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Have you found that Apollo likes to show off: "Greece's per capita GDP is 17000 + US dollars blablabla" and "we EU blablabla".
Psychology tells us that showing off is a manifestation of psychological activities. What a person shows off is actually what he desires and what he lacks.
Apollo's behavior tells us that the living conditions of the Greeks are not good. He couldn't find any superiority except for skin color, or except the color of skin recognized by Anglo Saxon.
He doesn't always believe Americans, he's just afraid that he will lose his final sense of superiority after the collapse of the western world.
I don't have Google, but by observing Apollo, if I'm right, Greece's economic situation should be very bad now, probably in recession. So the Greeks are becoming more and more extreme and right-wing.
He doesn't look unconfident. Democracy has become a religion to people like him. He is a religious fanatic. Very confident and stubborn. He believes he is a missionary and we are the jungle aboriginals waiting for his preach. Or he is a jihadist and we are the kafirs. There is nothing good for kafirs. Not even a word is worth listening to.
Sure i can.
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Not a bioweapon, just incompetence. Experts critisizing the wuhan lab since years for its bad security
Then why was the virus far more widespread outside China even prior to any cases in Wuhan? Why was it easy to isolate in east Asia while elderly in rural America with no ties to China at all were dying of it very early on?
Then why was the virus far more widespread outside China even prior to any cases in Wuhan? Why was it easy to isolate in east Asia while elderly in rural America with no ties to China at all were dying of it very early on?

Numbers from communist party... seriously? It ravages through China till day one.
Numbers from communist party... seriously? It ravages through China till day one.
Use your brain. Even if you think China made up the numbers, if it started in China, it should have been more widespread in the neighboring East Asian countries. But cases were few in those countries and easily isolated. Instead it was already widespread in Europe, the USA and Latin America in 2019. Elderly people in rural America were dying from it in 2019. You think these places have any ties with China?
Use your brain. Even if you think China made up the numbers, if it started in China, it should have been more widespread in the neighboring East Asian countries. But cases were few in those countries and easily isolated. Instead it was already widespread in Europe, the USA and Latin America in 2019. Elderly people in rural America were dying from it in 2019. You think these places have any ties with China?

Chinese propaganda. Care to explain why it resembles a virus found in chinese bats in remote chinese forests? Did such a bat fly to Europe? First cases in Europe were in february, march 2020.
Then why was the virus far more widespread outside China even prior to any cases in Wuhan? Why was it easy to isolate in east Asia while elderly in rural America with no ties to China at all were dying of it very early on?
If that is the case, why china was moaning, screaming and reluctant to allow WHO investigators. Can you give the reason?
Chinese propaganda. Care to explain why it resembles a virus found in chinese bats in remote chinese forests? Did such a bat fly to Europe? First cases in Europe were in february, march 2020.
Those are similar viruses but not the same, mainly found in south east Asian countries like Cambodia and Laos

The earliest Covid sample was found in Spain in March 2019, over half a year before Wuhan outbreak
Chinese propaganda. Care to explain why it resembles a virus found in chinese bats in remote chinese forests? Did such a bat fly to Europe? First cases in Europe were in february, march 2020.
Check this news from US. Please notice the news date. It's July 11, 2019. The place is very close to Detrick biological laboratory

By the way. I'm still waiting for you to give a piece of the fake news from China.
If that is the case, why china was moaning, screaming and reluctant to allow WHO investigators. Can you give the reason?
China allowed WHO to come to Wuhan twice , what China is not happy about is being the only country being investigated, we believe US and India should also accept WHO investigation.
WHO sent several teams and investigated China thoroughly, but US had virus weeks before Wuhan outbreak, why US doesn't accept WHO investigation?

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China allowed WHO to come to Wuhan twice , but China is not happy that being the only country being investigated, we believe US and India should also accept WHO investigation.
Well, It is just common sense(don't need high IQ). First Covid case was reported in Wuhan China. It is obvious to look at that place first. If WHO feels/wants investigate India/USA, they can request it. Do you know, Covid -19 is called Wuhan virus for that reason.
Well, It is just common sense(don't need high IQ). First Covid case was reported in Wuhan China. It is obvious to look at that place first. If WHO feels/wants investigate India/USA, they can request it. Do you know, Covid -19 is called Wuhan virus for that reason.
You can call that virus any names, but it has just one official name, covid-19, just like Delta variant is not called Indian variant, and does you common sense tell you how should you explain that Spain found the virus sample over half year before Wuhan and even US found the virus weeks before Wuhan?
You can call that virus any names, but it has just one official name, covid-19, does you common sense tell you how should you explain that Spain found the virus sample over half year before Wuhan and even US found the virus weeks before Wuhan?
Well, China could have allowed WHO investors without moaning and complaining. After investigations, china could suggest WHO to find other places if they don't find anything in WUHAN lab. I believe this is basic understanding, does not need so called High IQ for it.
Chinese propaganda. Care to explain why it resembles a virus found in chinese bats in remote chinese forests? Did such a bat fly to Europe? First cases in Europe were in february, march 2020.
First of all, the bats that most closely resemble the virus dna are from Laos not China. The similarity is only 96% which shows extraordinary divergence. Any lab can get a hold of this virus dna and manipulate the difference in dna.

How is it Chinese propaganda when the case figures from other East Asian countries are far lower than the west? This shows China is not the source.
Well, It is just common sense(don't need high IQ). First Covid case was reported in Wuhan China. It is obvious to look at that place first. If WHO feels/wants investigate India/USA, they can request it. Do you know, Covid -19 is called Wuhan virus for that reason.
China was just competent enough to identify the strain as a new disease unlike many other countries that noted a sudden spike in pneumonia cases.

Also quite interestingly, the CIA was aware that covid was present in Wuhan weeks before China found out. Pretty interesting isn’t it.
Well, It is just common sense(don't need high IQ). First Covid case was reported in Wuhan China. It is obvious to look at that place first. If WHO feels/wants investigate India/USA, they can request it. Do you know, Covid -19 is called Wuhan virus for that reason.
Actually it's not common sense. Spanish flu was firstly found in Spain but it was originated from US. HIV was firstly found in US but it was originated from Africa.
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