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Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan


Jun 19, 2008
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Target genocide apology

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Front PageTarget genocide apology
Foreign secys of Bangladesh, Pakistan sit tomorrow, may also discuss Bihari repatriation, assets division
Rezaul Karim

After a break of three years, the Bangladeshi and Pakistani foreign secretaries will hold talks on bilateral relations at a two-day annual consultation to be held in Islamabad on November 1-2.

Bangladesh will dominate the talks with its three vital issues including Pakistan's apology for the 1971 genocide. It will officially raise the issue of its continual demand for repatriation of stranded Pakistanis and division of assets at the two days talks.

Official sources said Foreign Secretary Mohamed Mijarul Quayes would lead an eight-member Bangladesh delegation at the upcoming consultation with his Pakistani counterpart Salman Bashir.

“This will be an ice-melting session in the bilateral relations between the two countries as no such meeting was held for long since the last Foreign Secretary-level consultation in Dhaka in August 2007," said a foreign ministry official.

He said both the countries are now keen to reinvigorate the bilateral ties and to suggest their present leaderships to undertake bold steps to take the bilateral relations to a genuinely meaningful level.

Sources said, at the upcoming talks, Pakistan would be asked to officially seek apology from Bangladesh for the genocide in 1971.

This would be helpful in strengthening the bilateral ties and in carrying out the current trial of the local collaborators of the Pakistani occupation forces in Bangladesh's Liberation War in 1971, sources said.

Since independence, two major areas of disagreement remained between Bangladesh and Pakistan. The first issue concerned the finances of united Pakistan.

After getting independence in 1971, Bangladesh claimed that it deserved a share of the US$ 4 billion worth of pre-independence exchange, bank credit, and movable assets, which were protected in West Pakistan during the war.

In a 1975 agreement, Bangladesh accepted half of Pakistan's pre-1971 external debts, but the asset-sharing issue remained unresolved.

The second issue tangling between the two countries concerned the immigration of large number of people, mostly Biharis (non-Bengali Muslims), to Pakistan.

The International Red Cross registered nearly 540,000 people who wanted to immigrate to Pakistan after independence. By 1982, about 127,000 had been repatriated, leaving another 250,000 people still demanding repatriation.

Bangladesh also wants settlement of US$ 200 million, which Pakistan received from the international community as donation for the 1970 cyclone victims of the then East Pakistan.

Bangladesh is optimistic that Pakistan, which earlier gave Bangladeshi jute and tea duty-free access to its market, is likely to give such access to more Bangladeshi items in furture.

The Islamabad meeting is expected to culminate with the signing of two Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) on exchange of cultural programmes and activists, and visa free entry of the officials of both countries.

Besides, Bangladesh will ask Pakistan to prune the negative list of goods under South Asian Free Trade Agreement (Safta), to establish the Karachi-Chittagong direct sea link and to increase the frequency of flights between the two.

Bangladesh Foreign Secretary is expected to meet Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Ahead of the Islamabad meeting, an inter-ministerial meeting chaired by the foreign secretary was held at the foreign ministry where it was emphasized to pursue duty-free access of Bangladeshi products in Pakistan.
Why are crimes of Pakistani soldiers in East Pakistan are always given importance whenever there is a mention of 1971 war?

What about the families of West Pakistanis in East Pakistan at that time who met equal if not more brutal treatment? There were rapes of those people too, they too were murdered with their families. These are the facts that are acknowledged by Pakistanis and Bengalis alike. And we all know who the biggest gang rapists in South Asia are.

Now atrocities were committed. No doubt about that. However lets take this all in perspective. How long did the war last? Lets make it a large number of 12 months. And according to the Bangladeshi authorities, we kill what 3 million people? Fair enough.

That means the Pakistani military killed 8,220 people per day on average. That means we killed 342.5 people per hour. Meaning people did not sleep at all. They did not eat. They did not go to the toilet for 365 days straight. To reach the 3 million mark they had been constantly killing people every day without a break.

Must say that is an impressive feat to achieve. A military killed 3 million people without sleeping, eating or even toilet breaks.

Then lets not forget that when Mujeeb traveled from the UK he stated 30,000 were killed. Then he stated 300,000 were killed. When he got to Bangladesh a few days later it had changed to 3 million. Amazing feat there. In a few days the Pakistani military killed more then 2 million people. They must have nuked half the country.

Yes atrocities were committed. Genocide? Nope. Not by the legal definition.
wow what a logic man
then by your logic americans took many years to kill japs (it hapenned in probably two minutes two bloody bombs)
then u should aknowledge the fact that nuclear bombs r not required for a mass murder
(wat americans did was wel beyond that)
Bangladesh needs to grow up!

Actually all countries talk in those terms, why single out Bangladesh. Many Indians still say things like "bring back the Kohinoor from British, they looted us, they must pay us back". Even after 60+ years! And China asks for apology from Japan for WWII war crimes. And Australia recently apologized to the native aborigines. And so on and so forth... so many examples of this kind exist.

The concept of an apology for historical wrongs, persecution or genocide is not new, and is not limited to Bangladesh alone!
General Musharraf as head of the state has already said that what else they want

Apology is not the real issue here, Its just an embedded part of Bangladeshi domestic political make-up!!

May I add to say , Indeed its the focal point of AL politics. In both cases,wither or not apology is re-asked, AL will benefit from it.Its a purely win-win move for them in the domestic political hay-hos!!

Any apology has to be two sided because both sides suffered inhumane treatment at the hands of each other. Bihari issue is a hard one for me to comment on . It would be in the interest of Biharis to stop dreaming about Pakistan and move on with their lives now (I know i m being tough but one should be practical...Bangladesh is their home now , they have lived their for forty years now) . Another issue with bihari settlement is of Karachi , even if u make a locality of Biharis in punjab /KP/Sindh , nine times out of ten they will sell their house next day and move to Karachi (thereby add to already ragging problem of target killings and ethnic shift).
Actually all countries talk in those terms, why single out Bangladesh. Many Indians still say things like "bring back the Kohinoor from British, they looted us, they must pay us back". Even after 60+ years! And China asks for apology from Japan for WWII war crimes. And Australia recently apologized to the native aborigines. And so on and so forth... so many examples of this kind exist.

The concept of an apology for historical wrongs, persecution or genocide is not new, and is not limited to Bangladesh alone!

Pakistan has apologized for the its misdeeds, during Musharraf regime, and that too without any terms. How many times its gonna repeat it? Or is it must for us that with every changing government in BD,to rub our nose on each set of new toes?

You have come up with ample lousy examples, but may I ask you, have you ever dared ask an apology from the great Britain, ever?? After all those centuries of slavery and I need not to say the kind of beatings you suffered!

Lets leave it here and not touch stuff that can really hurt some, but the point is, no where in the world the ex-rulers ask for apologies. Your examples are totally of context, so I would leave it here!

Any apology has to be two sided because both sides suffered inhumane treatment at the hands of each other. Bihari issue is a hard one for me to comment on . It would be in the interest of Biharis to stop dreaming about Pakistan and move on with their lives now (I know i m being tough but one should be practical...Bangladesh is their home now , they have lived their for forty years now) . Another issue with bihari settlement is of Karachi , even if u make a locality of Biharis in punjab /KP/Sindh , nine times out of ten they will sell their house next day and move to Karachi (thereby add to already ragging problem of target killings and ethnic shift).

Atleast think before posting, Pakistan is their home how can you say them to stay in another country, they decide to live in Karachi or Lahore or Peshawar or Quetta its their choice because they are Pakistanis. The Bihari Pakistanis issue is serious & must be raised & Pakistan govt must start bringing its citizens immidiately from another country. :pakistan:
Any apology has to be two sided because both sides suffered inhumane treatment at the hands of each other. Bihari issue is a hard one for me to comment on . It would be in the interest of Biharis to stop dreaming about Pakistan and move on with their lives now (I know i m being tough but one should be practical...Bangladesh is their home now , they have lived their for forty years now) . Another issue with bihari settlement is of Karachi , even if u make a locality of Biharis in punjab /KP/Sindh , nine times out of ten they will sell their house next day and move to Karachi (thereby add to already ragging problem of target killings and ethnic shift).

Dont get hot over the subject of Biharis.... They are the ones who stayed loyal with Pakistan,till the very end....even when they were in minority and things were getting out of hands. They have proved their loyalty with and for the cause Pakistan more then any-buddy else. Instead of honoring them for their sufferings we forgot them.Things have changed for us after 40 odd years, but those poor souls are living in sub human conditions that none of us can't even imagine.
I know its not very friendly and conducive times for us either, but we must take them as soon as possible and compensate them for their 40 year sufferings. If a country can bear the burden of 180+ million a few hundered thousand wouldnt make any difference. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and will come know, what they are going though.

Locating them and providing them with opportunities to survive and grow is a different issue all together.

Atleast think before posting, Pakistan is their home how can you say them to stay in another country, they decide to live in Karachi or Lahore or Peshawar or Quetta its their choice because they are Pakistanis. The Bihari Pakistanis issue is serious & must be raised & Pakistan govt must start bringing its citizens immidiately from another country. :pakistan:

Bangladesh is now willing to reintegrate them into the nation ...(i don't know if the present government in BD has changed her stance) . Its not just about people stranded there but now its about their own choice to live that way ... we can just not load them into a ship and then dump them in Pakistan ...we r talking about a big number 250000 people (almost a new city) . who will provide them accommodation, jobs , health care , education ... its not US my friend its Pakistan . Its in Biharis interest to accept Bangla citizenship for their own good .

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