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I'm not looking down on Australia. But just little baby Australia?


Mar 18, 2016
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We all know that Australia is a very lovely country. Some of its policies are full of “dramatic”... and its politicians seem to be full of misunderstandings about the world...... Of course, I also have a lot of misunderstandings about Australia. For example, when I heard that "Australia also has a navy.". I was very shocked. Especially when I heard that Australia had troops, and even Australia would send troops to invade Afghanistan. And killing Afghan children... I was personally shocked and angry.

I believe that many Chinese people are shocked that "Australia also has military power". So a Chinese cartoonist made a cartoon. This is it.


There is no problem with comics. At least compared to what Australian soldiers did in Afghanistan.

What's more interesting... Australia asks China to apologize for this cartoon. what? ! Australia asks China to apologize? emmm... Australian baby thinks we will say "Sorry, Australia"??? What a lovely Australia...

Australia seems to have a lot of misconceptions about its national strength and international position.......

Another joke. Australia decides to sue China in WTO!!! applause!!!

So I mean. I'm not looking down on Australia. You can try.

of course. For Australian soldiers killing Afghan children. We should be rational. After all, all Australians are descendants of criminals. It is difficult to guess the true intentions of a criminal state. But for sure. Australian politicians have become fascist. Australia has changed from a colony to a "Nazist colony".

Australia is challenging the post-war world order!

The world must respond to Nazi Australia! My suggestion:
1. UNSC will expel Australia from the UN.

2. SCO used "necessary means" to help Australia to eliminate Nazism.

3. AIIB banishes Australia!

4. Australia must get out of RCEP!! We can't tolerate Nazi Australia in our economic union!

5. Forbid Australia to borrow from IMF!

Nazi Morrison think that China would ease tensions with Australia... Please don't misunderstand. We don't have that idea. Never. Let's keep our two countries at a distance.

Australian little baby, remember a word. And always remember! ---- You choose the way of the game, I decide the outcome of the game!
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I'm not looking down on Australia. Just curious. If China never apologizes to Australia. What does Australia want to do?


Look how much this lovely little girl looks like Australia. OMG, she's so cute!
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What I find even more interesting is how US, CA, NZ and UK are staying silent or even mildly joining in criticizing AUS.
Nay, they are ganging up on China now on the cartoon, except CA. The funniest thing is the nation called France who constantly insults Muslim by the name of Freedom of expression, now calling China "inappropriate". White supremacy and double standard are all time high now.

Nay, they are ganging up on China now on the cartoon, except CA. The funniest thing is the nation called France who constantly insults Muslim by the name of Freedom of expression, now calling China "inappropriate". White supremacy and double standard are all time high now.

I saw US and NZ support AUS. Disappointed in NZ.

Haven't seen UK, didn't UK newspapers reveal AUS soldiers flying Nazi flags?
Let's be clear. What is happening is that Australia can dish out a lot of shit (and has been for years constantly peddling the most hysterical and incessant anti-China propaganda) but can't take the slightest thrown back at it.

The way aussies are whining because someone has simply given them as good as they dished out is actually very "unaustralian".
Hahahhaha.....is it really true? Did FRANCE wade *** first into an argument about whether a cartoon should be permitted as an artistic, expressive representation of information?? FRANCE???

Whadda JOKE of a country France is, tying its brain into knots at every opportunity.


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