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"We are a naval nation" Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu

A few days ago,at the celebrations for the 800 years from the conquest of Alanya by the Seljuks,Turkish FM Mevlut Cavusoglu mentioned that Turkey is a nation of sailors or naval nation.

This rhetoric has been heard again in the last few years. That sounded a bit like Indians saying "We are a nation of airmen".

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Now,I knew that Turks were historically NOT a nation of sailors. Sure they had a big navy during the late 15th to late 19th century,but I had to check the naval battle history of the Ottoman Empire:

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Damn....Russia has always been Turkeys nemensis for centuries. They fought so many wars. One can argue that Russia was one of the main countries responsible for the ottoman empires decline
Damn....Russia has always been Turkeys nemensis for centuries. They fought so many wars. One can argue that Russia was one of the main countries responsible for the ottoman empires decline

smart British and Jews had no power to fight against the Ottoman Empire

therefore Russians were used as pawns by smart British and Jews to fight against the Turks
puppet Russians died in wars against the Turks ,and Russians took nothing
on the other hand smart British and Jews took Jerusalem,Egypt,İraq,Arabian Peninsula ,etc

after 1750 Europe+Russia+İran all together attacked on the Ottoman Empire from 3 sides
also traitors from inside

Ottoman Empire made mistake
it was necessary first to attack on Russia in 1683 to wipe out Russians
one on one weak Russians were nothing against super power Ottoman Empire in the 15th 16th centuries
even our Crimean Tatars and Golden Horde ruled Russians

but Ottoman Empire always attacked on Europe
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smart British and Jews had no power to fight against the Ottoman Empire

therefore Russians were used as pawns by smart British and Jews to fight against the Turks
puppet Russians died in wars against the Turks ,and Russians took nothing
on the other hand smart British and Jews took Jerusalem,Egypt,İraq,Arabian Peninsula ,etc

after 1750 Europe+Russia+İran all together attacked on the Ottoman Empire from 3 sides
also traitors from inside

today same senario smart America-İsrael-British use Russians for their plans in Syria against Turkiye
pawns are always pawns ( Russians ) and masters are always masters ( British-İsrael )
Yes yes,everyone is a pawn against Turkey,but Turkey is never a pawn. Sure! Lol!

Everytime a country smashes Turkish arrogance and expansionism,you go like "Oh they are pawns". AHAHAHAHAHA!
Yes yes,everyone is a pawn against Turkey,but Turkey is never a pawn. Sure! Lol!

Everytime a country smashes Turkish arrogance and expansionism,you go like "Oh they are pawns". AHAHAHAHAHA!

Yes Russians were used as pawns by smart British and Jews to fight against the Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire always attacked on Europe
Ottoman Empire did not attack on Russia
for what Russians fought many times against the Turks ? for what ?
Russians didn't take anything .... pathetic Russians died in wars .. nothing else

and smart British-Jews took Jerusalem,Egypt,İraq,Arabian Peninsula ,etc from the Ottoman Empire

and after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire , USA,UK,France,İsrael,İran,Russia killed millions of Arabs in Algeria,Libya,Egypt,Palestine,İraq and Syria

pathetic Arabs ... enjoy with christian expansionism
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@vostok Care to tell this wanker here a word or two?
Seems he's a bot. The way he comments on here always follow a certain pattern . Sometimes he just copies paste and edit/changes some sentences in between. He's a weird one . Even Turkish nationalists on here usually keep away from him and his weird comments, that's what I have notice. Lol 🤣

Plus he's saying Russia took no Land from ottoman Turkey. This dude doesn't even seem to know his own country's history 😅🤣
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Seems he's a bot. The way he comments on here always follow a certain pattern . Sometimes he just copies paste and edit/changes some sentences in between. He's a weird one . Even Turkish nationalists on here usually keep away from him and his weird comments, that's what I have notice. Lol 🤣

Plus he's saying Russia took no Land from ottoman Turkey. This dude doesn't doesn't seem to know his own countrys historique. 😅🤣
He always does that. He has a list of phrases and uses them in every thread. Sometimes dozens of times in a thread. He posts the same things again and again,trying to convince others with the same words. If you check other posts of his (when he's not posting long lists of Turkish future projects or imaginary superweapons) he constantly rumbles on the same things with arrogance and boasting. After a while it becomes brain-washing. Now many of us know what he'll say. Phrases like "Nobody can defeat regional superpower Turkiye" or "Even France+Greece+Egypt+Israel can't compare with Turkiye" or "Bandit countries try to steal EEZ from Turkiye but ERDOGAN put them in their place FETO/YPG/PKK/Haftar"

Of course if you present him with evidence,history and facts like in this thread for example,he will ignore it and go back to the same words. In the end he calls everyone who tries to correct him,a "liar,hypocrite" and "ignorant".
Seems he's a bot. The way he comments on here always follow a certain pattern . Sometimes he just copies paste and edit/changes some sentences in between. He's a weird one . Even Turkish nationalists on here usually keep away from him and his weird comments, that's what I have notice. Lol 🤣

Plus he's saying Russia took no Land from ottoman Turkey. This dude doesn't even seem to know his own countrys historique. 😅🤣

My Turk history 10 times greater than British , French , Russian history

-- TURKS beat British+French+Germans in Crusades
-- only Turks created 16 Empires in the last 2500 years and ruled part of China , İndia , İran , Anatolia , Egypt , N.Africa , İraq , Syria , Caucasia , Arabian Peninsula , Greece , Hungary , Romania and whole Balkans for centuries

even TURKS always fought against coward alliance ( Europe + Russia ) at the same time

1 -- TURKS fought in 6 fronts against Germans,İtalians,Spaniards,Russians,Poles,Hungarians between 1683 and 1699

2 -- TURKS fought İtalians+Germans at the same time between 1714 and 1718
1714–1718 Ottoman–Venetian War
1716–1718 Austro–Turkish War

3 -- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1735 and 1739
1735–1739 Russo-Turkish War
1737–1739 Austro-Turkish War

4-- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1787 and 1792
1787–1791 Austro-Turkish War
1787–1792 Russo-Turkish War

5-- TURKS fought Russians+British at the same time between 1806 and 1812
1806–1812 Russo-Turkish War
1807–1809 Anglo-Turkish War

6-- TURKS fought Russians+British+French+İran at the same time between 1821 and 1829
1821–1823 Ottoman–İran War
1821-1829 Greeks rebelled against the Ottoman Empire
1827 British+French+Russian alliance together attacked on Ottoman Navy ( Battle of Navarino )
1828–1829 Russo-Turkish War

7-- 257.000 Turks fought against 759.000 Russians + 200.000 Serbs,Bulgars,Romanians between 1787-88
1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War
1877–1878 Second Serbian–Ottoman War
1878 Kumanovo uprising
1878 Epirus Revolt of 1878
1878 Macedonian Revolution of 1878
1878 Cretan Revolt
1878 Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1878–1879 Kresna–Razlog Uprising

8-- WW1 1915-1918
TURKS beat British+French+Anzacs in the Gallipoli Campaign
TURKS beat Russians+Armenians in the Caucasian Campaign and Ottoman Army captured Caucasia also half of İran

TURKS lost only in Palestine-Sinai Campaign ... because of traitor Arabs
and 269.783 Ottoman troops fought against 432.857 British+French+İtalians

CHURCHILL dreamed to drink Turkish cofee in Istanbul in a few days

but Turks destroyed most modern British - French navies and kicked British-French-Anzacs-Indians in Gallipoli Campaign in WW1 ( 1915 )

Mahatma Gandhi ( Leader of the Indian War of Independence ) said that
I thought God was British , until defeated of the British by the Turks led by Mustafa Kemal ( ATATURK )

also British General Townshend surrendered with his 13,309 men, including 6 generals and 476 officers, on April 29th 1916. This was the highest number of British troops captured in a long time

The siege of Kut al Amara with the Turks in the Mesopotamian Campaign ( Iraq ) brought the end of General Townshend's career

British are lucky that lived far from Anatolia
if British lived in Balkans or in the Middle East then British would be slaves to the Turks for centuries
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So you admit you are not a naval nation basically.

Turkish Navy is one of the oldest Navy in the World since 1081

and all cowards together attacked on Ottoman Empire

We are naval nation .. therefore Turkish Naval industry is one of the best in the world today

keep crying cowards
TURKS vs all of you

led by USA all cowards again were allies ( greece+france+egypt+the uae+israel ) against Turkiye in the Eastern Mediterranean
still nobody can steal Turkish EEZ .....
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What did we learn today kids?

"Turkish navy since 1081"

And remember kids,one of the "oldest" in the world 😂 😂 😂
What did we learn today kids?

"Turkish navy since 1081"

And remember kids,one of the "oldest" in the world 😂 😂 😂

also another thing to learn for kids

Turkish Naval Industry

-- FAC
-- OPV
-- Patrol Boat
-- Corvette
-- Frigate
-- Destroyer
-- LCT
-- LST
-- LHD
-- Aircraft Carrier
-- Super Tanker

also civil Ships from 100 m to 300 m ..... only a few countries in the world
still Ottoman Empire could control Mediterranean Sea from Algeria to Cyprus for centuries
also Ottoman Empire sent Navy to S.Arabia , İndia and İndonesia to fight European Powers to protect Muslims

Quit the BS. There is no history of the Ottoman Navy fighting in India or Indonesia
smart British and Jews had no power to fight against the Ottoman Empire

therefore Russians were used as pawns by smart British and Jews to fight against the Turks
puppet Russians died in wars against the Turks ,and Russians took nothing
on the other hand smart British and Jews took Jerusalem,Egypt,İraq,Arabian Peninsula ,etc

after 1750 Europe+Russia+İran all together attacked on the Ottoman Empire from 3 sides
also traitors from inside

Ottoman Empire made mistake
it was necessary first to attack on Russia in 1683 to wipe out Russians
one on one weak Russians were nothing against super power Ottoman Empire in the 15th 16th centuries
even our Crimean Tatars and Golden Horde ruled Russians

but Ottoman Empire always attacked on Europe

In the Crimean war Ottomans were fighting the Russians with British and French help. you need to look up what the meaning of cannon fodder is
Quit the BS. There is no history of the Ottoman Navy fighting in India or Indonesia

another ignorant TROLL

in 1560s Ottoman Empire sent Navy to İndonesia to support the Aceh Sultanate in its fight against the Portuguese Empire in Malacca

Ottoman fleet in the Indian Ocean in the 16th century.

In the Crimean war Ottomans were fighting the Russians with British and French help. you need to look up what the meaning of cannon fodder is

in 1827 British+French+Russian alliance together attacked on Ottoman Navy ( Battle of Navarino )

after 1699 , Europe+Russia together attacked on the Ottoman Empire for 8 times
Quit the BS. There is no history of the Ottoman Navy fighting in India or Indonesia

In the Crimean war Ottomans were fighting the Russians with British and French help. you need to look up what the meaning of cannon fodder is

Dont know with their Navy, but Turkish troops are sent to Indonesia to defence Aceh is acknowledge by Indonesian. They build several military post inside Aceh and the troops stay in Aceh quite long, so it is why many Acehnese has Turkish descend as well.


There are many of those who are of Indian descent in Aceh, which are closely linked to trading and the spreading of Hinduism-Buddhism and Islam[28] in Aceh. Those who are of Indian descent are mainly Tamils[29] and Gujarati people[30] which are found spread throughout the entire Aceh. Among some of the Indian people's influence on the Acehnese people includes the cultural aspects and physical attributes of part of the Acehnese people, as well as the variety in Acehnese cuisine that frequently utilizes curry.[31] Numerous place name of Sanskrit origin (for example, Indrapuri, Aceh Besar) reflects the cultural heritage of Hinduism in the past.

Arab, Persia and Turkey
Most of the Arabs that migrated to Aceh came from Hadhramaut, Yemen. Among the immigrants are those of the al-Aydrus, al-Habsyi, al-Attas, al-Kathiri, Badjubier, Sungkar, Bawazier and other clans; all of which are Arabic clans that originated from Yemen.[33] They came as ulamas to spread Islam and as traders.[28] Seunagan district for an instance, is well known to this today for numerous of ulamas of the Sayyid descent, of which the local community would address them with the title Teungku Jet or Habib as a form of respect.[22] Similarly, some of the Sultan of Aceh are also descendants of Sayyid.[34] Many of their descendants today have intermarried with the natives Acehnese people and do no longer bear their clan names.

There are also those of Persian descent that generally came to spread religion and to trade,[28] while those of Turkish descent generally were invited as ulamas, weapon merchants, military trainers and soldiers of war for the Aceh Sultanate.[35][36] At present, people of Persian and Turkish descent in Indonesia are mostly scattered in Aceh Besar Regency. Names of Persian and Turkish heritage are still being used by Acehnese people to name their children. In fact, the word Banda in the name of Banda Aceh city is also a word of Persian language in origin (Banda means "port").

People of Portuguese descent are found mainly in Kuala Daya administrative division, Lam No (west coast of Aceh). Portuguese sailors under the lieutenant leadership of Captain Pinto, were sailing towards Malacca, stopped by on Lam No and traded there; where some of them remained and settled there. History records that this event occurred between 1492 and 1511; of which at that time Lam No was under the rule of a small kingdom called, Lam No with King Meureuhom Daya as their ruler. Till this day, some of their descendants can still be seen with European features.

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