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Indus Valley Civilization: Pakistan

Unfortunately an ignorant person can only be expected to spew out such uninformed garbage.

Pakistani's have been since our birth have recognised our pre Islamic history, it is designed on our currency notes, we learn about it in school and told of it throughout our lives to respect and educate our future generations on these civilisations.

But your Indian propaganda has pulled such a number on you that you just cannot think anything positive about Pakistani's. You know it enrages me so much when you talk bullshit like that and that too on a Pakistani forum.

Go learn to respect others if you expect respect in return prick.

Easy mate, no need to get personal.

You seem to be in denial if you think there are not many pakistanis who think little of the pre islamic past. I've met two personally who used the world 'jahaliyat' or some even when they knew i am a hindu. no they did not work for indian media, they were good respected very rich businessmen from lahore. so when i see some pakistanis NOT showing such attitude, its actually a positive thing for pakistan.

You got all riled up because i used the word identity crisis, i'll use softer words next time not to hurt your delicate feelings ok.
My comment was made to an indian who said Indus Valley Civilization belongs to India because the indians still follow vedic culture.

Well just to let you indians know Pakistan has 1.5% Hindu population and they follow vedic culture. The vast majority of Pakistanis are Muslims but not all Pakistanis are Muslims.

And we didnt fall from the sky into our land we were always living in our land, so yes this is our heritage. Same with the Muslim architecture in India, why do vast majority of Indians who are hindus claim the Mulsim architecture in India as theirs if they dont follow Islam.

Today we are Muslims, thousands of years ago our ancestors followed some other Religion and we have so many archeological findings in Pakistan of our past. Its ok to learn about it but it doesnt mean we have to go back and follow that kind of life in 21st century. History is to learn not to repeat.

i agree with your above post 100%.

the mughal architecture is as much yours as it is ours.
Easy mate, no need to get personal.

I've met two personally who used the world 'jahaliyat' or some even when they knew i am a hindu. no they did not work for indian media, they were good respected very rich businessmen from lahore. so when i see some pakistanis NOT showing such attitude, its actually a positive thing for pakistan.

You got all riled up because i used the word identity crisis, i'll use softer words next time not to hurt your delicate feelings ok.

I have come across many Indians who openly condemn all architecture in India because it was made by Muslims who they say were invaders, I have spoken to intelligent Indian students who do not consider any of the impact on culture and life to be of importance.

Just because a couple of people say something does not mean that the whole country think that way, I wont go around saying India has an identity crisis, their architecture is Islamic, their true culture was vedic. Just be positive and contribute in a respectable manner, if you do not have anything good to say or do not like us in general then no need to discuss subjects which we consider as a matter of pride.

Let me tell you this I am Sindhi, my family has lived in and around Karachi for centuries, a place where Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and other religions have flourished and do so till today. We have been muslims for a very long time, however we very well could have ancestors who were Arabic because they arrived such a long time ago. But we have always been Sindhi and now we are Pakistani first.
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You seem to be in denial too, I have come across many Indians who openly condemn all architecture in India because it was made by Muslims who they say were invaders, I have spoken to intelligent Indian students who do not consider any of the impact on culture and life to be of importance.

Yes, we have an identity crisis too, you are absolutely right there.

Just because a couple of people say something does not mean that the whole country think that way 'mate', I wont go around saying India has an identity crisis, their architecture is Islamic, their true culture was vedic. Just be positive and contribute in a respectable manner, if you do not have anything good to say or do not like us in general then no need to discuss subjects which we consider as a matter of pride.

Thanks for the free advice, but i say what i like. wasn't it y'day YOU who was thanking a troll taunting indians on óur masters the british' on the labor party thread, so keep your surmon to yourself and don't just get personal with me. I'll use the same abuse back but that won't take us anywhere.

Let me tell you this I am Sindhi, my family has lived in and around Karachi for centuries, a place where Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and other religions have flourished and do so till today. We have been muslims for a very long time, however we very well could have ancestors who were Arabic because they arrived such a long time ago. But we have always been Sindhi and now we are Pakistani first.

Good for you, but you should not disown your arabic roots, most pakistanis don't.
But in a place like yours where some people did not have much role in the developing identity of a country for centuries cannot be expected to appreciate their culture and heritage because everyone there was pretty much an invader by some people.

Now that is called jahaliyat.

LOL, carrying on that charade was too difficult and you finally had to snap. thanks mate, we got no clue what our culture and heritage is, as i said, identity crisis...
here is the differences between both the civilizations

Indus valley civilizations
-Indus Valley civilization was urban, complex and luxurious
-The Indus Valley people lived in well-built towns
-Among the domesticated animals, horse was unknown to the Indus Valley people
-Iron was unknown to the Indus Valley people
- The Indus Valley people worshipped Sakti and Siva. The worship of trees and animate was quite common.
-The worship of images was quite common in the Indus Valley.
-The Indus Valley people worshipped the phallus which was bitterly hated by the Aryans.
-While the Indus Valley people venerated the bull
-From the discovery of the Indus Valley seals in Sumeria and other places, it is quite clear that the Indus Valley people carried on extensive and thriving trade with foreign countries
-The favourite amusements of the Indus Valley people were dicing, dancing and singing.


Vedic civilization
-the Vedic civilization was rural, simple and agricultural
-the Aryans lived in villages
-But the domesticated animals, horse was known to the Aryans
-Vedic Aryans were quite familiar with iron implements.-The Vedic Gods were the forces of nature such as Indra, Varuna and Agni.
-the Aryans started worshipping images only during the later Vedic civilization
-The Indus Valley people worshipped the phallus which was bitterly hated by the Aryans.
-While the Indus Valley people venerated the cow
-The main occupation of the Aryans was agriculture.
Though they did not neglect trade and commerce, we cannot say with certainty that they had commercial relations with foreign countries.
-the Aryans preferred out-door hobbies such as hunting and chariot-racing.

Do you still believe in the propaganda of Max Mueller - Aryan and Dravidian !!!

You should know that he himself had rejected the idea.

The latest DNA survey also showed that. The flow to central Asia was from Africa and India. India has been inhabited more that 100000 years ago. The flow of the evolvement from rudimentary settlements to well establised settlement has been from South of India to North. The first well documented civilization was Swaraswati Civilization, the river which flowed to gulf of Cambay. The river slowly dried up, so the civilization moved to Indus valley and later on spread to Ganges plain.

In 2000 National Institute Of Ocean Technology while surveying for British Gas accidentally came upon sunken city in similar lines with Indus valley civilization which is at 40 meters depth and around 40 km out in the sea. The artifacts reveal the age can be 7500 - 12500 BC+.

By earths angle of inclination, rotation and magnetic influence the size and colour of the people vary as we move from equator to north. This along with continuous exchange of people from all over the world, affected north India more that south India

No well researched person in this field believe in Aryan and Dravidan theory.

Vedic culture had evolved over time and also had fantastic cities like Ayoddha, Lanka, Mathura, Dwaraka, etc.

So no there isn't any gap between Indus culture and thereafter.
Yes, we have an identity crisis too, you are absolutely right there.

Thanks for the free advice, but i say what i like. wasn't it y'day YOU who was thanking a troll taunting indians on óur masters the british' on the labor party thread, so keep your surmon to yourself and don't just get personal with me. I'll use the same abuse back but that won't take us anywhere.

Good for you, but you should not disown your arabic roots, most pakistanis don't.

LOL, carrying on that charade was too difficult and you finally had to snap. thanks mate, we got no clue what our culture and heritage is, as i said, identity crisis...

I thanked him not for his taunt on indians but highlighting the use of such methods by British to keep us apart.

I do not like arabs.

I snapped because otherwise I would not feel good about my argument, it is like an icing on the cake.

I mean no offence and I apologize if I was out of order. Hope lesson is learned on both sides.
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I thanked him not for his taunt on indians but highlighting the use of such methods by British to keep us apart.

I do not like arabs.

I snapped because otherwise I would not feel good about my argument, it is like an icing on the cake.

No offensive and I apologize if I was out of order. Hope lesson is learned on both sides.

I apologise too. My first remark was not required. I'll delete it.
The ancient Indus systems of sewerage and drainage that were developed and used in cities throughout the Indus region were far more advanced than any found in contemporary urban sites in the Middle East and even more efficient than those in many areas of Pakistan and India today. The advanced architecture of the Harappans is shown by their impressive dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls. The massive walls of Indus cities most likely protected the Harappans from floods and may have dissuaded military conflicts.
The ancient Indus systems of sewerage and drainage that were developed and used in cities throughout the Indus region were far more advanced than any found in contemporary urban sites in the Middle East and even more efficient than those in many areas of Pakistan and India today. The advanced architecture of the Harappans is shown by their impressive dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls. The massive walls of Indus cities most likely protected the Harappans from floods and may have dissuaded military conflicts.

It indeed is awe inspiring that the Indus city is probably the worlds oldest urban area.:pakistan:
It indeed is awe inspiring that the Indus city is probably the worlds oldest urban area.:pakistan:

Sad part is that whilst studying subjects such as History, Anthropology in UK the western teaching methods and syllabus usually associated with Darwinism is that when mankind left africa the 'white man' evolved quicker compared to us asian or coloured people and they still teach that concept today but how many people know about the Indus civilisation as they do say the Mayans or Egyptions? not many i would have thought
I think partly because people of the IVC's language has not been able to be understood, so they are more mysterious. Whereas Egypt and Mesopotamia, we know their kings and some part of their culture. :)
-Iron was unknown to the Indus Valley people
-From the discovery of the Indus Valley seals in Sumeria and other places, it is quite clear that the Indus Valley people carried on extensive and thriving trade with foreign countries
-Vedic Aryans were quite familiar with iron implements.
-The main occupation of the Aryans was agriculture. Though they did not neglect trade and commerce, we cannot say with certainty that they had commercial relations with foreign countries.
-the Aryans preferred out-door hobbies such as hunting and chariot-racing.

Something does not add up.

Clearly the two civilizations were in contact and the IVC, in particular, were thriving traders. So it is surprising that they would not have picked up knowledge of iron.

In any case, the IVC should be a point of commonality between India and Pakistan.

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