covid comes from China im more worried what comes out of there.

Not to worry about my supa power friend, am sure you are still alive thanks to the Chinese supplied Oxygen or vaccines or materials made by the China, one or the other way. You should be more worried about the fascist Modi whose incompetence and hunger for the power election rallies ended up spreading more Covid. Those rallies in turn led to 100 of 1000's deaths of biblical proportions which the world have never seen before. Am sure you cannot deny not seeing those floating human bodies in the Ganges waters and on the banks lieing unburied so perhaps you should show concern about your fascist leader.
Big deal, you didn't earn that money, you were given it. That is 5x more than what most Greeks earn per month in salary.


Tell another Greek on the street how much money you are given, I'd love to see if you have the courage.

Yes, people have different income. Each person is different. My father is a public government employee, my mother as well. So my family has good income. We also own land that we rent to agriculture.
Not to worry about my supa power friend, am sure you are still alive thanks to the Chinese supplied Oxygen or vaccines or materials made by the China, one or the other way. You should be more worried about the fascist Modi whose incompetence and hunger for the power election rallies ended up spreading more Covid. Those rallies in turn led to 100 of 1000's deaths of biblical proportions which the world have never seen before. Am sure you cannot deny not seeing those floating human bodies in the Ganges waters and on the banks lieing unburied so perhaps you should show concern about your fascist leader.

I'm vaccinated with Moderna. We dont use chinese vaccines in EU countries much. We have biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca.
Yes, people have different income. Each person is different. My father is a public government employee, my mother as well. So my family has good income. We also own land that we rent to agriculture.

This guy talks sometimes as if he has never exited his country which by the way is riddled with poverty.. Yes Greece has collapsed economically just recently but now that being said..

He was the same fool thinking that the greeks have better strandard of living than the Turks? Why you gotta lie like that bruh

When He have than disapproved that the Turks have better per capita on individual level, better infras, bigger economy, more tourists and above all more millionaires and high income folks on average he fled the scene.. This guy lives in a bubble.

He has no Idea that only Shenzen has better economy than the back water called Greece..

Have you ever seen Shenzen before... Try to get out in the world.. The Greeks will never be able to build such city come even the next 1000 years....
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If China is the future, faceless and soulless planned cities where people live like insects, then i prefer the past.

On a sidenote, China offers nothing that im interested in.

I was in Australia for the wildlife, in New Caledonia as well. Egypt, because i love mediterranean history. Greece and Egypt share much history. I visited Peru to see the Inka culture, cloud forests around it and Chile for the Atacama. Next year Antarctica. I have zero interest in cities or shit like that.
That’s your idea of China which does not reflect reality. China has some of the most amazing and well preserved and largest expanses of wild areas in the world.
Yes, people have different income. Each person is different. My father is a public government employee, my mother as well. So my family has good income. We also own land that we rent to agriculture.

I'm vaccinated with Moderna. We dont use chinese vaccines in EU countries much. We have biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca.
This is just one of China’s national parks. Sanjiangyuan national park which is 123,000 sq km. Greece is 50,000 sq km.

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