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Why Imran khan /PTI jealous of Murad Ali shah (ppp) performance ?

So will you take the responsibility of people making suicide due to unability to provide for food for the family ?


Uptill now people are making donations and therefore poverty induced suicide are limited but people are getting short of funds, government is not getting any taxes, banks are already at loss.

So Mr. genius how long can you guarantee that we can keep feeding our masses ? for 3 months like wuhan ?

You didn't read the article as expected not surprised this is the attitude here is the video link top doctors from major hospitals in Karachi are doing a press conference .. I hope may be just may be thick skulls might listen and may understand if not than is mulk ka Allah hafiz

My question is why is Imran khan PTI is playing politics on covid - 19 with ppp ?

they initially oppose than follow whatever they are doing . Under the circumstances Murad Ali shah is doing a effective job of managing as well as communicating about the Coronavirus issue and now PTI with their baby burger monkeyS aka “Tiger force “ may use governor house to disrupt and use dirty political tactics to bad mouth sindhs affairs. PTI the nightmare we have brought upon us should either work with GOS or stay the F away from Sindh its affairs

You call this a performance...:o::omghaha::omghaha: seriously......by continuously ruling in Sindh for 15 Years and overall more than 30 Years.. these bunch of Thugs and theivies you think are working because they care about people no it is because they don't have any option left to finally do something, otherwise they will also be victim or this virus and people.
The constant propaganda seems to show one thing that is to disrupt all efforts by sindh govt and politicize the Coronavirus fight , another very stupid move they by this baandar party

In my opinion Government Raj should be impose in Sindh and PPP should be send home, but IK has a better plan, let PPP do what they always do, corruption, complain with zero productivity. Even Supreme Court is asking Sindh government about their claim of relief work in Sindh. Insha’Allah by next election PPP will be limited to Larkana.
Read this and lets see what the jazbati mentally unstable imran khan and his band of trolls has to say about this today press conference was held by doctors in karachi

@Jazzbot @PradoTLC @Zibago @fitpOsitive @The Accountant @Haris Ali2140

Doctors demand strict lockdown, urge religious scholars to review decision to open mosques
Dawn.comUpdated April 22, 2020
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Doctors address a press conference at the Karachi Press Club on Wednesday. — DawnNewsTV
Senior doctors in Karachi warned authorities on Wednesday that introducing relaxations in the lockdown will cause a spike in Covid-19 cases that would in turn cripple the country's already fragile healthcare system.

Addressing a press conference at the Karachi Press Club, Pakistan Medical Association Secretary General Dr Qaiser Sajjad regretted that the strict lockdown in Sindh, which was enforced by the provincial government effectively earlier, had "now become a joke just like in the rest of the country".

"I have to say, with all due respect, that our government has made a very wrong decision and our ulema have demonstrated extreme insensitivity [akin to] playing with human lives.

"This fight is between the coronavirus and doctors, so please listen to us [...] You (government and scholars) have held a meeting without including any technical person.

"You have drafted 20 SOPs (standard operating procedures). Please tell me, will these SOPs be followed in Pakistan's mosques?

"The prime minister has said that the mosques where SOPs are not followed will be closed. Mr prime minister, by then, it will be too late."

Dr Atif Hafeez Siddiqui also urged religious scholars to "review their decision" to keep mosques open.

"We want to say that congregations like these would lead to exponential growth [...] and if we don't stop that and this [virus] spreads, then everyone will forget markets and supermarkets. Fingers will only be pointed at mosques."

"Religious scholars from all sectors should please understand that saving lives is of foremost importance in the epidemic. They should endorse the need to keep common people away from congregations in mosques. The different innovations suggested are unlikely to be followed.

Dr Siddiqui insisted that a strict lockdown needed to be imposed in order to curb the spread of the virus. He acknowledged that a lockdown "will hurt", but added that Pakistan was "declared the fourth most philanthropic nation" and with the help of charitable individuals and organisations, the vulnerable people could be taken care of.

"We doctors are also bearing the economic impact, we earn through clinics but we have closed them. No one is spared from the economic brunt, the entire world is affected," Dr Siddiqui said.

He pointed out that it took a month for Pakistan to reach 1,000 cases but after relaxations in the lockdown, the number had spiked.

Dr Siddiqui cautioned that if proper measures were not taken, a time may come where doctors will have to choose which patient to save and which to abandon.

He explained that for a Covid-19 patient, an intensive care unit with a ventilator of negative pressure was required, which was extremely expensive.

"Is the government willing to support these ICUs? I don't think so. Because we don't even have money for PPEs. When we ask for PPEs, we are told that if you want to protect your life, quit your job. We are not quitting our job or our field, we are standing right here. We have seen our junior and senior doctors fighting against coronavirus without PPEs."

He highlighted the risks the health staff was exposed to, saying that the virus was an "unseen enemy". "Every doctor that is fighting against [this virus] is eligible for Hilal-i-Jurat because they have not seen this enemy [that they are up against]," he said.

Indus Hospital's Chief Executive Officer Dr Abdul Bari, who was also present, said that "nearly all facilities in Karachi are full" and added that the government's decision to introduce relaxations in the lockdown had "angered and stressed doctors".

Dr Bari and Dr Saad Niazi pointed out that doctors were the "experts" in the current scenario. Referring to the lack of precautionary measures being taken by the public, Dr Niazi said that the notion that the virus will not affect Pakistanis was not true as the number of cases was increasing every day.

"Like Dr Bari just said, with the current number [of cases], the facilities available to deal with coronavirus in Karachi have almost been used up. And this disease has not yet peaked, the numbers are still on the left side of the graph," Dr Niazi warned.

He revealed that in Pakistan, the number of patients under the age of 60 was higher compared to countries in the West. He further said that in Sindh alone, 162 health professionals had tested positive which was problematic as health facilities, including doctors, technical staff and expertise, are already limited.

He said that while medical professionals were fighting against the disease, they needed the public to cooperate. Dr Niazi warned that if appropriate measures to curb the disease were not taken, hospitals will not have enough beds for sick people.

"The bottom line is that this problem is more severe than [people] realise and all experts believe that this [disease] will spread in the next two to four weeks and might peak."

Dr Niazi said that the reason that Pakistan's healthcare system was still able to accommodate Covid-19 patients was that they were "trickling in". The spread of the infection so far, he said, had been contained due to the lockdown.

"We only have one way left, which is prevention. We don't have the capacity, and quite frankly, the expertise to deal with this [disease]," he declared. He urged the people "not to take this lightly".

"This jo hoga dekha jaye ga (we'll see what happens) approach is very depressing. We will fight to an extent but a time will come when we will also be exhausted," he said.

The press conference comes a day after the emergence of a letter, written by senior doctors to the government, urging it to review its decision to allow congregational prayers to be held in mosques and limit the congregations to 3-5 persons as it had done previously in view of the coronavirus outbreak.
The provinces are free to draft policies on their own ppp should stop playing politics
You didn't read the article as expected not surprised this is the attitude here is the video link top doctors from major hospitals in Karachi are doing a press conference .. I hope may be just may be thick skulls might listen and may understand if not than is mulk ka Allah hafiz

And how u can claim i didnt read the article. U people think other r stupid where u yourself r just selfish person.

Mr. Low IQ the lower restriction in lock down is on account of economic needs of the low income group who has to choose death by hunger and by corona. They will suerly choose the death by corona over hunger atleast they have a 95% chance of survival.

Would u have supported the lock down if ur kids had no food foe last 2 days ?

Doctors will keep on saying this and that while in reality we can see even the ambulance guy came with full PPE equipment. PPE equipments are nit availabke to those who are working in dept other than corona and like every other individual they r open to risk.

Doctors r thinking for their profession only but leaders of the country have to think for needs of 220 people and not just keyboard warriors have millions in account and kitchen full of food

By the way topic u initiated was why IK is jealouse of PPP whereas u r showing failure of lock down in Sindh.

Cases in sindh are rising much faster whereas production activites were allowed only few days earlier.

So if PPP is doing so great then why doctors r complaining ?
You call this a performance...:o::omghaha::omghaha: seriously......by continuously ruling in Sindh for 15 Years and overall more than 30 Years.. these bunch of Thugs and theivies you think are working because they care about people no it is because they don't have any option left to finally do something, otherwise they will also be victim or this virus and people.

:o::omghaha::omghaha: .. bahahaha .. lol .. read again whats said
Just in case you have also missed this thread is to do with measures taken by CM Murad to fight Covid - 19 and Imran khan and his pottians stupid & confusing response to it

what measures??

PeePeePee and it's minons excel in doing nothing... or any thing to do with nothing

Clean up police ... NO way...

Clean up karachi ... Hell no!!

Do a lock down so no body does any thing... Yeee haa!...

that is what you absurd CM is good at ... ie doing nothing...
U r good for troll only as i failed to see any facts shared by u reflecting any performance by PPP other than press conferences

again we are discussing COVID - 19 measures and PTI 's idiotic moves and party trolls mindless support to it , political affiliation has blinded them completely enough is shared above especially the top city Doctors trying to make some sense
again we are discussing COVID - 19 measures and PTI 's idiotic moves and party trolls mindless support to it , political affiliation has blinded them completely enough is shared above especially the top city Doctors trying to make some sense
Bhai if PPP is doing such a stellar job then why is Sindh struggling to cope with the virus while the other provinces are managing?
Bhai if PPP is doing such a stellar job then why is Sindh struggling to cope with the virus while the other provinces are managing?

because they keep issuing crazy confused statements and strategies
Hello, this is Murad Ali Shah, CM Sindh, Pakistan. I have been in power for last 5 years as CM & I have enjoyed different status in last 15 years. I just want to say that:

1. We don't care about child rapes as my party opposed Zainab Bill proposed by PTI.

2. We damn care about education of Sindh as Sindh is ranked even below Balochistan when it comes to education.

3. We don't give a shit to dying innocent children in thar.

4. We also don't care about rising corruption because we think politics is our family business.

5. We don't care about hospitals, police, energy crisis, demerit, infrastructure, local government & community development, economical crashes, rising inflation & list goes on & on.

But HELL YEAH! we do care about CORONA VIRUS because we think it's a massive opportunity to make people fool & score tons of political points. Besides, it's a huge opportunity to make money too so yeah you will find me on the Front Line.
Hello, this is Murad Ali Shah, CM Sindh, Pakistan. I have been in power for last 5 years as CM & I have enjoyed different status in last 15 years. I just want to say that:

1. We don't care about child rapes as my party opposed Zainab Bill proposed by PTI.

2. We damn care about education of Sindh as Sindh is ranked even below Balochistan when it comes to education.

3. We don't give a shit to dying innocent children in thar.

4. We also don't care about rising corruption because we think politics is our family business.

5. We don't care about hospitals, police, energy crisis, demerit, infrastructure, local government & community development, economical crashes, rising inflation & list goes on & on.

But HELL YEAH! we do care about CORONA VIRUS because we think it's a massive opportunity to make people fool & score tons of political points. Besides, it's a huge opportunity to make money too so yeah you will find me on the Front Line.

there is GOLD buried in Sindh. Nobody is giving up Sindh that easy buddy
there is GOLD buried in Sindh. Nobody is giving up Sindh that easy buddy
What gold? You mean coal or its just a joke. All I can see is numerous mohen jo daros in sindh.
What gold? You mean coal or its just a joke. All I can see is numerous mohen jo daros in sindh.

actual GOLD

it is not a joke. Sindh was the richest place in the region before the last status quo. There is shitload of gold in Sindh.
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