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'Never seen' influx of tourists in Kaghan Valley triggers fuel shortage

These tourists stay in hotels and eat in restaurants. Provincial govt collect taxes. Time to use some of that money to clean up afterwards instead of crying why tourists doesnt go back with their garbage.
Some problems are good as they bring benefits along with them. If internal tourism is increasing, that's a great news for travelers as well as the hosts.
What isn't good is the fact that these tourists have no regard for preserving the enviornment
These tourists stay in hotels and eat in restaurants. Provincial govt collect taxes. Time to use some of that money to clean up afterwards instead of crying why tourists doesnt go back with their garbage.
They don't have this problem in other countries because people don't litter. Pakistanis have no regard for the enviornment. No wonder our country is a shithole.
I am all up for tourism and all but i have witnessed myself, droves of ppl come in, like parasites, littering everywhere, burning any wood and then not putting it out properly, plastic bags everywhere. They behave like baboons and act as if they are doing a huge huge favor by visiting the place.
Last year in kumrat, the roots of trees caught fire and we had to work for weeks to put it out, the morons come n cook and then dnt out out the fire properly. We also had to work for weeks to just pick up all the plastic bags n stuff.

Tourism management police need to be put in place, to fine people breaking the rules, and prevent a burden on local people. Should people not curb their behavior or the tourism numbers continue, people should be taxed when visiting these areas to help pay for the upkeep.

each car entering a tourism area should get a park ranger give a 2 minute stern warning, so most people get the message, and when the few keep littering they can be given a fine.

sorry you had to put up with that behavior from our fellow Pakistanis.
Tourism management police need to be put in place, to fine people breaking the rules, and prevent a burden on local people. Should people not curb their behavior or the tourism numbers continue, people should be taxed when visiting these areas to help pay for the upkeep.

each car entering a tourism area should get a park ranger give a 2 minute stern warning, so most people get the message, and when the few keep littering they can be given a fine.

sorry you had to put up with that behavior from our fellow Pakistanis.

Bro u know how corrupt our police is, already the tourists are bothered n they just pay. The police also take money from hotel and restaurant owners. We dont want to give them new ways to earn lolz. Tha tax thing is good, its already implemented in kalam, an outsider car pays 50 to 100Rs for entering but again the Pakistani probelm that the tax collected is not used properly and not used to clean up.
The good thing in kumrat is that the locals care about the jungle and there is no tax but after a heavy tourist influx, where all the hotels and restaurants earned good money, they all chip in to clean the area. The roots catching fire scared the hell out of me and i thought we may lose the whole jungle. The roots were slow burning like coal and we ll just see smoke here n there and no way to find how n till where its reached. In the end thanks to Allah it rained for few days constantly and the fire was put out. You dont need to say sorry bro, its my country too n my fellows too. Happy to do my part.
These tourists stay in hotels and eat in restaurants. Provincial govt collect taxes. Time to use some of that money to clean up afterwards instead of crying why tourists doesnt go back with their garbage.

That's ridiculous. Why should anyone ever throw litter in any circumstances?
Unfortunate scene at Mahodand lake.

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This is flip side of relentlessness influx of tourist without any check to prevent littering and plastic waste.
Khudara, please keep the country clean. where is the basic ethics of not disposing litter. where is half of islam. why cops are not giving ticket to people.
Khudara, please keep the country clean. where is the basic ethics of not disposing litter. where is half of islam. why cops are not giving ticket to people.
You my friend probably don't live in the country 😅.

It's a festering shithole just because of smug bastards littering all over the place.

My neighbors sewage line is choked and it spills water onto the street. He couldn't care less. After countless times telling him to fix it, I am now going to do it myself. PS, the guy is supposedly a Suparco "engineer". Probably engineers his small d*** to rise and piss in his own mouth.
That's ridiculous. Why should anyone ever throw litter in any circumstances?

Because provincial govt have not installed bin in popular spots. They like money that tourism bring but cannot spend small amount to clean up. No tourist will bring back garbage with him.
It's a festering shithole just because of smug bastards littering all over the place.

Littering is not the main problem that is festering, but that is another discussion.

On topic, littering can be reduced greatly by a few simple steps, if implemented.
Because provincial govt have not installed bin in popular spots. They like money that tourism bring but cannot spend small amount to clean up. No tourist will bring back garbage with him.

This is why Pakistan looks like a sh1t hole. When that packaging contains your pepsi or your chocolate, or your chips, you hold onto it dearly. As soon as it is empty, you all become nawabzaday who can't possibly hold onto their own waste.

Everyone can and everyone should take their own waste back with them. If you have finished eating a packet of sweets or crisps, or drinking from a bottle, put the empty packaging inside a plastic bag and carry it with you. You all had no problem carrying that bottle or wrapper or packet all the way to your destination whilst it contained food - you should have no problem carrying it until you find a bin or it is empty.

In the UK the goray take their dogs for a walk and if their dog takes a shit, they get a plastic bag, pick up the shit and throw it in the bin, or carry it inside the bag until they find a bin. This is why this country is clean.

When you see the behaviour of jungli Pakistani, you think the country should be renamed, NaPakistan.
This is why Pakistan looks like a sh1t hole. When that packaging contains your pepsi or your chocolate, or your chips, you hold onto it dearly. As soon as it is empty, you all become nawabzaday who can't possibly hold onto their own waste.

Everyone can and everyone should take their own waste back with them. If you have finished eating a packet of sweets or crisps, or drinking from a bottle, put the empty packaging inside a plastic bag and carry it with you. You all had no problem carrying that bottle or wrapper or packet all the way to your destination whilst it contained food - you should have no problem carrying it until you find a bin or it is empty.

In the UK the goray take their dogs for a walk and if their dog takes a shit, they get a plastic bag, pick up the shit and throw it in the bin, or carry it inside the bag until they find a bin. This is why this country is clean.

When you see the behaviour of jungli Pakistani, you think the country should be renamed, NaPakistan.

In europe they have bins every few meters even in mountains. Do not compare that with Pakistan please. Local government can pay to clean up for tax they collect from tourists.
You my friend probably don't live in the country 😅.

It's a festering shithole just because of smug bastards littering all over the place.

My neighbors sewage line is choked and it spills water onto the street. He couldn't care less. After countless times telling him to fix it, I am now going to do it myself. PS, the guy is supposedly a Suparco "engineer". Probably engineers his small dick to rise and piss in his own mouth.

Even amongst the diaspora this is a problem, so it’s not just a back home issue. After the 2019 event in DC, when PM Khan specifically asked those assembled there that day, to clean up after themselves in the stadium, barely anyone did so, that I could see. I cleaned up after myself and then looked around to help anyone else cleaning but they all walked away like it wasn’t their problem. :(

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