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‘Send us home,’ beg Afghan refugees stuck in UK hotels

You can have them all my friend. Take them, since no one is able to cross the Greek border, im sure Turkey would be thankful if China takes them all.

Afghans are not our problem. we didn't destabilize their country, you did. And they don't want to come to China anyways.
Afghans are not our problem. we didn't destabilize their country, you did. And they don't want to come to China anyways.

Greece did not detsabilize their country either and they dont want stay in Greece anyways. That doesnt mean we must allow them in.

Our border is closed, will stay closed and we see zero obligation to help them. They are not Greek. They are not christian. They would benefit us nothing. Their education is zero.

Their future fate is irrelevant for us. They can live, they can die, whatever they chose. But not in our country.
Something that is to weak to live in its environemt should embrace its fate and simply die. That is the way of Sparta.

We accomodate nothing, we shot at them at the border, push their boats back.

Nothing than cold, death and misery awaits them at the greek border.

Afghans aren't Spartans. They are coming for European shores. That is for sure. The Afghans never forget. Their code is to remember.

How are the US/NATO countries going to recruit collaborators in future wars? Hasn't the US/NATO conduct towards Afghans damaged their reputation as a collaborator facilitator? There are plenty of brown, developing and Islamic nations yet to be conquered.
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Afghans aren't Spartans. They are coming for European shores. That is for sure. The Afghans never forget. Their code is to remember.

How are the US/NATO countries going to recruit collaborators in future wars? Hasn't the US/NATO conduct towards Afghans damaged their reputation as a collaborator facilitator? There are plenty of brown, developing and Islamic nations yet to be conquered.

They can come as they wish, they wont make it over the broder alive. They gave up on crosisng into Greece and now die in the cold borders of Poland, where they are pushed back as well.

This is no issue for us anymore.
British people have shifted their focus on rising energy prices, fuel panic buying and empty shelves in supermarkets.
British people have no room to welcome Afghans.
The UK currently does not have enough housing for English people or other British citizens. How can they accommodate Afghan refugees?

Let alone Afghan refugees, its difficult for an average citizen to find houses for rent.
Let alone Afghan refugees, its difficult for an average citizen to find houses for rent.

Problem with these afghan refugees is that they all thought that they would be welcomed as war heroes in the UK and receive expensive lavish housing in London. Now that the reality is setting in they want to back. Funny how they now want to go back back when they claimed that the Taliban wanted to execute them. Do they want to back to be executed? Why the sudden change of heart?........... :disagree:
British people have shifted their focus on rising energy prices, fuel panic buying and empty shelves in supermarkets.
British people have no room to welcome Afghans.

Add to that higher food and essential costs. No one in the UK gives two hoots about Afghanistan now. It only lasted for about 10 days.
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Problem with these afghan refugees is that they all thought that they will be welcomed as war heroes in the UK and receive expensive lavish housing in London. Now tha the reality is setting in they want to back. Funny how they want to go back back now when they claimed that the Taliban wanted to execute them. Do they want to back to be executed now? Why the sudden change of heart?........... :disagree:
Met a former army officer sat outside a poundshop begging for pennies not long ago.
English people have no time for their own war heroes why will they show compassion to foreigners?
Met a former army officer sat outside a poundshop begging for pennies not long ago.
English people have no time for their own war heroes why will they show compassion to foreigners?

EXACTLY!............Also, because Afghans as refugees in Pakistan get lots of benefits they think the same will happen in the UK. They don't want to accept the reality of how they will be treated in the UK.
They are not our problem.
"Not our problem" he says, NATO is reponsible for manufacturing this 20 yr.

Dont create refugees if you cant take care of them, tis the new world order of multi-polar 21st century.
"Not our problem" he says, NATO is reponsible for manufacturing this 20 yr.

Dont create refugees if you cant take care of them, tis the new world order of multi-polar 21st century.

We wont let them in. No matter what you think.
UK, England, Scotland, Wales and them Irelands need to have a treaty with the interim government of Afghanistan for their safe or eventual return.

The article is indicative of how such environment emotionally scar people to extremism.
They have already landed in Europe dear, doesnt matter what you think

They have not, the greek border is closed. No matter what you think. They wont come into Greece. And im proud for that

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