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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

They have gotten justice more than enough times when innocent Kashmiri Muslims have been raped and killed to pay for the terrorists act.

kashmiri pundits are still begging in streets of delhi , they are still waiting for justice .
Anything that comes out of a Sanghis mouth is a lie. The above statement is another of those examples.

True. Muslims are very peaceful. They are killed by sanghis through out the world. They are killed by sanghis, Hindus and Christians in Syria, Iraq, middle east, Pakistan and other Muslim nations. They are kept in refuge camps in china by Shanghai. Innocent Muslims are victim of Sanghis and Jews across the world.
kashmiri pundits are still begging in streets of delhi , they are still waiting for justice .
Begging? They're still one of the richest community!

And these are thoughts of some Kashmiri Pandits
Begging? They're still one of the richest community!

And these are thoughts of some Kashmiri Pandits
View attachment 636096

kashmiri refugees are not begging in lahore , come to delhi and see them living in camps and children begging for help in govt offices . i have seen them many times .
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Pakistan rants, issues statement ‘condemning’ the commencement of construction of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya

Congratulations @xeuss and @AfrazulMandal

Your masters have spoken in your favour.
They have our gratitude.

Not masters, but anybody speaking in our favor is good.

Begging? They're still one of the richest community!

And these are thoughts of some Kashmiri Pandits
View attachment 636096
Kashmiri Pandits are the biggest Islamophobes. Never feel sorry or allow their whataboutery.
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They should introspect - why their neighbors who celebrated them, had enough of them.

we know how to deal with terrorists who killed kashmiri pandits , one day kashmiri pandits will return to their home without any fear of terrorists .
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