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Countering Indian Fake News and Propaganda

So basically do not give the other side an opportunity for fair rebuttal and equal opportunity for information gathering


Cheers, Doc
The offer is for all parties. Did i mentioned this in just for Pakistani members?
You are here, on defence.PK questioning us, 8 out of 10 posts you make are of discontent, still posted in this forum. What other "opportunity" are you looking for? Please share as i will try my best to address your concerns.

HOWEVER, there is a place for everything. So please rather than derailing this thread, start one with your concerns and i give you my word that it wont be ignored. That is all i can do.
I will join you in a petition to the Webmaster asking him to make a display of one's age compulsory; what next? How do we know that members will put in the right answer to the question?

Imagine my anguish then, parleying with individuals who declare themselves my peers (I have nothing to say in these matters), and putting up the most ignorant, badly spelt, totally thick-headed posts.

If you think YOU'VE got it bad, just look at it from my point of view.

It's just that these youngish users should learn "when" to stop. They make our country's image bad on an international forum. Look at the users from countries like China, Singapore, Indonesia, and many other countries. How well-behaved and polite they are? Why do Indians have to stick out like sore thumbs? Indeed, India is no.1 in fake news so this thread isn't far off the mark.

There would be a filter on their mouths if I had my way.

And age doesn't solve everything, I'm afraid. That Parsi bawa, Padam-Chen seems "wise beyond his ears" but he can't be changed. Still unlike these graduates of WhatsApp University, at least he knows when to stop.

Really I'm not going to be parleying as equals with the young thugs. The CoC is a great guideline document but these fellas should not be even considered eligible for a CoC. However I'll try not to use the word "Sanghi"

Good day to you
The offer is for all parties. Did i mentioned this in just for Pakistani members?
You are here, on defence.PK questioning us, 8 out of 10 posts you make are of discontent, still posted in this forum. What other "opportunity" are you looking for? Please share as i will try my best to address your concerns.

HOWEVER, there is a place for everything. So please rather than derailing this thread, start one with your concerns and i give you my word that it wont be ignored. That is all i can do.

Well, obviously if the thread is about countering "Indian" narrative, it means that the complaints are coming from the Pakistani side and the thread is being preemptively locked on receipt of such Pakistani reports.

Nowhere did you mention that the other guy gets a say. I've re-read your post and this is what it says, verbatim -

"Here is what can be done. If you see such a thread, report it! In your REASON TO REPORT you mention that this is a lie that you can or will debunk. We will lock the thread. In two or three days the guy reporting it OR anyone else can collect evidence, write a detailed post that debunk the false claim made in that thread OP. Share it with a MOD who will help post that material on the locked thread and lock the thread permanently.

  1. Report
  2. Get thread locked
  3. Collect evidence and explain/debunk the lie
  4. Contact MOD to get that posted and thread title edited to DEBUNKED/FALSE/CLOSED etc.
You understand that this means that ANY thread started by an Indian will get locked preemptively immediately on a Pakistani report, and 3-4 days later regardless of whether he can provide evidence to debunk the thread, everyone would have forgotten about it, lost interest, and moved on. And eventually Indians will simply stop starting new threads.

This is my way of looking at it. I'm sure you have a different view which I would like to hear.

Thanks and regards,

I'm not sure entirely on the pre-emptive side of things, i can see that open for abuse by members with a grudge. However, call me a cynic - but i doubt the sincerity of some people and don't buy that "educational purposes" play. I don't want this forum to be a place where people can't ask questions and learn from each other, but i really doubt google is hiding information from Indians if they searched "Iran corona vaccine".
It was a great thread and people actually learned from it. And engaged.

Two important motives of joining a gated forum.

Won't comment on the ban. But the thread was one of the good ones started yesterday.

You look at the world through Muslim lenses.

That was one instance of the world looking back in through the same.

It broke no rules. You guys are veering towards lumpen report justice.

Cheers, Doc

How was it a good thread again?
I mean forget the Muslims of the world & lets just focus on Indian Muslims the thread was made was the day of the fifth death anniversary of an Indian Muslim Dr. Abdul Kalam now do I have to tell you what he has achieved scientifically in India or do you know? He was of some other religion?
Then the thread used the word vaccine which was a medical technique invented by Muslims that was another irony with that thread. The problem is this is how you indians view things out side of your little 4 walls. The world outside India is much different. 2020 was India's first year of performance on the international stage becoming part of the great game for the first time & well all are watching how that is working out for India as visible in Ladakh.
Could've been a Thread for vaccine tracking by different countries instead of Targeted countries but then again we are in this place. As much as I don't like the kind of targetted insult I don't like quack claims. Vaccination was first done by Europeans, against smallpox using cowpox virus (Vacca meaning cow in Latin), and yes I googled these. That besides, here's a list of Covid vaccine trials and it's status, did by different companies feel free to waste time figuring out which country these companies belong to coz it's pointless.
Could've been a Thread for vaccine tracking by different countries instead of Targeted countries but then again we are in this place. As much as I don't like the kind of targetted insult I don't like quack claims. Vaccination was first done by Europeans, against smallpox using cowpox virus (Vacca meaning cow in Latin), and yes I googled these. That besides, here's a list of Covid vaccine trials and it's status, did by different companies feel free to waste time figuring out which country these companies belong to coz it's pointless.

The Indians and Chinese have been innoculating small pox and bubonic plague tissue for a lot longer.

@BHarwana needs to read more.

Cheers, Doc
It was a great thread and people actually learned from it. And engaged.

Two important motives of joining a gated forum.

Won't comment on the ban. But the thread was one of the good ones started yesterday.

You look at the world through Muslim lenses.

That was one instance of the world looking back in through the same.

It broke no rules. You guys are veering towards lumpen report justice.

Cheers, Doc

No I don't.
As for rules, it didn't break anything, but the thread you brand good was in fact in very bad taste, especially considering he only needed to do a simple search on Google like I did.
No I don't.
As for rules, it didn't break anything, but the thread you brand good was in fact in very bad taste, especially considering he only needed to do a simple search on Google like I did.

I did not say you you man.

Most of the Pakistanis though do. Our Muslims too.

You come across more as an ethnicist.

Cheers, Doc
Now this is an interesting topic, the idea that we look at the world through a muslim lense. You should open that in members club. I'd love to know what it means.

Its obvious no? Does it really require a thread I don't know. It might raise the hackles of the "preemptively report Indians and get them banned" platoon and all I want here is to engage with Indians (all Indians), friendly Pakistanis, keep pegging away at my confused and battered Iranian bloodlines, and stay away from Islam/Muslim discussions.

Cheers, Doc
Its obvious no? Does it really require a thread I don't know. It might raise the hackles of the "preemptively report Indians and get them banned" platoon and all I want here is to engage with Indians (all Indians), friendly Pakistanis, keep pegging away at my confused and battered Iranian bloodlines, and stay away from Islam/Muslim discussions.

Cheers, Doc

Surely the fact we're talking about it suggests it's not?
Surely the fact we're talking about it suggests it's not?

It means that you look at the world and its people and events around the world on how they impact you as Muslims and Muslims around the world at large first, above other considerations and individual affiliations.

Hence a thread about vaccines and the Muslim world raises hackles and examples are quickly searched and put forward of nations like Indonesia and Turkey ... but except for Desert (who is a patriot/nationalist first) no one talks about Pakistan.

This small example should suffice I think. There have been millions more over the past 10 years. I could write a book, or books, were I to be so inclined.

Cheers, Doc
How was it a good thread again?

Read what he wrote in Whatever thread ... It was all to flame and for that he found it 'good'.

And as expected, this Indian Hindu is lying here by claiming that it was good because he learnt something new ... :rolleyes1:
It means that you look at the world and its people and events around the world on how they impact you as Muslims and Muslims around the world at large first, above other considerations and individual affiliations.

Hence a thread about vaccines and the Muslim world raises hackles and examples are quickly searched and put forward of nations like Indonesia and Turkey ... but except for Desert (who is a patriot/nationalist first) no one talks about Pakistan.

This small example should suffice I think. There have been millions more over the past 10 years. I could write a book, or books, were I to be so inclined.

Cheers, Doc

You'd be right and wrong. The thread in question specified Muslims, it didn't specify Pakistan. To the best of my knowledge Pakistan isn't developing a vaccine, i might be wrong. Other members pointed out how other countries who are muslim countries are developing a vaccine. I googled it to check, the OP could have done so too.

You'll note the forum is called Pakistan Defence Forum, not Muslim Defence Forum.

Being Muslim is a significant part of our identity and for many it's a primary part of our identity, that doesn't mean we don't have a national identity, or any other level of identity. The amount of topics we have about Karachi alone should help dispel that myth...lol

Do we look at the impact of events on a "Muslim" scale - sure we do, but only where relevant. A political muslim identity has existed for 1400 years, it's significance has varied but it's existed then and exists today, it's not a replacement to other parts of our identity.

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