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JF-17 fighter jet gets J-20’s combat missile: reports (Global times)

claim by the manufacturer and developer. Actually. nothing new.

All developer and manufacturer company makes the same claim (World best or one of the best)...
Actually, it is indigenous for Chinese manufacture except importing injection seat and engine ... if I am not wrong.
Designed and developed in China with engine and seat from third party but manufactured in Pakistan, much like your AZ vaccine that Modi claimed "india saved the world".
For first shot capability you need to have a first see capability.

For this purpose you need to have a powerful radar and countermeasures.

PL-15 won't bring any joy if Jeff's radar is a wifi modem.
Is integration done? or yet to be done?
you tell me. 😎

F-16 is still superior in bvr.
that depends on the details of both the KLJ7A and the PL15 which no body knows much about...if they are what we hope they are then the F16 BLK52 takes the back seat to the JF17 BLK3.
F-16 is still superior in bvr.
that depends on the details of both the KLJ7A and the PL15 which no body knows much about...if they are what we hope they are then the F16 BLK52 takes the back seat to the JF17 BLK3.
A JF17 Block III AESA equipped plane with PL15 is superior in BVR than both the F16 and the Rafale. PL15 gives the JF17 Block III first shot advantage...
The first shot advantage is gonna be a double whammy for the rafale...for while it's busy trying to save its skin from the PL15, The Thunders can go full force in for a close range kill with the PL10s so even if the rafale manages to escape the claws of the PL15's insane no escape zone, it'll be hunted down down with the PL10s.

rip rafale.
The first shot advantage is gonna be a double whammy for the rafale...for while it's busy trying to save its skin from the PL15, The Thunders can go full force in for a close range kill with the PL10s so even if the rafale manages to escape the claws of the PL15's insane no escape zone, it'll be hunted down down with the PL10s.

rip rafale.
You forget 3X NEZ range of Meteor bro
You forget 3X NEZ range of Meteor bro
the rafale would be busy trying to escape the PL15 way before it even gets close to firing its meteor...don't forget that the PL15 out ranges the meteor by at least 50 kilometers & PL15 is a dual motor missile so the rafale can't even pin its hopes on the fuel running out anytime soon...the only saving grace would be to use data link while at a high altitude but then again, BLK3s have an enhanced data link capability just for the reason of being able to fire the PL15s from far away which means that the rafale may not even get a chance to figure out who fired the PL15, it'll just appear out of no where and may have even have gone pitbull on the rafale by the time its rwr or maws goes off.
the rafale would be busy trying to escape the PL15 way before it even gets close to firing its meteor...don't forget that the PL15 out ranges the meteor by at least 50 kilometers & PL15 is a dual motor missile so the rafale can't even pin its hopes on the fuel running out anytime soon...the only saving grace would be to use data link while at a high altitude but then again, BLK3s have an enhanced data link capability just for the reason of being able to fire the PL15s from far away which means that the rafale may not even get a chance to figure out who fired the PL15, it'll just appear out of no where and may have even have gone pitbull on the rafale by the time its rwr or maws goes off.
Mostly we both block-3 and RAFALE will have a equal chance to engage each other
which is exactly why iaf will never fight...they will never risk an "equal chance" engagement with the PAF or PLAAF.
RAFALE has a better chance to survive than Block-3 because of its have better EW/ECM (SPECTRA), we don't nothing about which EW/ECM package on block-3

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