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Why Imran khan /PTI jealous of Murad Ali shah (ppp) performance ?

I don't know what do mean by performance, and I also don't know what you mean when you say they are jealous about something in MAS.
However, according to few very very reliable sources of mine, Covid was present in Karachi in Nov-2019. As few deaths were reported with same symptoms.
You may be Sindhi, and a die hard supporter of Zinda Bhutto, but this party PPP, is nothing, but Genocide of people of Sindh. But again, Bhutto zinda hai, or Sindhi khatray main hai.
So obviously Mas is the best thing at the moment.

shyty performance by party and its leadership of governing the country who barked so much before elections , now when there is a serious fight against a vicious disease this idiot and his party (imran khan and PTI) instead of working with the sindh govt are working against them and are politicising the issue to score some points , its a neech effort and he will loose all suport and his party will be kicked out of sindh.

Lastly who cares about bhuto get out of this mindset
Cases per capita are way much higher than any other province.

Punjab and KPK provided tax relaxation but no tax relation in services tax by Sindh.
I think ppp did something for the bills of the poor
shyty performance by party and its leadership of governing the country who barked so much before elections , now when there is a serious fight against a vicious disease this idiot and his party (imran khan and PTI) instead of working with the sindh govt are working against them and are politicising the issue to score some points , its a neech effort and he will loose all suport and his party will be kicked out of sindh.

Lastly who cares about bhuto get out of this mindset
I am already out of all mind sets.

Performance mtlab social media par performance. He is saying PTI is doing propaganda against Sindh government
I knew that. It was something, I forgot the word for...
Are you serious ?

Do you live in Sindh? We karachi is at complete loss. Cases per capita are way much higher than any other province. On economic front Karachi is stand still and more day we are stopped we are loosing economic well being. Its not about me as I can manage few months may be even a year without any income but people who earn daily are suffering.

If you are talking about media posturing yes they are doing good job but on actual front we have more cases we have more financial problems and as usual Police has find multiple excuses to make money.

On PTI following PPP, I am surprised by your statement as facts are exactly other way around. Sindh was the first one in lock down but at that time cases were in Sindh but for rest of the cases all policy making is being done by federal government whereas Sindh is doing just one thing. Press conferences and lock down. Can you tell me any step taken by Sindh in following:

  1. Capacity building for testing?
  2. Capacity building for ventilators?
  3. Capacity building of quarantine (Karachi Expo center is property of Federal government and hence was provided by federal government).
  4. Even SOP for opening up were provided by Federal.
  5. Industries to open.
  6. Health is provincial government but all of the facilities are being taken care by Federal governement.
  7. Punjab and KPK provided tax relaxation but no tax relation in services tax by Sindh.
  8. Harassment of goods transporters.
  9. Quarantine of specific areas was policy of federal government first initiated in Islamabad and followed by Punjab then only Sindh followed
  10. Even for quarantine they are confiscating commercial vehicles and using them to barricade roads.
Can you please share specifics where PPP have actually done something except for saying lock down lock down and lock down. You are forgetting they are same people who didnt care about kids dying of hunger in Thar but now so active.

To start with "a very effective lock down campaign" was required and PM and his party screwed up the whole thing rest was secondary the vary narrative of lock down globally was stay home stay safe which Mr PTI have screwed up by giving confusing statements , U turns like routine
More stunted growth syndrome mantra again to please the corrupt beasts of PPP, when are people going to learn as long these corrupt snakes aka Zardari and Godfather families are running Pakistan, there is no prosperity.

Due to these status quo families, Pakistan has lost a generation of prosperity with horrifying results, look at some countries in Africa even they are doing better than Pakistan.
My question is why is Imran khan PTI is playing politics on covid - 19 with ppp ?

they initially oppose than follow whatever they are doing . Under the circumstances Murad Ali shah is doing a effective job of managing as well as communicating about the Coronavirus issue and now PTI with their baby burger monkeyS aka “Tiger force “ may use governor house to disrupt and use dirty political tactics to bad mouth sindhs affairs. PTI the nightmare we have brought upon us should either work with GOS or stay the F away from Sindh its affairs


that murad is a cartoon... his non performance speaks for him self..

trust us no body is jealous of an incompetent lackey....

not one positive development this clown did.

that murad is a cartoon... his non performance speaks for him self..

trust us no body is jealous of an incompetent lackey....

not one positive development this clown did.

indeed he is Cartoonish for those in closet who wanted and wished for the handsome white prime minister cum ameer ul momineen
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