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Breaking! 3 Indian soldiers killed & many injured in IoK

Kindly do target India, not Religion in your all comments....
We Pakistanis have the issue with Indians, not with their religion. Don't stoop low to their level as its also not permissible to target a human coz of the religion, neither by adequates, honour nor by our religion Islam!
Kudos to the local resistance!
As the valley defrosts these attacks will rise. This has been happening since 2016.

ISI must have hidden (possibly buried) large catches of small arms during the 90's deep inside the Kashmir valley. Hopefully this year those arms could surface for the final resistance.
Congrats to BHarwana becoming a mod, I guess the Gangus are waiting for the Rafael jets to arrive in significant numbers and S400 missile system before deciding to take misadventure against Pakistan. In any case Pakistan needs to remain vigilant.
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