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Punjab bans 100 textbooks over ‘anti-Pakistan, anti-religious’ content

The haramis are everywhere in Pakistan

Brown sahibs trying to pretend that we are are some atheist state

Change the curriculum, make sure our religious, cultural values take precedent and start getting these liberal un-pakistani voices hounded out
Make no mistake, there's no indoctrination, only free thought.

very eye catching words, titles and phrases are always used by the decieivers to decieve the masses. words like progress, human rights, enlightened moderation, freedom of speech, free thought, women rights and equality are used to fool the public and deep inside they always had sinister agenda and objectives. the aurat march started with the slogans of equality for women and now they use it for supporting LGBT campaign and disrupting the family system which is the very basic unit of a human society. free thought..........:haha:

It depends upon interpretation - Pakistani leadership uses the constitution as toilet paper and its sheep like population follows suit.

They feel some sense of heavenly accomplishment by banning all thoughts and ideas non-Islamic but also using that to prostitute the word Islam to their political gain. The general population as this thread will aptly demonstrate is capable of being made to sell their mothers in the name of Islam.

So theoretically a Pakistani politician could ban foreign prostitutes from working in Pakistan unless they stick to only performing a Mujra or undertaking some made Islamic supplication before the act. If the anti-christ has any perfect target market - it is going to be Pakistan and most Pakistanis.
that's why i recommend every muslim should have basic knowledge of Quran and hadith so that they dont fall prey to any mullah, liberal or anti christ.

Pakistani people are hypocrites of the highest order
All the time Bollywood songs and movies are top trending on Pakistani youtube and here Punjab government is banning books for pig images and "sayings of Mahatma Gandhi and some unknown people" what kind of joke is this
if i dont offer my fajar prayer does it mean that i should also skip the remaining four?

So who was earning money of this fake textbooks?
very eye catching words, titles and phrases are always used by the decieivers to decieve the masses. words like progress, human rights, enlightened moderation, freedom of speech, free thought, women rights and equality are used to fool the public and deep inside they always had sinister agenda and objectives. the aurat march started with the slogans of equality for women and now they use it for supporting LGBT campaign and disrupting the family system which is the very basic unit of a human society. free thought..........:haha:

that's why i recommend every muslim should have basic knowledge of Quran and hadith so that they dont fall prey to any mullah, liberal or anti christ.

if i dont offer my fajar prayer does it mean that i should also skip the remaining four?

When you let students see the world, study from mediums without restriction, and make the choice for themselves, they come to the natural conclusion. That is free thought.

But, religious extremists are not happy with people thinking for themselves. These extremists want people to think the way they think, and to do that, they will threaten and kidnap journalists, censor information and content, threaten bans on social sites, shut down the country with protests, hold forts of terrorism in the capital and even control the curriculum and what books and content come in and go out.

When you are afraid of something, you silence it. This is what is happening here.

Today we have the problem of elements like TTP, Lal Masjid, TLP... tomorrow we're going to have issues with many, many more such elements, and there will be no going back from there. This is worse than Zia's era. Note it.

The haramis are everywhere in Pakistan

Brown sahibs trying to pretend that we are are some atheist state

Change the curriculum, make sure our religious, cultural values take precedent and start getting these liberal un-pakistani voices hounded out

You're right. We shouldn't pretend. We're actually a TLP/Lal Masjid/Ehsanullah/other sponsored state.
You're right. We shouldn't pretend. We're actually a TLP/Lal Masjid/Ehsanullah/other sponsored state.

There is a happy in-between from being TTP or being a brown sahib

Both are different sides of the same coin

These atheist homo loving liberal weirdos don't represent Pakistan or its people and we need to push back against their agenda
When you let students see the world, study from mediums without restriction, and make the choice for themselves, they come to the natural conclusion. That is free thought.

But, religious extremists are not happy with people thinking for themselves. These extremists want people to think the way they think, and to do that, they will threaten and kidnap journalists, censor information and content, threaten bans on social sites, shut down the country with protests, hold forts of terrorism in the capital and even control the curriculum and what books and content come in and go out.

When you are afraid of something, you silence it. This is what is happening here.

Today we have the problem of elements like TTP, Lal Masjid, TLP... tomorrow we're going to have issues with many, many more such elements, and there will be no going back from there. This is worse than Zia's era. Note it.

You're right. We shouldn't pretend. We're actually a TLP/Lal Masjid/Ehsanullah/other sponsored state.
that was exactly i said in my post. these slogans atleast appear really good on paper and apparently they dont have any thing wrong but the hidden agenda is always far more sinister. do some research about mind control techniques and you will come to know how the thinking of an enitre nation can be changed through continuous subliminal indoctrination. 98 times out of 100 there teachings will be good and when they get your confidence then they indoctrinate your mind with the 2 % lessons which target your mind set, ideology, culture and values. and please dont be an extremist and dont put words in my mouth. in the very first post i talked against both the indoctrination at the hands of both liberal and mullah. so dont say that i support mullahs or extremists. my only point is that today it is the responsibility of the parents to teach their kids the basics of Quran and hadiths themselves so thay they dont fall prey to any sort of indoctrination either by west or by mullah. but it is almost impossible as more then 95 % of us dont even know what's there in Quran and we dont make any effort to understand it and teach our kids .our minds dont have any standard against which things can be judged whether they are right or wrong .we pick up the ideas of our surroundings and think as if they are our own. a kid sitting in madrassah will think that every word of his mullah is true and his mind starts thinking on the same path and if he is sitting in a so called modern school and college where the text is being used for indoctrination of western thoughts and culture then that kid will start thinking accordingly and he will develop the idea that whatever he has been taught at school is 100 %right. in both the cases they dont have any standard against which they can judge whether what they have been taught at school or madrassah is right or wrong and the reason is they dont have strong foundation. a "free thinking" mind of a muslim who has the teachings of Quran embedded in it can easliy judge who is right and who is wrong.
that's why our many of our educated kids so much against pak ideology, islamic values and military and they love western values. brain washing since childhood. on the other hand we have extremists from madrassahs where kids are brain washed from another angle. that's why i always stress upon the grooming of the kids by parents themselves but as our society is following west and ladies are not available for grooming of their kids so they are at the mercy of these various school systems who are doing slow poisoning of our kids. it is the ultimate responsibility of every muslim to understand the basics of Quran and teach his/her kids these things so that they dont fall pray to mullah and liberal.

This is not a coincidence. A plan has been in place to turn Pakistani children, and particularly the children of the elite into atheists and agnostic "liberals" and "Feminists". The plan to create "brown sahibs" is almost 200 years old starting with "Lord" Macauley.

Macauley's Minute on Indian Education should be compulsory reading in every school. It shows the exact purpose of transplanting an education system, way of life, thought process, language - to create a class of people that will be racially similar to the population but... let me just quote the goat himself:

"Official funds should only be spent on English and Western Education in India to produce a class of persons who would be racially Indian, “But English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.” Such people would also be loyal to the British out of recognition of their moral worth."
This is not a coincidence. A plan has been in place to turn Pakistani children, and particularly the children of the elite into atheists and agnostic "liberals" and "Feminists". The plan to create "brown sahibs" is almost 200 years old starting with "Lord" Macauley.

Macauley's Minute on Indian Education should be compulsory reading in every school. It shows the exact purpose of transplanting an education system, way of life, thought process, language - to create a class of people that will be racially similar to the population but... let me just quote the goat himself:

"Official funds should only be spent on English and Western Education in India to produce a class of persons who would be racially Indian, “But English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.” Such people would also be loyal to the British out of recognition of their moral worth."
and they are quite succesful in their aims.
here is today's example of how indoctrination is done.
bbc is making it headlines that an afghani man beated his wife for telling her name to a doctor. the image shows the ladies as oppressed giving a subliminal message to the entire world that muslims and islam are barbaric. i dont support this evil act by that man and it has got nothing to do with islam but bbc has successfully spread the message. is this news so big that it has to be on the main page of the site? how many times jhonny depp used violance against amber heard and how many times amber heard slept with elon musk in absence of depp? our desi liberal will also highlight the first news but he/ she wont speak a word about the second news as they idealize the west. if i look at the second stroy i will feel pitty at amber heard who got beaten up by her husband , for telling lies at the court to win her case, for being a characterless b*tch for having relations with another man. but off course we will turn our eyes away from this.
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Pakistani people are hypocrites of the highest order
All the time Bollywood songs and movies are top trending on Pakistani youtube and here Punjab government is banning books for pig images and "sayings of Mahatma Gandhi and some unknown people" what kind of joke is this

The virtue signalling is the worst. I see it there at conversational level between acquaintances, I find it incredibly annoying when they actively virtue signal as if they are the only ones who’ve studied their religion or are morally superior.

But also governments and bureaucrats practise it too. For them I believe it constitutes grandstanding. They’ll be absolutely useless at governing and law making, but easy brownie points with no assessment of cost when banning stuff and making headlines. A little while ago there was a NA bill that said to hang peadophiles, sure we all have a visceral hate for them, but what are you actually achieving? It’s a law that’ll never be used, it’ll only make us look like barbarians in the int’l press, instead of fixing deep economic crises and poverty, instead of evening dealing with child abuse, you’re there wasting time making headlines while grandstanding.
The virtue signalling is the worst. I see it there at conversational level between acquaintances, I find it incredibly annoying when they actively virtue signal as if they are the only ones who’ve studied their religion or are morally superior.

But also governments and bureaucrats practise it too. For them I believe it constitutes grandstanding. They’ll be absolutely useless at governing and law making, but easy brownie points with no assessment of cost when banning stuff and making headlines. A little while ago there was a NA bill that said to hang peadophiles, sure we all have a visceral hate for them, but what are you actually achieving? It’s a law that’ll never be used, it’ll only make us look like barbarians in the int’l press, instead of fixing deep economic crises and poverty, instead of evening dealing with child abuse, you’re there wasting time making headlines while grandstanding.

Accurate, all politicians say the same thing, it's almost like a script at this point. Practically nothing happens, they just gain media and public popularity.

Same is the thing here with these educational reforms.

- Are they addressing inequality among the population?

- Are they unifying the education system?

- Are they addressing the low % of children in schools.

- Are they addressing Gender bias in schools?

- Are they addressing the horrible conditions of Government schools around the nation, and the incompetency of teachers?

- Are they addressing the rote learning, and useless concepts, taught in Fsc?

- Are they promoting sciences more?
So far indicators point otherwise.

- Are they making educational institutes places free of bias, and places for free thinking?

- Do they know what will be the consequences?

This is not a coincidence. A plan has been in place to turn Pakistani children, and particularly the children of the elite into atheists and agnostic "liberals" and "Feminists". The plan to create "brown sahibs" is almost 200 years old starting with "Lord" Macauley.

Macauley's Minute on Indian Education should be compulsory reading in every school. It shows the exact purpose of transplanting an education system, way of life, thought process, language - to create a class of people that will be racially similar to the population but... let me just quote the goat himself:

"Official funds should only be spent on English and Western Education in India to produce a class of persons who would be racially Indian, “But English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.” Such people would also be loyal to the British out of recognition of their moral worth."

Come back to the 21st century now. Why are you so afraid of people practicing something else. Is your sleep deprived if some person somewhere in the world is agnostic?
and they are quite succesful in their aims.

They are unsuccessful in'sha'Allah now. We have a new education policy coming in 2021, hope that takes the poison out of the secular / liberal bite.
lol banned book for having pigs images
there are no wild pigs in Pakistan?

Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PTCB) has banned a children’s mathematics book that had pigs’ images imprinted to help them solve basic arithmetic problems.

The book caused an uproar as parents were furious about this insensitivity. The situation escalated so much that the textbook board had to issue a clarification on Wednesday.


The notification said that the booklet series: Titled Infant Mathematics had been prohibited because it was published without prior approval of PTCB by M/S Sunrise Publications.

The book contains material and content failing under Section 10(5), of the Punjab Curriculum and Textbooks Board Act 2015 under which printing, publication, selling or prescribing in an institution of any textbook or supplementary material.


It says that the book might be detrimental for examination or assessment purposes.

[Anything] which contains anything repugnant to the injunction of Islam or contrary, to the integrity, defence or security of Pakistan or any part of Pakistan, public order or integrity cannot be approved.

The board has also swung into action against the publisher for publishing and selling the booklet without prior approval which is a violation of Section 10 of Punjab Curriculum and Textbooks Board Act 2015.

Punjab textbook board has further directed publishers to stop producing, printing, publishing, and selling of the book. Moreover, any institution using this book has been asked to comply with the directives and submit a compliance report within seven working days.

Out of 100 books you could find this one only ?

Make no mistake, there's no indoctrination, only free thought.

This law has paved the way for a theocracy, totalitarian government. North Korea lite, in other words.

Is that the fault of Western success, or the fault of Islamic nations', failure in the 21st century.

Not north korea lite, but China. IA, with building the minds of our young generation we will develop a prosperous Pakistan.

Why are you so hurt on Gandhi statements being removed?

If he is your leader then you should follow him. He is not leader of Pakistani. You are free to make your own choices.

Pakistani people are hypocrites of the highest order
All the time Bollywood songs and movies are top trending on Pakistani youtube and here Punjab government is banning books for pig images and "sayings of Mahatma Gandhi and some unknown people" what kind of joke is this
Out of 100 books you could find this one only ?

Not north korea lite, but China. IA, with building the minds of our young generation we will develop a prosperous Pakistan.

Why are you so hurt on Gandhi statements being removed?

If he is your leader then you should follow him. He is not leader of Pakistani. You are free to make your own choices.

It is not the Gandhi statements that hurt me, but the slow movement towards a theocratic state, this is just another step towards it.

And mind you, we're not going to be building minds of the younger generation with this, but rather indoctrinating them.

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