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"Khan" surname: Is the title name only carried by Pashtuns, Punjabis, Mohajirs or other ethnicities?

We are not even allowed to give our name to our adopted child let alone change our forefathers.

But unfortunately that has been going on since the time Islam came to this region.
Many Sheikhs, Syeds do not have Arab ancestry. They were local converts who claimed to be Arab or Pushtoon; and now after centuries have passed, they still carry those surnames. The most obvious ones are easily recognizable owing to their Gangetic biological features; intermixing is not an excuse they can give for their looks since they rarely marry outside (Syeds do not marry outside at all).

Then, there are many instances where Musallis, Qasvis etc have converted to Shia sect and after some time they start calling themselves Syeds(since many shias are syeds). The real reason is to hide their real caste which they think is of a lower status.

That is your khush-fehmi, I have seen countless cases of fake tribes/baradais throughout my life and here you are talking that you "cannot" give your own name to your adopted child, in which ******* world you live?
That is your khush-fehmi, I have seen countless cases of fake tribes/baradais throughout my life and here you are talking that you "cannot" give your own name to your adopted child, in which ******* world you live?

This is the teaching of Prophet Muhammad saws. That is why Zaid bin Haritha ra never became Zaid bin Muhammad.

It is a major sin to hide lineage and to change the name of yourself or others.
Many people of Marasi origin in Punjab also use "Khan" as their surname in modern times. Almost all big Muslim Zamindars in Punjab no matter what tribe/Baradari used to have "Khan" surname during the past centuries but it gradually got out of "fashion" probably during the Sikh military resurgence followed by British Raj in Punjab after which you find big Zamindar families developed a fetish about eastern origin "chaudhary" as their new surname which lasts to this day. However "Malik", "Mir" and "Khan" were originally the titles used by the male members of influential Muslim families in various parts of of what is now called Pakistan during medieval times.

Having "Khan" as family name or family title doesn't have any kind of "Mongolian" connection for 99% of the people who use it in Pakistan or used it in the past. It is just a mindset of egoistic influential families in areas of Pakistan which always used fancy titles with their names to feel "important" among the rest of their lot.

In the past only the most influential families of a tribe would use the titles like Malik, Mir and Khan, Chaudhary etc. But these days all lanju panju families belonging to the particular tribe/Baradari use these titles like groceries. For example every Jatt family these days use "chaudhry" as their title or surname but in the past there could only be "one chaudry Jatt" family within the whole village filled with other lanju panju Jatt families. Same is the case with "Khan" and "Malik". So these titles have lost their meaning/significance in the modern times.

In Azad Kashmir it is used by Rajputs as a surname. The Jatts use Chaudhary as a surname.
I too noticed alot of people use Khan or Chaudhry just to sound powerful, they even change their caste/tribe to Rajput.
In Azad Kashmir it is used by Rajputs as a surname. The Jatts use Chaudhary as a surname.
I too noticed alot of people use Khan or Chaudhry just to sound powerful, they even change their caste/tribe to Rajput.

Arains also use Chaudry. I have seen it, in addition to more common names like Mian and Malik.
Lying about one's heritage, blood, or lineage are major sins in Islam. Such people should be aware of that.

In Pakistan, such people are found out and derided publicly. We care alot about our lineages.

These days people become religious and then claim we dont believe in this stuff about blood, lineage, heritage, we are just Muslims. Later on these same people will claim to be from Mughal ancestory lol
These days people become religious and then claim we dont believe in this stuff about blood, lineage, heritage, we are just Muslims. Later on these same people will claim to be from Mughal ancestory lol

We will still ask who is their dada/ par dada, his occupation,, and from what pind he was from.

Pakistanis are meticulous about lineages, and alhamdulilah this also is a sunnat.

Hazrat Abu Bakr RA was the genealogist of the Prophet Muhammad saws and he would go with him to every tribe because he knew the histories, lineages, customs, and languages of each one.
These days people become religious and then claim we dont believe in this stuff about blood, lineage, heritage, we are just Muslims. Later on these same people will claim to be from Mughal ancestory lol


esp. when it comes to getting their kids married in the same clan...
when kids question back they are told "beta our culture is different from people outside" or that" beta wwe can only trust the testimonials from people in the chain who are from our biradri"
I have met people who claim to be Rajas even though you could easily tell they are not. They act so weird and are snide, even dont have much logic.

You mean that they claim to be Rajputs?

As one, I can tell you that we ask many questions to such people to ascertain their origin. If he is a genuine Rajput, we will find some rishedari somewhere. If not, it means he is lying or decieved, and we can usually find his genuine lineage also.
In Azad Kashmir it is used by Rajputs as a surname. The Jatts use Chaudhary as a surname.
I too noticed alot of people use Khan or Chaudhry just to sound powerful, they even change their caste/tribe to Rajput.

That is why in the above post I was exposing the "Khush fehmi" of the other post who was saying you cannot give your name to your adopted child, such people live in their own imaginary world. In the real world the things are very different, in the real world "jis ki lathi uss ki bhains", jo banday powerful ho jayain wo apni zatain khud ejad kar laitay hain, unhain kisi permission ki koi zaroorat nahi hoti. And in our society 90% people don't even know the name of their great great grandfather, so all these "caste/tribe/baradri" claims are just a matter of believing the word of mouth of others particularly in the urban city areas where no one knows the real background of anyone beyond 1 or 2 generations.

esp. when it comes to getting their kids married in the same clan...
when kids question back they are told "beta our culture is different from people outside" or that" beta wwe can only trust the testimonials from people in the chain who are from our biradri"

What part of the primitive land inheritance ape culture don't you get?

It is a major sin to hide lineage and to change the name of yourself or others.

You can't just blurt stuff like this

We care alot about our lineages.

Just say you support honor killing you Amish
You mean that they claim to be Rajputs?

As one, I can tell you that we ask many questions to such people to ascertain their origin. If he is a genuine Rajput, we will find some rishedari somewhere. If not, it means he is lying or decieved, and we can usually find his genuine lineage also.

Agree. In Azad Kashmir we can easily identify Rajput(we call them Raja's). The way they behave, treat you, understand your points, life style, even if he is poor he will be intellectual/intelligent, and will understand your points easily and will treat you good.

Although I dont treat people differently but from experience being friends with some low cast people makes your life hell, they can't even understand your points and understand it from a narrow point of view, then twist your words, or they give you proper stupid advice and later on they be following the same thing. At times their houses are messy and unclean(although you could easily hide this). They maybe super rice but their intellect is dead.

Could anyone tell me what I am dealing with please lol, seriously. You dont know how difficult it is to deal with this unless you get the experience. I guarantee all the highly educated PDF members will be depressed and will run a mile :D
Although I dont treat people differently but from experience being friends with some low cast people makes your life hell, they can't even understand your points and understand it from a narrow point of view, then twist your words, or they give you proper stupid advice and later on they be following the same thing. At times their houses are messy and unclean(although you could easily hide this). They maybe super rice but their intellect is dead.

So what were you before you became Muslim?
That is why in the above post I was exposing the "Khush fehmi" of the other post who was saying you cannot give your name to your adopted child, such people live in their own imaginary world. In the real world the things are very different, in the real world "jis ki lathi uss ki bhains", jo banday powerful ho jayain wo apni zatain khud ejad kar laitay hain, unhain kisi permission ki koi zaroorat nahi hoti. And in our society 90% people don't even know the name of their great great grandfather, so all these "caste/tribe/baradri" claims are just a matter of believing the word of mouth of others particularly in the urban city areas where no one knows the real background of anyone beyond 1 or 2 generations.

Actually, that is untrue. We always ask identities of bozorg when we first meet someone, esp if they are from our area. I think all Pakistanis are this way. It is only in the diaspora that people don't ask such questions.
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