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Egypt signs $2 billion deal for 50 MiG-35 fighter jets from Russia

Egypt is nothing ... everybody will see it in a war as like 1968

Egypt has no defense Industry .... Egypt has no even its own IFF System , Tactical Datalink , National mission computer , software and source codes

so all those American-Russian-French-German-Italian Weapons wont work in one network centric warfare concept

Israel and Turkey are real military powers in the region ...... SISI can dream with those toys
Why are you obsessed with Egypt?
Sir Sinai operation was just like a miracle however past can't be repeated now, at present do you honestly think that Mig35 or Su35 or even Rafael can out perform customized IAF F35, F15 and F16s. The skill level is and was of Israeli pilots superior to any Arab adversaries. Now is the game of tech, skills and passion/motivation in which IAF is superior.
More over mindset of Arabs is not like past nor they have leadership.
Apart from that in the past you have posted many good write ups please upload any write up regarding JF17 blockIII of Pakistan if you can.
That game of tech was already thwarted in 1973..and today the gap in the air force is much closer than what it was in 1973.. by the way that was a miracle made by Egyptians' planning..and execution..
How do you know Arab mindset..they need to fight the US or else they are no good..show me anyone capable of fighting the US today including China and Russia ..conventionally speaking..
You are completely wrong in your assessment about Usraelis level of motivation to fight Arab armies..I know you are measuring that against a few armed Palestinians to suit your thinking ..

I did post about it.. but there no news now..
In a surprise attack and than when shit hit the sky.. suddenly asking for cease fire and becoming a allied to same country...not to mention eygpt is 20x bigger than israel..
Taking back sinai was even a bigger embrassment
Read post #180 and stop crying ..

1) I don't believe that ''defence nations'' the aggressive army will always win the war. As an example you can look at to Nazi Germany... Hitler's army easly destroyed the French army who choose to defend. While they lost the war against a real aggressive nation AKA, Soviet Union... If you want to win the war, you need to have an aggressive army.
2) Israelis are not ''arabs'' they might have some arabic words in their own language but just call some Israelis as ''Arabs'' and they will see it as an insult. They hate arabs... They want to expand to arabic lands after all... promised land...
3) You can't win a war against Israel only with ballistic missiles, IAF will just come in and take care of all of your armies. After air domination, all of this war will be just formality. The result of the war will be certain.
No worries..Egypt has both a defensive as well as an offensive army now..it is clear to see..

Saudos preparing their dog to fight their dirty war against turks
Egypt is the heart of the Arab world's 500 million population..they are all its dogs if it is threatened by anyone.. mind you..
That game of tech was already thwarted in 1973..and today the gap in the air force is much closer than what it was in 1973.. by the way that was a miracle made by Egyptians' planning..and execution..
How do you know Arab mindset..they need to fight the US or else they are no good..show me anyone capable of fighting the US today including China and Russia ..conventionally speaking..
You are completely wrong in your assessment about Usraelis level of motivation to fight Arab armies..I know you are measuring that against a few armed Palestinians to suit your thinking ..

I did post about it.. but there no news now..
Egypt now at least in SiSi era apparently has no issue with Israel.
On tech side at least how you compare F35 with 4.5th gen Russian or few French jets. On other hand please elaborate tech and skill levels. I shall be grateful to you.
There are some links given blow for you reading.
Lets face it sir..we saw what eygpy can do in israel -arab ward

Eygpt outnumber isreal 10:1 ...
A fallacy again.. Egypt fought wit an army of 100 000 men in 1973..Usrael mobilised much more.. If you count Syria it was about the same, maybe 80 000..Look up how many Usrael could mobilise..

Egypt now at least in SiSi era apparently has no issue with Israel.
On tech side at least how you compare F35 with 4.5th gen Russian or few French jets. On other hand please elaborate tech and skill levels. I shall be grateful to you.
There are some links given blow for you reading.
Rafale is almost 5th generation..it is a 4+++ as well as SU-35..Mig-35 is 4++ as well as F-16 Block-52..all of them are coming in bigger numbers soon.. Maybe no more F-16s but more of the others for sure..plus the SU-57 after the SU-35..no doubt about it..
There is a thread I have posted about the electronic warfare in 1973..where Egypt was on par with Usrael and even surprised it with some tech..!!
As for your links..the only cooperation is in Sinai.. after many guys were caught coming from Usrael with weapons and drugs..So Usrael had to cooperate to stop them..otherwise there is no other exchange in the defence industry..
Commerce just started and limited to Usraeli natural gas being sold to Egypt to be transformed and sold to Europe..that is the truth and that is about it..
No give credit where its due yes Egypt did fight well in 1973 and yes it took 6km of Sinai, then the rest back through a piece agreement

The Egyptian Sagger ATGM teams were very well trained and determined

They are the unsung heroes of 1973, because after Egypt entered the Sinai the Israeli heavy amour which planned a thrust was stopped in its tracks by these small Sagger teams, very capable guys on foot took on Israeli tanks with those wire guided sagger anti tank missiles devastated the Israeli tank columns hitting the first then the last and then picking the ones off one by one

I know my wars and I have studied 1973 in detail and theres no denying Egyptian determination, the Egyptian soldier was strong and had faith no doubt about it

my only regret is why did Egypt after this victory become a slave nation, that kind of makes me make such comments, its like me winning a fight and then the loser decided to make the rules? makes zero sense never has done

Egypt since 1973 has become a lacky state total useless and totally spineless when it comes to Israelis

on the other hand Syria until pre-2011 who lost to Israel in 1973 has kept fighting Israel and still is fighting Israel in some capacity

Egypt on the other hand welcomes Israelis tourists in Sinai with gold cups and plates, shameful really

all this military hardware and cant even open Rafah border
That is a myth buddy..in 1973 the gap in technology was much bigger..F4 phantom, Sky hawks, Mirage for IDF While only Mig-21 for Egypt.. It had no radar and could carry only 2 air to air missiles and stay about half an hour in the air .. still you know the outcome of that war..

Why you "forgot" to say that Egypt took sinai back..is it too embarrassing..for your opinion..:lol:

They are sick..these guys want Arabs to start insulting Pakistan..they are what we call : provocateur..really sick people in their hearts..
Even if you have radar missiles or anything els which you think is far advance than 71 believe me they will jam everything up. There is a reason why Egypt is not helping Palis cuz they are afraid of Israel and its daddy uncle sam.
They are far advance in tech and intelligence what egypt have population, which doesnt matter at time of war.
egypt turkey sud join hands together to look strong.
No give credit where its due yes Egypt did fight well in 1973 and yes it took 6km of Sinai, then the rest back through a piece agreement

The Egyptian Sagger ATGM teams were very well trained and determined

They are the unsung heroes of 1973, because after Egypt entered the Sinai the Israeli heavy amour which planned a thrust was stopped in its tracks by these small Sagger teams, very capable guys on foot took on Israeli tanks with those wire guided sagger anti tank missiles devastated the Israeli tank columns hitting the first then the last and then picking the ones off one by one

I know my wars and I have studied 1973 in detail and theres no denying Egyptian determination, the Egyptian soldier was strong and had faith no doubt about it

my only regret is why did Egypt after this victory become a slave nation, that kind of makes me make such comments, its like me winning a fight and then the loser decided to make the rules? makes zero sense never has done

Egypt since 1973 has become a lacky state total useless and totally spineless when it comes to Israelis

on the other hand Syria until pre-2011 who lost to Israel in 1973 has kept fighting Israel and still is fighting Israel in some capacity

Egypt on the other hand welcomes Israelis tourists in Sinai with gold cups and plates, shameful really

all this military hardware and cant even open Rafah border

All of your loooong talk to just to mention Gaza boarders.....
you may have read some books ..... but you don’t really know .....

SINAI is our land and we have got it back ..... as for Syria ( my beloved) Syria now occupied by Israel, Turkey, Russia and Iran ...... what have you did to Syria .....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....and god forbid ...if Egypt was that occupied country..... you would do nothing as well .....
Just big mouths....keyboard warriors ..... will watch us die while you eating snacks on your bedrooms.... and encouraging Turks to occupy our land instead of Israel...... just like what you are doing now for Syria .

Rafah boarders are opened from 5 years ago and more.... and never closed permanently..... the issue is that on the Palestinian part of the boarders there was a fighting and killing between Hamas and Fath .... and there was international observers on the boarders.... all international and Palestinian authority employees have ran to the Egyptian side and closed the Rafah gate .... then it was closed to reach to a new arrangements with Hamas that controlled Gaza from that time till now .... the it is opened ....

but you people seeking to lie and repeating your lies for Ideological reasons ( Takia) to show the opposite of what you feel ..... just hypocrite.
this is best time for buying russian weapons as u.s is not in a position of imposing sanctions due to corona outbreak
Even if you have radar missiles or anything els which you think is far advance than 71 believe me they will jam everything up. There is a reason why Egypt is not helping Palis cuz they are afraid of Israel and its daddy uncle sam.
They are far advance in tech and intelligence what egypt have population, which doesnt matter at time of war.
egypt turkey sud join hands together to look strong.
You are a funny boy..don't know if trolling or pure ignorance of what is going on in the real world..First we are talking about 73 not 71..second here is your answer about EW and jamming:
Exclusive: How Egypt Waged an EW Campaign against Israel

A fallacy again.. Egypt fought wit an army of 100 000 men in 1973..Usrael mobilised much more.. If you count Syria it was about the same, maybe 80 000..Look up how many Usrael could mobilise..

Rafale is almost 5th generation..it is a 4+++ as well as SU-35..Mig-35 is 4++ as well as F-16 Block-52..all of them are coming in bigger numbers soon.. Maybe no more F-16s but more of the others for sure..plus the SU-57 after the SU-35..no doubt about it..
There is a thread I have posted about the electronic warfare in 1973..where Egypt was on par with Usrael and even surprised it with some tech..!!
As for your links..the only cooperation is in Sinai.. after many guys were caught coming from Usrael with weapons and drugs..So Usrael had to cooperate to stop them..otherwise there is no other exchange in the defence industry..
Commerce just started and limited to Usraeli natural gas being sold to Egypt to be transformed and sold to Europe..that is the truth and that is about it..

Sir reportedly Chinese have shown their dissatisfaction in some areas on Su-35 acquired by them, not a tech guy so can't comment more. On other side as per Mig 35 they have Russian AESA yet Russia is struggling with the tech.
The SU30 in use of Indians during recent past encounter were unable to lock the Pak jets including F16/JF17 and even their radars/telecom system was easily jammed by the Pak EW assets. On other hand it was admitted by Indians that Russian AAMs were not having actual range as given by Russians. The Russian tech is prone to jamming. More or less Russian SAM systems provided to Syria many times have struggled against Western tech.

The Rafael is no doubt 4.5 th Gen yet is not at par with 5th gen tech i.e F35 of Israel further Israel has classified upgrades on F15 and F16.
To be honest as a lay man I feel as per capabilities that Rafael being inducted in Indian Air Force have clear edge on PAF assets which shall be available to tackle them i.e F16 block 52 or JF17 block-iii. The reason is due to superior defensive capabilities of Rafael it may successfully dodge PL15 at long ranges as well as the AIM 120-C5 .

1 ) Egyptian Airforce doesnt have MIG-35 ....
Egyptin Airforce buys 50 MIG-29M2s armed with 80km RVV-AE air to air missile
and Egyptian MIG-29M2s armed with KH-31 anti ship missiles

2 ) Egyptian Airforce doesnt have SU-35 ... The US blocked Egypt to buy SU-35 from Russia

3 ) Egypt has 24 RAFALE armed with 60km MICA air to air missiles
Egypt can not buy SCALP Cruise Missiles for RAFALE Fighter Jets

4 ) Egyptian Airforce has 82 F-16 block15/32 ( outdated )
Egyptian Airforce has 130 F-16 block40 ( without Link 16 and AIM-120 BVR air to air missile )
Egyptian Airforce has only 20 F-16 block52 ( without AIM-120 BVR air to air missile )

btw Egyptian F-16s dont have land attack Cruise Missile ..... only 50 HARPOON anti ship missiles

Turkish and Israeli Airforces easly can match with Egyptian F-16s , MIG-29M2s and RAFALEs in BVR combat
even Turkish Airforce trained Pakistani Airforce for BVR combat

Egyptian Airforce has no large scale operation capability , network centric warfare capability and cooperative engagement capability

Turkish Airforce is one of the best in the world with large scale operation capability , network centric warfare capability and cooperative engagement capability and superior NATO technologies

-- 192 F-16C/D block50M/52 Fighter Jets with AN/APG-68(V)9 Radar and Link-16 datalink
-- 120 km AIM-120C7 networked air to air missile
-- Boeing E-7T AEWCs with 600km Radar
-- KEMENT national tactical data link
-- 280 km SOM network enabled Cruise Missile ... ( land attack/anti ship capabilities )
-- 7 Boeing KC-135 air refueling Tankers ... ( Egyptian Airforce has no air refueling Tankers )
-- 4 HAVASOJ stand off Jammer Aircrafts by 2023 ..... ( only Israel and Turkey in the region )
-- Turkey develops GaN based AESA Radar by 2022-2023 to modernize F-16s

btw Turkey is a global partner of F-35 program and Turkey plan to buy 100 F-35A
but The US blocked F-35 deliveries to Turkey after buying S400 air defense system from Russia ... still problem not solved
Sir reportedly Chinese have shown their dissatisfaction in some areas on Su-35 acquired by them, not a tech guy so can't comment more. On other side as per Mig 35 they have Russian AESA yet Russia is struggling with the tech.
The SU30 in use of Indians during recent past encounter were unable to lock the Pak jets including F16/JF17 and even their radars/telecom system was easily jammed by the Pak EW assets. On other hand it was admitted by Indians that Russian AAMs were not having actual range as given by Russians. The Russian tech is prone to jamming. More or less Russian SAM systems provided to Syria many times have struggled against Western tech.

The Rafael is no doubt 4.5 th Gen yet is not at par with 5th gen tech i.e F35 of Israel further Israel has classified upgrades on F15 and F16.
To be honest as a lay man I feel as per capabilities that Rafael being inducted in Indian Air Force have clear edge on PAF assets which shall be available to tackle them i.e F16 block 52 or JF17 block-iii. The reason is due to superior defensive capabilities of Rafael it may successfully dodge PL15 at long ranges as well as the AIM 120-C5 .
Why did China buy it in the first place.. I believe that the negotiations took a long time as well as testing the SU-35.. so I don't really believe such reports..
India is a different case as it tried to integrate Western and Usraeli tech on its warplanes..and it apparently did not work well for them.. so they only have themselves to blame..
Listen friend..in 1973 Usrael had the latest US EW and could not Jam the Egyptian Mig-21 nor the SAMs..let alone today..

What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
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