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If India is following Israeli model in Kashmir, Pakistan needs to follow the Iranian model

please tell me that if we assume some foreign country capture Part of India let assume UP or mahasharh perdesh There peoples or nation try to fight with foreign illegal occupation, same things happening in IOK it is local freedom struggles and you (India) tag this that foreign (Pakistani) terrorist are coming to IOK and destabilize the valley with any solid and valid proofs

foreign (Pakistani) terrorist are coming to IOK and destabilize the valley with any solid and valid proofs

History, you can't change...
Sir ji, why was no terrorism in Kashmir before 1989?

Due to terrorism only the situation in Kashmir is bad now... If there was no terrorism then India never needed to deployed forces in Kashmir.

Actually people don't care about India or Pakistan nationalist. A common people want a peaceful and better life with own family.

Kashmir people are suffering due to India and Pakistan only.. And dirty local politics in Pakistan and India.
And what are the proofs that's i am asking, its a local freedom struggle steeply rises because India denying to free IOK, that's the major reasons of rising of freedom struggle in 1989
Sir ji, why was no terrorism in Kashmir before 1989?

Due to terrorism only the situation in Kashmir is bad now... If there was no terrorism then India never needed to deployed forces in Kashmir.

Actually people don't care about India or Pakistan nationalist. A common people want a peaceful and better life with own family.

Kashmir people are suffering due to India and Pakistan only.. And dirty local politics in Pakistan and India.

Why no armed struggle in Kashmir before 1989? Well, there was, to a very lesser extent.
This is why social surveys are so important to gauge situations and explain reasons. You cannot say that suddenly the armed struggle picked itself up out of nowhere due to an intelligence operation. You need local support for what is happening in Kashmir right now, support from the people, and we have seen that.

My personal opinion is that peoples' thoughts simply change. Over time, they keep hope, then some event triggers a change in thought. Most recent BBC article and survey from some hundreds of Kashmiri students in Kashmir shows that half of them don't believe in armed struggle, but majority of them believe that the right to self determination is long overdue, and that majority of them believe the Indian state isn't going to help. But they're hopeful that interventions from international community and Pakistan will help.

Now probably in the future some events will trigger a different scenario and thought process, and you will see people believing that armed struggle is the one way out. Even without it, how will you address the political and social atmosphere? Does it comfort you to know that people are not pushing hard for their rights? Is that what it is all about?
foreign (Pakistani) terrorist are coming to IOK and destabilize the valley with any solid and valid proofs

History, you can't change...
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT),
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)
Al Badr Mujahideen
Harkat ul Mujahideen

Muhammad Ilyas Kashmir,Masood Azhar,Hafiz Saeed, etc listed in UN list

you will going to denied only... Then, I will say that UN is a useless org. including jammu & Kashmir resolution (India and pakistan)
If by normal Indian citizen u mean bhayya Indians,,,yes absolutely,,they wont go,,,,,,unless they get some more money,gated communities,,robust security n such but expect thm to runaway at the first sign of trouble like the pandit bhayyas of kashmir.,,about others dont be too sure.
On topic--- Batein karoro ki lekin bhayye ki dukan pakoro ki :D
Did you join any course or you were born chutiya
Yes, Pakistan has been obsessed with Indian Occupied Kashmir. Yes, there was a great loss of lives due to the obsession. Yes, there has been no determining result. But are we alone at fault for it? No. What about India's obsession with Kashmir. Why does India oppress the people and not let them choose? Do you not realize that this armed oppression will result in an armed struggle? India is just as much as blameworthy. But let's settle the difference! Pakistan did it for the people, India did it for the land. Our cause was just and right, yours was not.

Pakistan has been doing it for the people and for the sake of the Kashmiri Muslims; and if you think this is some kind of an anomaly, it really isn't. Just read up on Pakistan's history and interventions in UN for the cause of North African states, Indonesia, among many, many other Muslim states. It's just been how our purpose and ideology has been seen. There's a great detail of read on it, book going as far back as 1957, it's fascinating, really.

I don't think we can get it back right now, probably not in the near future. But, I have always maintained, personally, that freeing Kashmir is a big goal, and non erasable, permanent goal of Pakistan; because these people called out to us, and our people sacrificed for them, we have spilled blood for them, and we have done a lot more.

1. Either there should be a step-by-step process to peace, I liked the model proposed in Musharraf's era.
2. Or, we just have to focus on ourselves for now. It really depends, if we come out of this crisis, manage to understand our priorities then the future could be different, or who knows, this could stretch out for another 100 years.

Sorry dude. Pak invaded J&K princely state first and started this whole mess. Who made Pak the arbitrator for J&K? Nobody. How is your cause right here? Let’s not forget 1965 war also.

Your approach to begin attacking and trying to annex J&K militarily is the root cause for all the problems plaguing the region.


Does Jaish d Mohamed, lakshar e toiba and other militant organisations ring a bell?

None of the above violent groups are from J&K. These are Kashmir specific militant organisations based in Pak.
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After India passed their new law to alter the demographics of Kashmir by following the Israeli model of settlements in the West Bank, Pakistan should wake up and follow the Iranian model of hard power, force, and deterrence. Pakistan should create some strong proxies and start surrounding Indian Kashmir. Step up clandestine operations and start launching some missiles and drones to hit key military targets. Pakistan should forget about these hollow press releases and establish some real force and deterrence with missiles and drones to bring an end to Indian impunity in Kashmir. There ought to be consequences for India, the era of Pakistan allowing them to get away must end. Iran has been the most successful at putting pressure on Israel with its proxies and striking key Saudi locations which is exactly what Pakistan should do to India. When Pakistan says India has violated UN resolutions and imprisoned Kashmiris like worse than animals, India doesn't deserve an easy slap on the wrist. That deserves a hard and forceful response, and for that you need credibility on your threats. India currently thinks that Pakistan won't do anything to stop it and they are right. Pakistan needs to establish credibility. If we say we will do something, we should do it. Now is not the time for Pakistan to be afraid. Now is the time to take bold, tough, forceful, aggressive and decisive action and stop India's Israeli settler model in Kashmir in its tracks. When US killed Iran's top general, Iran didn't quietly accept it. They launched dozens of missiles at US bases in hard revenge and made sure US heard their message loud and clear. When Syria killed dozens of Turkish soldiers, Erdogan unleashed hell on Syria by drone striking anything that moved. That is what Pakistan must do to India if we are serious about gaining credibility to deliver our threats and put an end to India's impunity.

imran khan and his band of merry men are too weak to even think on these lines

general bajwa, too


india is simply 'testing' pakistan's threshold by taking steps

1. launch attack on 27th feb = pakistan shoots down 2 ac and then back off

2. annex kashmir = imran gives speech and then backs off


covid 19 is a perfect oppertunity to stir chaos in kashmir, but then again ,imran khan is too busy with his tiger force and un necessary lock down
Your approach to begin attacking and trying to annex J&K militarily is the root cause for all the problems plaguing the region.

The administration in J&K was cleansing and driving Muslims into Pakistan (with the support of RSS volunteers, which the INC leaders turned a blind eye to). Pakistan did the right thing.

It's funny because I never see you Hindus criticize the Indian invasion of Hyderabad or talk about Hindu military aggression post-partition. Why is that?
Do you really think any normal Indian is dying to that war torn place where there is no job, employment leaving their own place??? This is the kind of hype that all these Kashmiri separatist patronize in every place...Buddy...if given a chance, people love to go a place which is better than their native place...

Except some few thousands central govt employees, no one will go to Kashmir by their own will.. People go to cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and other places...No one goes to Kashmir for settling down leaving aside their own native place...

It's not even about going there. This domicile law is only to give domicile status to those outsiders who have lived there for more than 15 years. Such outsiders must be hardly any. As you said, no more than a few thousand at best.
Does Jaish d Mohamed, lakshar e toiba and other militant organisations ring a bell?

None of the above violent groups are from J&K. These are Kashmir specific militant organisations based in Kashmir
Does ring your tail first you always blames and doesn't show any proofs and links that you killed are linked to these terrorist organizations you indiot
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT),
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)
Al Badr Mujahideen
Harkat ul Mujahideen

Muhammad Ilyas Kashmir,Masood Azhar,Hafiz Saeed, etc listed in UN list

you will going to denied only... Then, I will say that UN is a useless org. including jammu & Kashmir resolution (India and pakistan)
Not these organizations are labeled as you assumed (so called terrorism in IOK

imran khan and his band of merry men are too weak to even think on these lines

general bajwa, too


india is simply 'testing' pakistan's threshold by taking steps

1. launch attack on 27th feb = pakistan shoots down 2 ac and then back off

2. annex kashmir = imran gives speech and then backs off


covid 19 is a perfect oppertunity to stir chaos in kashmir, but then again ,imran khan is too busy with his tiger force and un necessary lock down
And what do you want with IK govt to start nuke war with India with crippling economy
And as for corona virus best defense is to lockdown even best countries like USA/Italy lockdown their whole cities
And you want to spread corona virus in Pakistan???
Sorry dude. Pak invaded J&K princely state first and started this whole mess. Who made Pak the arbitrator for J&K? Nobody. How is your cause right here? Let’s not forget 1965 war also.

Your approach to begin attacking and trying to annex J&K militarily is the root cause for all the problems plaguing the region.

Does Jaish d Mohamed, lakshar e toiba and other militant organisations ring a bell?

None of the above violent groups are from J&K. These are Kashmir specific militant organisations based in Kashmir

Did you ever consider why it happened in the first place? Of course not. You're too self absorbed with yourself.
All these terrorists you named are labeled by UN with other cases then terrorism in kashmir hafiz saeed and MASOOD azhar involved in hijacking of passenger jet and don't relate to terrorism in Kashmir you indiot
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