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Iranians vs Arabs - The Dilemma for the Muslim World

The US supports Arabs overtly and Iran covertly, what the US has done in Iraq and Afghanistan has indirectly strengthened the Iranian position.
The Iranians maintain there links secretly with Israel and US specifically and perhaps solely on the basis of there different Religious values from those of Arabs. And there are significant amount of people in US who view the corrupt and Power Hungry Shia Clergy in Iran as a strategic asset...!!!!

Here is a link to back that up in case someone doesn't believe you

Israeli support for Iran during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who care's? Discussing on an internet forum is not going to solve any problems. We have nothing to do with Iranians or Arabs. And you should forget about "Muslim Brotherhood". Most Mulism's don't care for "Ummah" and your "Brotherhood".
Despite what some have said this conflict is actually a recent one. There has been a lot mingling of the Persian and Arabs in recent history. Persian gulf has been called a Persian Gulf longer than an anybody thought to replace it with Arabian instead but some people are up in arms on this w/e. As for most every Persians/ Iranis either being and Atheist or a Zoroastrian thats false what is true is that many such minded people left Iran and which is why such large numbers of them exist outside of Iran.

Plus surrounding arab states are being encouraged to spread hysteria against Iran, they have alot to gain from it look at the UAE they got one of the best F-16 in the world even better that the ones Pakistan has been offered or sold. This is something temporary it'll end soon.
What ever clash is going on where ever it may be is not due to religion but due to fascism. It is just my clan is better than your clan mentality. Do you think Jinnah cared about Islam as much as for muslims? He wanted to lead a group of people under the islam banner . Not because he wanted to uphold the values of islam. Same holds for the Iranians and Arabs too.
It very much matters. Iran is sitting right on the border and we are now getting energy deals. Also, its a bridge to Turkey and Central Asia. This creates friction with traditional Pakistani allies like Saudi Arab and UAE. Much of it has to do with upmanship and shouting down the other side. Is there any real big dispute? In Pakistan/India case I can understand there are some major issues which cause problems. But Persian/Arab rivalry is now getting stale. I think Pakistan should take this opportunity to bridge the divide with diplomatic maneuvers as in the past we did for China and US.

Its alright to be concerned,but that unnecessary to get involved in others' matter in my opinion.

Its like A has interests with X,A has interests with Y.Now X and Y may have an issue which has no direct impact or relation to A.So why should A get in between X and Y.They are mature entities.Let them sort out their own problems.

Its is not the holy duty of Pakistan to go about sorting out anybody and everybody's problems...In the process it might end up enraging somebody.Then it will be a real problem......
Persians,Turks and Arabs were rivals before any of them became muslim...and they still are rivals.

That cannot be forever. French and British were enemies, French and Germans were enemies, British occupied US and Mexico had a war with the US. Japan fought the US, Italy fought British, but they are all in an economic union and part of Nato.

All muslim countries are in OIC and they also can be in a economic union like EU or a alliance like NATO. Muslims should not fight each other and try to keep peace so we can focus on education, health and economic development. Example: If Pakistan had free education for every citizen until high school like the US, then poor people will not send their kids for free education to madrasas. The amount of money Iran and Iraq spent on fighting, if they spent half of that on education, the muslims will be lot better of.
You are right about the sentiment, but wrong about the flag. Your real best friend is:


As you know from history that PAF is the only Air Force who did actual dog fights with the USSR or you may call the Afghan Air Force during the 1979-1988 Afghan War and only lost one F-16 with 22 kills on the USSR side. Most of the NATO and US Forces always did the Cold War and not actual combat with USSR.

Badabare Base in Pakistan was US's base to monitor the USSR during the cold war. It is also Pakistan fighting the Talibaan and Al-Qaeda now and it was Pakistan that was in Somali with the US when 23 Pakistani Troops were killed. It was Pakistan Army that came to Bosnia. Pakistan has been a better friend to the US, if you look at facts. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::
The one that helps us out the most is not an Islamic country. :china:

US has given billions in aid,provided technological assisstances etc.A long term ally of Pakistan,it even sent its 7th fleet during 1971 war to protect Pakistan from India.I have never seen China coming to the rescue of the Pakistanis even though it is sitting right beside India,and shares a long border.
To me,it looks like China is just using Pakistan for its own benefit.While USA gives away billions of dollar in aid,China makes a good profit by selling military hardwares to Pakistan......
US has given billions in aid,provided technological assisstances etc.A long term ally of Pakistan,it even sent its 7th fleet during 1971 war to protect Pakistan from India.I have never seen China coming to the rescue of the Pakistanis even though it is sitting right beside India,and shares a long border.
To me,it looks like China is just using Pakistan for its own benefit.While USA gives away billions of dollar in aid,China makes a good profit by selling military hardwares to Pakistan......

This thread is about Iran Vs Arabs, lets focus on that. China is a great time tested friend, no one can doubt that at all.
US has given billions in aid,provided technological assisstances etc.A long term ally of Pakistan,it even sent its 7th fleet during 1971 war to protect Pakistan from India.I have never seen China coming to the rescue of the Pakistanis even though it is sitting right beside India,and shares a long border.
To me,it looks like China is just using Pakistan for its own benefit.While USA gives away billions of dollar in aid,China makes a good profit by selling military hardwares to Pakistan......

US is also detroying billions worth properties in pakistan, due to US there are no investers in pakistan, US is giving nuke tech to our enemies, it sells planes on condition that we never use it against our enemy. uncle sam never came to help us in 1971, it was all deception, which infact helped india.

uncle sam is aiming to make balochistan independent, it doesnt recognises BLA as terrorist group, USA doesnt eliminate indian threat at pak afghan border, while it likes to give benefit to our rival india, uncle sam views pakistan only as a tool to win war in afghanistan, after the mess in all done and nothing remains, it expects pakistan to clean afghan mess..

for decades US is promising to help solve kashmir problem, which is also a fake promise after all, uncle sam thinks pakistanis are terrorists, it while indians are issued visas at very easy, pakistanis are seldomly issued student visas thus it only entertains indians to study there..

we have lost self deginity by laying too much into uncle sam friendship, while india is in bed with russia too, uncle sam wants to gift india more despite its rusky relationship

and the story can on and on..

and lastly nforce, stop your BS childish posts, posts after posts you are proving your self to be a big time child..
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