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Iranian Chief of General Staff arrives in Pakistan

We Pakistanis have short memory unfortunately.

MON MAY 8, 2017 / 4:57 AM EDT
Iran warns will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan

"We cannot accept the continuation of this situation," Major General Mohammad Baqeri, the head of the Iranian armed forces was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA.

"We expect the Pakistani officials to control the borders, arrest the terrorists and shut down their bases."

"If the terrorist attacks continue, we will hit their safe havens and cells, wherever they are," he said.

Someone is eating humble pie.

Iran and Pakistan both have common threat from Baloch separatists, its common sense to work together to take this threat down.
Not sure why Pakistan is inviting Internationally acknowledged supporter of terrorism. It is NOT a good look for Pakistan's image.
Should be taken as an enemy.
thankfully COAS Bajwa doesn't share your myopic, destructive sectarian thoughts and that's what enables him to command our Pak forces of all sects, creeds and ethnicities.
even Afghan Taliban have made peace with Iran despite having disagreements because both see Americans and Daesh as worse enemies of their countries.

Pakistan and Iran share far more interests than minor differences which enables to keep a relatively safe and relaxed borders enabling us to concentrate on India and its proxies.
Welcome to the chief.
ISLAMABAD: In a sign of growing defence ties, Pakistani and Iranian militaries on Wednesday agreed on training exchanges and enhanced counterterrorism cooperation.

thankfully COAS Bajwa doesn't share your myopic, destructive sectarian thoughts and that's what enables him to command our Pak forces of all sects, creeds and ethnicities.
even Afghan Taliban have made peace with Iran despite having disagreements because both see Americans and Daesh as worse enemies of their countries.

Pakistan and Iran share far more interests than minor differences which enables to keep a relatively safe and relaxed borders enabling us to concentrate on India and its proxies.
Shoot the messenger?
And since when calling irani military an enemy is "Sectarianism " and how?

The same military who,
Threatened in 2017

Threatened in 2019

Claimed on an Indian style surgical strike in 2021.

Failed spectacularly to seal the border for stopping Baloch terrorist infiltration from Sistan o Bochistan.
Failed marvelously to stop Irani diesel smuggling into Pakistan.

None of that is friendly, and the opposite of friend is enemy?
Why is he not in uniform?

IRGC is not a professional army, they are holy men, this is why they behave arrogantly when engaging with their disciples.
Have you not noticed, IRGC rep. did not bother to salute back to the Pakistan army general!
Not sure why Pakistan is inviting Internationally acknowledged supporter of terrorism. It is NOT a good look for Pakistan's image.
They have good relationship with EU and POTUS.
However, they do carry out terrorisms against Arab states, but without sustained supplies of militias they are in crunch at the moment?
IRGC is not a professional army, they are holy men, this is why they behave arrogantly when engaging with their disciples.
Have you not noticed, IRGC rep. did not bother to salute back to the Pakistan army general!



thankfully COAS Bajwa doesn't share your myopic, destructive sectarian thoughts and that's what enables him to command our Pak forces of all sects, creeds and ethnicities.
even Afghan Taliban have made peace with Iran despite having disagreements because both see Americans and Daesh as worse enemies of their countries.

Pakistan and Iran share far more interests than minor differences which enables to keep a relatively safe and relaxed borders enabling us to concentrate on India and its proxies.

Pakistan and Iran regime share nothing which interest or is beneficial to Pakistan.
Neither this trip is going to bring anything positive for Pakistan, but i understand most members here holds Iranian interests above any thing else. So for them what ever comes from Iran is holy blessings.

I will refer to COVID spread in Pakistan, wherein Iran regime and ministers of Pakistan's ruling party were partner in pushing people to and from Iran, during peak of COVID in Iran.
This was biggest ever conspiracy against Pakistan's sovereignty, but all got unpunished point to the reach of axis of evil.

Justifying IRGC by referring to Isis is not convincing either, while ground reality of Isis in Afghanistan is that they are attacking Taliban, sooner than later question will pop, who let Isis in to Afghanistan?

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Turkified Anatolians (Hellenized Armenians, Colonized by Persians, Greeks, Byzantines, Oghuz and what not) have historically been crushed by us Qizlibash Azeris when they dared to threaten Iran vatan.

Some european traveler saw this in real life and painted Qizilbash Azeri Turks carrying out the massacre of Ottomans under Abbas Shah Safavid. Lol at people who think things have changed or will ever change.

stop living in history. today, Azerbaijan scares Baqeri.
can you share Iranian media reports?
Iran and Pakistan both have common threat from Baloch separatists, its common sense to work together to take this threat down.

Confessions of Kulbhoshan Yadev and Uzair Baloch, tells different tale.
Diplomatic engagements never hurt but Iran should walk the talk. They are harbouring Indian sponsored terrorists. They are allowing their land to be used by India. These are some hard facts which will not allow any progress. Kulbashan Yadav was operating via Chahbahar port.
Stuck with this Kulbashan Yadav. Even my grandchildren will hear this Yadav Padav matter. "They are allowing their land to be used by India" - utter misleading nonsense.
And he is talking to man who command the army whose major strength comes from the region which fought and humbled the Alexendar (not so great), the same chap who who conquered Persia and made its queen his concubine.

Isnt this Persian general the same which was threatening Pakistan few years ago alongside solemani? I remember his face now.
the dilusion is astounding. Lol, Alexander who most scholars agree is Dhul qarnayn. Well do a touba touba first.
We Pakistanis have short memory unfortunately.

MON MAY 8, 2017 / 4:57 AM EDT
Iran warns will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan

"We cannot accept the continuation of this situation," Major General Mohammad Baqeri, the head of the Iranian armed forces was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA.

"We expect the Pakistani officials to control the borders, arrest the terrorists and shut down their bases."

"If the terrorist attacks continue, we will hit their safe havens and cells, wherever they are," he said.

Someone is eating humble pie.
I dont see him eating any pie. Dont glorify everything. he's visiting a neighboring country, where is the pie in this?
Stuck with this Kulbashan Yadav. Even my grandchildren will hear this Yadav Padav matter. "They are allowing their land to be used by India" - utter misleading nonsense.

You may call it misleading but i have courage to say, i trust version of Pakistan more than yours.
I hope the two countries can live in harmony. CEPC needs peace and cooperation between the two countries.

CPEC has been dead from past 4 years.
Alexander who most scholars agree is Dhul qarnayn

what is scholarly part in believing on nonsense?
There is genetically no difference between a modern day Pakistani (exclude the iranic minority) and a North Indian.
The Iranic minority is nearly 50 million which is only slightly shy of Iran's population. And can you correct the 'North Indian' to North West Indian which is mostly Indian Punjab plus.

These are just religious converts
So are Iranians and Turks courtesy of Arabs. Everybody got 'converted' at some point.
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