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PIA plane crash near Model Colony Karachi with 93+ on board

The A320 was not pilot error. It looked very intentional regarding what they thought would have been a belly landing without doing a go-around. Their final approach speed was almost 200 kts, even F-7s land slightly slower.
why belly landing ? when at 2nd attempt landing gears were out ?

1st time

2nd time

The A320 was not pilot error. It looked very intentional regarding what they thought would have been a belly landing without doing a go-around. Their final approach speed was almost 200 kts, even F-7s land slightly slower.
why belly landing ? when at 2nd attempt landing gears were out ?

1st time

2nd time

A video of the crash has been released on Jang.com.pk today---.

And it was the same thing that I assessed right on the first day---.

Totally and absolutely Pilot's errors---one blunder being committed after another.

Aircraft descended to fast---wheels were not out----engines hit the tarmac---twice or maybe four times---so instead of decreasing power and shutting down the engines and and letting the aircraft scrape---crawl to a stop---the pilot decides to takeoff---.

This shows an extremely poor judgement capability under duress---poor training---very very poor situational awareness---basically the 14000 hours pilot was clueless in how to deal with the aircraft after it had already made a crash landing---.

Decides to take off---which happened due to the dive momentum and high speed.

Total incompetence & failure in face of crisis---.
They essentially didn't follow the landing checklists properly.
Relatives of PK-8303 crash victims demand better investigation, compensation

RELATIVES of the crash victims protest outside the press club on Wednesday.—Shakil Adil/White Star

KARACHI: Against the backdrop of photographs of the 97 lives lost in the PK-8303 crash, which happened on May 22, 2020 on the last Friday of last Ramazan, the relatives of the victims, still grieving over their losses, shared before jam-packed media at the Karachi Press Club on Wednesday their pain. They are still awaiting justice.
The panaflex, which also had the heading ‘Never to be forgotten’, didn’t have photos of all the 97 victims. Some pictures were just outlines in small frames. They represented those who could not be identified to this day. At the bottom there was also written: ‘Innocent lives lost because of Pakistan International Airlines [PIA] and Civil Aviation Authority [CAA] negligence’.
There were the victims’ family members on the stage and in the audience as well. Some held printouts with the wording ‘Justice for PK8303 families’, some were reading from the Quran.
Providing a brief background about the fateful flight that never landed, Kanwal Arsalan, the sister of one of the victims Mirza Waheed Beg, said that she lost her only brother in the crash.

“The lockdown had left many lonely, many had to spend time away from their loved ones. But then there was Eid approaching and PIA was restarting its flights. The passengers of PK-8303 happily left their homes in Lahore to head for the airport, they were all so looking forward to be with their loved ones on Eid,” she said.
‘We have certain expectations from the government, PIA, CAA, courts and the cabinet’
“The flight took off from Lahore and was about to land at Karachi when its captain was informed by the air traffic control [ATC] that he was too shallow in his approach to which he replied ‘I’m comfortable’. And the control tower seemed okay with the answer. The pilot was never told to correct plane’s altitude. Then we all know what happened. It scraped the runway without opening its wheels, took off again to attempt landing again, and again. On the final try, the pilot finally realised that he couldn’t even reach the runway. And that’s when he cried ‘Mayday’, that’s when he crashed his plane into the buildings surrounding the airport,” the affectee reminded.

“Then as all hell broke loose and there was a huge fire, too, as a result of the crash, PIA and CAA due to whose carelessness the crash had happened were nowhere to be found. The fire blazed. We could only get charred pieces of our loved ones. But what is happening now?” she questioned.

Zarka Khalid Chaudhary, another affectee, whose father, Mohammad Saleem Aslam, died in the crash and whose widowed mother, who couldn’t handle her grief, also passed away within 21 days of the terrible tragedy, said that they are here addressing a press conference to inform the media about all that they have been facing afterwards and all that they want to see done to prevent such a tragedy in future.

“We have certain expectations from the government, PIA, CAA, courts and the cabinet. We don’t want anyone else to go through what we did. It is what helps us carry on with our mission,” she said.

Majority awaits insurance money

Another affectee Azmat Yar Khan said that he lost his brother and niece in the crash. “We want to make air travel safe first. But it is being said about us that we want money or compensation. This crash has brought 97 families together. Yes, there are some among us who have lost their breadwinners and are under severe strain but still they have turned down the compensation because it is being offered on a condition of forgoing our right to question the crash and the circumstances that led to it,” he said.

“Only 36 affectees were paid compensation and most of them are the families of the PIA crew that also lost their lives in the crash. We are asking for the insurance money, which is also our right as we lost loved ones. But we are told that we can only get even that after signing some papers that say that we won’t ask any more questions afterwards. It has not even been found out as yet whether the crash was an accident or the result of carelessness or anything else, and we are being asked to sign such papers. All passengers who lost their lives, their families are entitled to a fixed amount, their families are also entitled to damages due to loss of their luggage but we are being pushed into a maze where they throw all kinds of hurdles of confusing laws before us. They are asking us to agree to illegal things,” he complained.

“There are so many things that have been happening to us that are wrong. PIA still has the luggage of the passengers, which they have kept with it. But our relatives’ belongings are keepsakes for us, which they don’t realise. There are some passengers’ families whose DNA test results have still not been given to them, even though Punjab Forensics has the results of the same samples within hours,” he added.

Another affectee, Dr Mohammad Mohsin Aman, said the most concerning among the conditions laid out before they can accept the compensation or insurance money is the clause that says you cannot question the findings of the crash investigations or challenge them in any court of law.

“But you tell us, when there is no punishment for carelessness or any other wrongdoing then how can you prevent the wrong from happening again? If the ATC was at fault, then see to it that this kind of thing does not happen again,” he said.

He also laid before the media three main demands: “Firstly, we want to see the Aircraft Accident and Investigation Board’s procedure to be reconstituted. We want to see investigation done in a better way and not like how it is being handled right now. Second, we want the amount that is our right disbursed without any conditions. We are not greedy people, but we also have our needs, especially those among us who lost an earning family member in the crash. The insurance money is our right anyway, compensation comes later. And third, we want an emergency response centre at the airport that should be active 24 hours.”

“Here after the crash, we were all left to run around in circles trying to find out about the casualties, the survivors, the injured and where they were being taken,” he added.

Junaid Hamid, an affectee of the Airblue crash of 2010, and who has now formed the Airblue Crash Affectees Association, said that Pakistan has the highest rate of aviation disasters for the last 10 years. “This is not normal. There must be a reason for it. Who’s at fault,” he questioned.

Published in Dawn, May 13th, 2021

The A320 was not pilot error. It looked very intentional regarding what they thought would have been a belly landing without doing a go-around. Their final approach speed was almost 200 kts, even F-7s land slightly slower.
why belly landing ? when at 2nd attempt landing gears were out ?

1st time
View attachment 695335
2nd time
View attachment 695336

It was indeed an error of BOTH the pilot(s). Of course not intentional, rather a miss. As well as control tower's failure to eye-ball the landing-gear-down. In addition to a final descent of more than ~1125 ft/min (instead of 500-800 ft/min) as well as touching down half way through the runway instead of first third of the runway. On top of that, the decision to go-around instead of letting the plane belly-land on 1st attempt (probably because pilots were startled and suddenly realized their mistake . . and had a knee-jerk reaction to go-around) .

Pilot lowered landing gear . . . then raised them . . . and then forgot to lower them again at the 1st landing attempt.

From the report below, I quote:

"The FDR indicated action of lowering of the landing gears at 7221 ft at around 10.5 Nautical Miles from Runway "

"However, FDR shows action of
raising of the landing gears at 1740 ft"

500 ft, the FDR indicates: landing gear retracted"

"several warnings and alerts such as over-speed, landing gear not down and ground proximity alerts were disregarded. The landing was undertaken with landing gears retracted."

These warnings were confirmed by audio recording of the radio communication as shown in screenshots in the post below :

Extremely sad event and it disturbed me down to the core as it did to many others.

I'm no expert , just posting some screenshots from this video:

Appears that it was co-pilot (1st man?) who was on the radio, not the main pilot. As we can hear pilot dictating the co-pilot @1:56

Looks like landing gear's problem ("ding ding ding" heard @0:44) was before 1st attempt to land. Despite that "ding ding ding", pilot attempted landing half way through runway (as video here says), scrapped the engines. And called out a TO/GA "going around".

Then engines can be heard speeding up @1:19.

@2:42 Looks like ATC didn't expect them to turn left,
but co-pilot informed that they're turning back due to engine loss.

From ALT graph, appears that when plane attempted 1st landing, its descent rate was ~2500 ft/min or may be even more just before making ground contact. Which should have been around ~500 ft/min.?

View attachment 635152

I may be wrong above that rate was 2500 ftm just before touch down:
It may be ~1125 ftm.
Still higher (twice as much) than 500 - 800 ft/m.

Source: this tweet.
View attachment 635160
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It was indeed a pilot error. Of course not intentional, rather a miss.
Pilot lowered landing gear . . . then raised them . . . and then forgot to lower them again at the 1st landing attempt.

From the report below I quote:

"The FDR indicated action of lowering of the landing gears at 7221 ft at around 10.5 Nautical Miles from Runway "

"However, FDR shows action of
raising of the landing gears at 1740 ft"

500 ft, the FDR indicates: landing gear retracted"

"several warnings and alerts such as over-speed, landing gear not down and ground proximity alerts were disregarded. The landing was undertaken with landing gears retracted."

These warnings were confirmed by audio recording of the radio communication as shown in screenshots in the post below :
CAA and french reports are online now it was pilot error
CAA and french reports are online now it was pilot error

Not the first time a Pakistani commercial pilot has killed dozens in pursuit of his own moronic arrogance against repeated advice to the contrary.

I know that collision and terrain avoidance is the responsibility of the pilot in command but could the ATC have denied him, given his obvious departure from the SOP? Doesn't say that they warned the pilot of his gear status either.
Pilot lowered landing gear . . . then raised them . . . and then forgot to lower them again at the 1st landing attempt.

The pilot deployed the landing gear at a speed greater than 250 knots. The plane is programmed to deploy the gear only below 250 knots, So it auto-raised it. The pilot did not check it again since he had already lowered it.
Not the first time a Pakistani commercial pilot has killed dozens in pursuit of his own moronic arrogance against repeated advice to the contrary.

I know that collision and terrain avoidance is the responsibility of the pilot in command but could the ATC have denied him, given his obvious departure from the SOP? Doesn't say that they warned the pilot of his gear status either.
yes sir its nto the first time last time it was air blue pilot did it in margalla

Everything would be clear from Day 1, if they could make PUBLIC the recorded conversation between the Pilot and ATC.

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