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Now, Bhutan stops irrigation water for farmers bordering Assam

Much more than annoying---arrogant, overbearing and demeaning towards its smaller neighbors. Take Nepal for example. A college classmate of mine served as a Chinese diplomat in Kathmandu. He told me about Indian ambassador's abhorrent behavior in Nepal---barging into Nepali' government offices, pounding on desks and making demands. The Indian ambassador somehow thinks he's viceroy of Nepal, entitled to behaving with utter disregard of diplomatic protocol and etiquette.

It is sad if true. That is why I was rooting for Chinese troops during their recent BOXING MATCHES with my countrymen.

About time the majority of Internet Indians learned some manners, and stopped behaving like arrogant Americans. We can't change the neighbourhood which comprises of China, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan Sri Lanka, and Maldives. Also, Thailand and Indonesia share maritime borders with India, so it is in our interest to get along well with at least these many countries.

Fortunately not all Indians are BJP supporters. There are wise people who would like to deescalate things.

They need protection from the Commie CCP Han invading bully.

First India should figure out a way to protect its own borders from the "Commie CCP Han invading bully." And not lose 60 sq. km of land, and 20+ soldiers each time China is in a mood of land grab. :woot:

The Chinese didn't even have to waste a single bullet and your Rajnath Singh took a massive hiding. That's embarrassing on many levels: they literally "punched" their way into Galwan. Stupid Narendra Modi accepts their intrusion by conceding it was Chinese territory.

When will Indians stop cuckolding themselves, and come out of cloud-cuckoo land?

Except for the fact that none of India's neighbors consider China to be a bully. If I'm not mistaken, Bhutan has long desired to establish relations with the PRC but India has rejected it repeatedly. Then again, I guess if I was India I wouldn't want Bhutan to fall to the Chinese either lol
India (Bharat Mata) is like a jealous woman. She considers Bangladesh,Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives as her sole love interests. And acts possessive when others are around them.

She also sometimes tries to push her boundaries with Pakistan, and then gets slapped hard as it happened on 27 February 2019. China is way out of her league, so shouldn't have taken an aim in the first place.

Sri Lanka already has a restraining order (RO) taken out on the stalker country.
Arrogant Modi visited Bhutan.
soldiers were sent back in their coffins with their skulls smashed in.

That's fake news. No international media outlet has confirmed India's version of Chinese soldiers sent back in their coffins. It's a media planted story to soothe the wounded pride of gullible Indians.

the Pakistanis start thinking about their own katora and bowl that makes an insufferable clang each time it hits the rock bottom.

I'm not Pakistani but an Indian. At least an ex-Indian given that I changed my nationality.

But unlike most Indians, I don't keep my eyes and ears closed. I take my news bytes from a variety of neutral and international sources such as BBC, CNN, USA Today, Straits Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Russia Today, and many more. Only after that I come to conclusions regarding various events.

My approach is far better than taking all your information from Republic TV or NDTV, both are now on the verge of losing their international credibility because of fake news everywhere.

soldiers were sent back in their coffins with their skulls smashed in.

the Pakistanis start thinking about their own katora and bowl that makes an insufferable clang each time it hits the rock bottom.

I also think you should change your NICKNAME. It is offensive especially the second part.
Bhutan and India are brothers. They never fight each other.
Yes... Just a co-incident...


1. Indian Farmers were maintaining this water channel...
2. due to chinese wuhan virus, maintenance was not done (lockdown)...
3. Bhutanese authorities stopped Indians DUE TO LOCKDOWN...
4. Now, locals and authorities are doing maintenance...
5. take a look at 18+ images which are posted by Tshering Namgyel (on facebook) in news report to understand it...

For those who were enjoying...
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You are a total fool. You have been taken in by false Hindu RSS propaganda.
It is clear to every Pakistani and Chinese that Bhutan has abandoned India and is crying to join up with Pakistan and China .
Bhutan has stabbed India in the back clearly and the next action is that the Bhutanese army is going to join up with the Chinese and Pakistani's to finally defeat India and Pakistan's flag will be unfurled on the Delhi battlements
Its just around the corner.
Remember you read it here first on PDF, Pakistan's premier strategic planning agency
You are a total fool. You have been taken in by false Hindu RSS propaganda.
It is clear to every Pakistani and Chinese that Bhutan has abandoned India and is crying to join up with Pakistan and China .
Bhutan has stabbed India in the back clearly and the next action is that the Bhutanese army is going to join up with the Chinese and Pakistani's to finally defeat India and Pakistan's flag will be unfurled on the Delhi battlements
Its just around the corner.
Remember you read it here first on PDF, Pakistan's premier strategic planning agency
Your sarcasm is lost buddy, try again!
Bhutan and India are brothers. They never fight each other.

Bhutan doesn't have a choice, unless China gives it another option.

On the contrary I think Lankans don't trust Hindus due to historical reasons, myanmar is just playing both sides but depend more on China for diplomatic support

Religious extremism is the point in common between these states and India.

We saw this in the aftermath of Church bombings in SL and the Rohingya mess created by Burma.
On the contrary I think Lankans don't trust Hindus due to historical reasons, myanmar is just playing both sides but depend more on China for diplomatic support.

Bhutan had been hinting at resolving Doklam for years but Indian influences were stopping this. I heard China is near signing the agreement.
Myanmar will never leave Chinese camp I can guarantee you that. Myanmar and India has neutral relationship, I won't call it friendship although both countries are coming into terms.
soldiers were sent back in their coffins with their skulls smashed in.

the Pakistanis start thinking about their own katora and bowl that makes an insufferable clang each time it hits the rock bottom.

Why does this weird Assamese freak cope so hard? I have seen UP RSS shaka bhaiyyas who are more chill than this Axomiya freak right here. Sucking Hindutva arse cannot be a lifetime occupation for you my friend, your spine will crush from all the ball lifting
Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal wants to join Chinese Tibet.
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