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Massive fortifications in Delhi

You can trust your government to withdraw the protection price in a manner that will benefit the masses and protect industry at the same time. Your politicians are not selected in an expensive popularity contest called an election. In a democracy like India, you cannot trust the government to do that. The government will reduce the protection price or take it away because a big businessman has put money in the pocket of the politician. Then the same handful of big businesses will offer similarly lower prices in the name of competition, but in reality will be fixing prices behind closed doors. They will fill the pockets of judges and politcians alike to make sure there is no enquiry. They will buy journalists to ensure there is no public fuss against them.
It's more than just price for agricultural goods. It is the smashing of the kulak lobby that promotes linguistic parochial and regressive insular social networks.
China, Russia and all the developed world destroyed this lobby that held the rural countryside and agricultural production to ransom.
The kulaks need to be sent into the history books forever.
Time for Mr Handsome n Mr pooh to join forces n attack India, only if the balls r not frozen.
Your ignorance of the meaning the word kulak is as bad as your ignorance of the word's historical and social context with reference to India.
Also equally bad is your implied support for a socially regressive and parochial section of your country's population that does nothing to improve your country's social development and transformation.

Developing countries try to move to an industrialized educated society. China is a good example to follow.

Oops I shouldn't have said that.
Golden rule. Never correct an enemy when it is making a mistake.
:blah: Like I said, no points to make, just hot hair and poor jokes.
:blah: Like I said, no points to make, just hot hair and poor jokes.
The hot air is coming from your Tauji and Sardarjis,:bounce:
The poorest jokes are coming from those who are ignorant of history since it is not taught at the Whatsapp University.
Don't forget Indian Gladiators armed to teeth to fight evil forces.

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