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Featured Gunmen kill four female aid workers in North Waziristan

You are right..... that's the case both in FATA and Balochistan.... After the military operations, the respective provincial governments have till now failed to play their part....

Balochistan government is hardly able to govern its most urgent needs. Formed from Larkana and Multan, the politics and politicians are detached from Balochistans reality.

NWFP government has problems comprehending WoT and term it as tribal warfare.
In the backdrop of FATF meeting...let's see what Mohsin Dawar and PTM has to say about this....
unfortunately FATF is sham consisting of hostile countries that will be anything but fair towards Pakistan,.
Manzoor Pashteen here and Taha sadique in France working together with ethnic, sectarian and religious terrorists against state of Pakistan.
PTM wills tay quiet or blame Pak army over this incident.
rest in peace to the dead.
And this terrorism against Pakistan will be projected and misconstrued worldwide as Pakistan being the epicenter of terrorism.
unfortunately FATF is sham consisting of hostile countries that will be anything but fair towards Pakistan,.

May I ask what is it that the FATF is asking Pakistan to do that one could regard as being unfair? Aren't the steps the same as are being followed by other countries elsewhere in tracing money so that it cannot be used for financing terrorist activities?
These waziristanis can't live in peace

May Allah guide these guys
May I ask what is it that the FATF is asking Pakistan to do that one could regard as being unfair?
Kashmir cause is not terrorism. This is just not unfair but deeply sadistic when the country terms it as jugular.
Aren't the steps the same as are being followed by other countries elsewhere in tracing money so that it cannot be used for financing terrorist activities?
Its a task force not world bank police.
We have given the dossier full of evidence of India and Afghanistan's support of terrorism. It is now a matter of whether our leadership has the balls to act against Indian terrorist camps.
Ummmm, never. I expect typical big bold ceremonial statements from top down. Nothing will happen. More cold blooded murders of innocent civilians will keep taking place at the hands of terrorists, and occasionally make it to the headlines. Eventually media will move on to it's usual business of useless programs......and the cycle repeats again. State is just limited to inaction until something real big happens. Let's wait for a big massacre and then all hell will break Loose. Sorry to say it, but we are over populated, so what's a loss of four lives, because the lives of ordinary people do not matter in pakistan.... Never did.
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إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون
Hope some day blood of so many innocents would be avenged.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون
Hope some day blood of so many innocents would be avenged.
Since when does application of social justice become vengeance?

Gajar mooli ki tarah aurten kaatna band karo.
Since when does application of social justice become vengeance?

Gajar mooli ki tarah aurten kaatna band karo.
I hope almighty dispatches someone to gave justice to poor people of Pakistan,since for 70 years injustice is law of land.
May I ask what is it that the FATF is asking Pakistan to do that one could regard as being unfair? Aren't the steps the same as are being followed by other countries elsewhere in tracing money so that it cannot be used for financing terrorist activities?
Hundi and hawala is being done from Dubai, UK and even from Switzerland. While i want Pakistan to address the issue of potential terror financing in Pakistan for her own good, the idea that you need 3 countries to vouch for you is political in nature. It should be simple DOs and DONTs instead of asking other countries to vouch for another country.
Their desperation is written on the wall but our success would be to deny them any chance to even attack soft targets. The Afghan peace process isn't going to solve our all issues, we will have to fight certain things on our own and on our own terms. We have a long fight ahead.
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