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Countering Indian Fake News and Propaganda

Sir it is not his fault but it is actually googles fault & how google works. In past when people use to shed their opinion it had to do a lot with education & study they had received but in today's world & the current fast pace of development the most of education people get is via online social media or google results. now google works on SEO & in India the search engine will only show results which BJP IT cell has brought to top & that is how they source their knowledge. Yes there are few aged Indians which even today have their good educational base line but most of youth are effected by propaganda & fed wrong knowledge.

Great post.


The same arguments you used elsewhere, articulated with clarity and full understanding.

Yes there are few aged Indians which even today have their good educational base line

If you do not watch your unfortunate choice of adjectives, I shall be forced to come to Pakistan to thump your head. Hard.
If you do not watch your unfortunate choice of adjectives, I shall be forced to come to Pakistan to thump your head. Hard.
You know the word aged was very carefully placed there. It was only to make you reply to this post. See old fellow you are getting very predictable.

you are wasting ye time. its better to find a forum that is free of indians propaganda which has many members of this forum!! Trust me its a relaxing climate.
My friend okay lets say to facilitate you I ban all the Indian members here & make it peaceful like you want it to be what will that achieve? Can you stop them out there on much bigger platforms? Will you quit Facebook or twitter cause Indians are more there? It will take hardly 15 mins to counter any Indian propaganda cause they do a shuttle service. For you Indian propaganda is headache but actually it is a treasure trove to learn and test their limits & to counter them. Instead of finding cover start using your head my friend and learn here how to counter an Indian.

Great post.


The same arguments you used elsewhere, articulated with clarity and full understanding.

If you do not watch your unfortunate choice of adjectives, I shall be forced to come to Pakistan to thump your head. Hard.
Clearly you haven’t had a chance to review the terms I use for our resident automotive salesman/Sir Winston Clausewitz Hannibal the first.

Burhao is the more articulate term.
You know the word aged was very carefully placed there. It was only to make you reply to this post. See old fellow you are getting very predictable.


our resident automotive salesman/Sir Winston Clausewitz Hannibal the first.

He was banned and I wrote up something significant on that thread.

It was a great thread and people actually learned from it. And engaged.

Two important motives of joining a gated forum.

Won't comment on the ban. But the thread was one of the good ones started yesterday.

You look at the world through Muslim lenses.

That was one instance of the world looking back in through the same.

It broke no rules. You guys are veering towards lumpen report justice.

Cheers, Doc
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It was a great thread and people actually learned from it. And engaged.

Two important motives of joining a gated forum.

Won't comment on the ban. But the thread was one of the good ones started yesterday.

You look at the world through Muslim lenses.

That was one instance at the world looking back in through the same.

It broke no rules. You guys are veering towards lumpen report justice.

Cheers, Doc
How was it a good thread again?
I mean forget the Muslims of the world & lets just focus on Indian Muslims the thread was made was the day of the fifth death anniversary of an Indian Muslim Dr. Abdul Kalam now do I have to tell you what he has achieved scientifically in India or do you know? He was of some other religion?
Then the thread used the word vaccine which was a medical technique invented by Muslims that was another irony with that thread. The problem is this is how you indians view things out side of your little 4 walls. The world outside India is much different. 2020 was India's first year of performance on the international stage becoming part of the great game for the first time & well all are watching how that is working out for India as visible in Ladakh.
How was it a good thread again?
I mean forget the Muslims of the world & lets just focus on Indian Muslims the thread was made was the day of the fifth death anniversary of an Indian Muslim Dr. Abdul Kalam now do I have to tell you what he has achieved scientifically in India or do you know? He was of some other religion?
Then the thread used the word vaccine which was a medical technique invented by Muslims that was another irony with that thread. The problem is this is how you indians view things out side of your little 4 walls. The world outside India is much different. 2020 was India's first year of performance on the international stage becoming part of the great game for the first time & well all are watching who that is working out for India as visible in Ladakh.

It was a good thread because people got to learn that there were a few Muslim countries too where early phase research was ongoing.

Desert shared something about Pakistan as well. Which most of us did not know. I did not.

There was no gali galoch (at least not from the Indian side).

If you want people to learn on Google and other media why join your forum at all?

People learned. People engaged. There was back n forth a little. Nothing abusive. Nothing breaking the rules.

It was a great thread.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. I just read your entire thread and you brought in Ladakh in a discussion of a thread regarding vaccines.

P.P.S. Your claim that vaccines were discovered by Muslims is fallacious. Humans have been inoculating since ancient times. Please read ...
It was a good thread because people got to learn that there were a few Muslim countries too where early phase research was ongoing.

Desert shared something about Pakistan as well. Which most of us did not know. I did not.

There was no gali galoch (at least not from the Indian side).

If you want people to learn on Google and other media why join your forum at all?

People learned. People engaged. There was back n forth a little. Nothing abusive. Nothing breaking the rules.

It was a great thread.

Cheers, Doc
You are here to learn I agree but this forum is for people above kindergarten. To learn here you need to have some basic education that thread lacked basic education. Here on PDF we don't facilitate that level of basic education.
You want a success on something that even Hazret-i Adam (PBUH) failed to successfully counter!!! These attacks are directly from Iblis and his cohorts among men and Jinn...

As per the KITAP, the majority of the human beings have gone to Satan’s tricks and deceptions....
Earlier on today an Indian member posted created a thread accusing Muslim countries of making no scientific contribution to the creation of a vaccine for COVID-19.

A simple 2 minute Google search would have proven this incorrect. He knows this but posted the thread as a deliberate attempt to spread fake news about Muslims. This is a time tested method of spreading propaganda - a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth; the Indians are habitual liars. Its working too, plenty of self hating mentally weak cucks believe this nonsense.

At PDF I suggest a zero tolerance approach. When such threads are posted;

1. Members should find the evidence to refute it comprehensively and post a response.

2. Report the thread with a reference to the post number which offers a refutation.

3. Mods should check the referenced post and the OP and if they agree the lies have been refuted:

- lock the thread
- edit the title to prefix it with the word DEBUNKED
- edit the OP and reference the content from the post which refuted it


Alternatively if that's too much work just nuke the threads.
Good idea.

Here is what can be done. If you see such a thread, report it! In your REASON TO REPORT you mention that this is a lie that you can or will debunk. We will lock the thread. In two or three days the guy reporting it OR anyone else can collect evidence, write a detailed post that debunk the false claim made in that thread OP. Share it with a MOD who will help post that material on the locked thread and lock the thread permanently.

  1. Report
  2. Get thread locked
  3. Collect evidence and explain/debunk the lie
  4. Contact MOD to get that posted and thread title edited to DEBUNKED/FALSE/CLOSED etc.
Anyone up for it?
Great post.


The same arguments you used elsewhere, articulated with clarity and full understanding.

And you want me to parley as equals with users like Broken-Heart (can't that fellow be persuaded to change his username, it's far too depressing but typical of today's emo generation in India). Their only knowledge of international diplomacy is what they read on Defence.pk, definitely a step above WhatsApp University.

But then they should hold their tongues, and learn from their betters. I'm not saying it to be condescending but helpful. How the hell are these young, inexperienced munchkins supposed to be my equals?
And you want me to parley as equals with users like Broken-Heart (can't that fellow be persuaded to change his username, it's far too depressing but typical of today's emo generation in India).

Well, there is someone who from the day he joined the forum has been going on and on about my ethnicity and my supposed European id. What did I do about what he said? Nothing.

If it offends you too much, ask Broken Heart to rename himself Bruised Heart, or Stented Heart. Who knows? He might agree; miracles have been known to happen.
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Good idea.

Here is what can be done. If you see such a thread, report it! In your REASON TO REPORT you mention that this is a lie that you can or will debunk. We will lock the thread. In two or three days the guy reporting it OR anyone else can collect evidence, write a detailed post that debunk the false claim made in that thread OP. Share it with a MOD who will help post that material on the locked thread and lock the thread permanently.

  1. Report
  2. Get thread locked
  3. Collect evidence and explain/debunk the lie
  4. Contact MOD to get that posted and thread title edited to DEBUNKED/FALSE/CLOSED etc.
Anyone up for it?

So basically do not give the other side an opportunity for fair rebuttal and equal opportunity for information gathering


Cheers, Doc
And you want me to parley as equals with users like Broken-Heart

I will join you in a petition to the Webmaster asking him to make a display of one's age compulsory; what next? How do we know that members will put in the right answer to the question?

Imagine my anguish then, parleying with individuals who declare themselves my peers (I have nothing to say in these matters), and putting up the most ignorant, badly spelt, totally thick-headed posts.

If you think YOU'VE got it bad, just look at it from my point of view.

Their only knowledge of international diplomacy is what they read on Defence.pk, definitely a step above WhatsApp University.

If that were exclusively the case, it wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, for some of them, they do not read up on their subject matter on Defence.pk. They do it elsewhere or, in some cases, they skip that learning stage altogether.

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