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1965 war veteran rational analysis on Kashmir

honest opinion. appreciated. unlike some indian general who keep on bragging about their strength.
as far as narrative building is concerned we will also lose badly there. indian media is far stronger .secondly they are extremely good at lying and deception. we cant reach to that level. all the countries look at their economic interests and they will over look any narrative built by pakistan and completely ignore it.
the reality is we are too weak to do anything significant other then some sppeches, celebrating kashmir day etc. better take care of the piece of land that we already have. it is also slipping into crisis and collapse due to our own corruption on a biblical scale in every department.
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honest opinion. appreciated. unlike some indian general who keep on bragging about their strength
Yes they are irrational and quite often sound unprofessional.
That's the reason Everytime they failed to achieve in their Ghar me ghuss ke Marney Wala goal :D
honest opinion. appreciated. unlike some indian general who keep on bragging about their strength
Agree till this part only.
as far as narrative building is concerned we will also lose badly there. indian media is far stronger .secondly they are extremely good at lying and deception. we cant reach to that level. all the countries look at their economic interests and they will over look any narrative built by pakistan and completely ignore it.
the reality is we are too weak to do anything significant other then some sppeches, celebrating kashmir day etc. better take care of the piece of land that we already have. it is also slipping into crisis and collapse due to our own corruption on a
Now those are some some extreme assumptions. Don't and cannot agree.
The purpose of the thread I posted is to open eyes of bored fan boys on this forum who think we should start war with India asap and liberate Kashmir. Doesn't mean we are completely helpless and can't do nothing.
Agree till this part only.

Now those are some some extreme assumptions. Don't and cannot agree.
The purpose of the thread I posted is to open eyes of bored fan boys on this forum who think we should start war with India asap and liberate Kashmir. Doesn't mean we are completely helpless and can't do nothing.

His basic premises are impeccable. But to move from there to an uprising of the oppressed Kashmiri people is as realistic as earlier thinking that one Pakistani soldier is equivalent to seven Hindu soldiers (naturally the dignity of being Indian soldiers is consciously skirted). At the end, we are left with the same hopeful thinking that all things will flow in favour of a point of view.

Good luck.

Given our present political troubles, it is easy to understand that hope springs up in every patriotic Pakistani breast. It will not translate into any change of reality on the ground, but this is a free-speech forum for one side of the debate, so why not? Congratulations, @SecularNationalist, on having attempted to set the wilder dreams of the fan-boys at rest. A for effort.

Agree till this part only.

Now those are some some extreme assumptions. Don't and cannot agree.
The purpose of the thread I posted is to open eyes of bored fan boys on this forum who think we should start war with India asap and liberate Kashmir. Doesn't mean we are completely helpless and can't do nothing.

As for the good Brigadier's recommendation of an intensive diplomatic campaign aimed at the human-rights sensitive populations of the west, has this not been a common plank of Pakistani diplomacy for the past seventy years? What new is sought to be added to the mixture?

His suggestion of committing an academically aware and historically aware cadre, rather than the diplomatic hacks used so far, is wishful thinking. If he thinks that such people exist, he needs to be introduced to the pages of PDF, to understand for himself where Pakistani knowledge of the past rests.

Finally, his point that the effort should be projected as a campaign of principle, not of Pakistani interests. All that can be said about these brave words is that it is a little late for these moral conversions.

All this without prejudice to the transparency and honesty with which the Brigadier has presented the matter.
another good talk by the same person.

Kinda Disagree with him, First the war of Terror is not a War of America , it was Pakistan's war so its idiotic to say it was American war but our people killed 80,000 of our people to hurt America ? that is dumbest logic, second We can accept Israel on the condition of that this won't be seen or relate to Indian occupation of Kashmir which is in its essence very different from Israel's Occupation .
Kinda Disagree with him, First the war of Terror is not a War of America , it was Pakistan's war so its idiotic to say it was American war but our people killed 80,000 of our people to hurt America ? that is dumbest logic, second We can accept Israel on the condition of that this won't be seen or relate to Indian occupation of Kashmir which is in its essence very different from Israel's Occupation .

War on Terror was an American war that was waged and fought on Pakistani soil, and the target was Pakistan and its integrity.
It was not a Pakistani war till it was imposed on Pakistan, and then Pakistanis had to clean up the mess of their own creation.

It takes a bit of IQ to comprehend that though, void of which you will easily project idiocy on the person who knows what he is saying.
Kinda Disagree with him, First the war of Terror is not a War of America , it was Pakistan's war so its idiotic to say it was American war but our people killed 80,000 of our people to hurt America ? that is dumbest logic, second We can accept Israel on the condition of that this won't be seen or relate to Indian occupation of Kashmir which is in its essence very different from Israel's Occupation .
superficial analysis of the subject. the americans have always been our bosses. secondly they can buy our men at every level whenever they want. in most of the cases they buy both the opposing sides and get their own results which suit their cause.
as far as recognizing israel is concerned no governmnet will dare to do this even if the arabs do so. if any pakistani leader does so he will sign his own death warrant. i am not even touching the religious issues attached with this issue. so no government in pakistan will take that step. but we can be made to take this step . our economy is in tatters and seemingly things will worsen to a social catastrophe in pakistani. increase in crime rate, suicide rate etc can lead to a chaos . when such a level is reached thay can offer pakistan a deal to recognize israel and our difficulties will be over in return.
His basic premises are impeccable. But to move from there to an uprising of the oppressed Kashmiri people is as realistic as earlier thinking that one Pakistani soldier is equivalent to seven Hindu soldiers (naturally the dignity of being Indian soldiers is consciously skirted). At the end, we are left with the same hopeful thinking that all things will flow in favour of a point of view.

Good luck.

Given our present political troubles, it is easy to understand that hope springs up in every patriotic Pakistani breast. It will not translate into any change of reality on the ground, but this is a free-speech forum for one side of the debate, so why not? Congratulations, @SecularNationalist, on having attempted to set the wilder dreams of the fan-boys at rest. A for effort.

As for the good Brigadier's recommendation of an intensive diplomatic campaign aimed at the human-rights sensitive populations of the west, has this not been a common plank of Pakistani diplomacy for the past seventy years? What new is sought to be added to the mixture?

His suggestion of committing an academically aware and historically aware cadre, rather than the diplomatic hacks used so far, is wishful thinking. If he thinks that such people exist, he needs to be introduced to the pages of PDF, to understand for himself where Pakistani knowledge of the past rests.

Finally, his point that the effort should be projected as a campaign of principle, not of Pakistani interests. All that can be said about these brave words is that it is a little late for these moral conversions.

All this without prejudice to the transparency and honesty with which the Brigadier has presented the matter.
First of all sorry for my harsh tone , actually what happened on 5th August in Kashmir and afterwards affected me as well. On top of that CAA and NRC served as a icing on a cake.I am secular but not a agnostic or atheist ,the reality is I belong to a Muslim community and how does that anti Muslim campaigns of RSS and BJP shouldn't affect me is beyond me.Infact regardless of any religious association it should affect any good human being who has some moral values and principles.I would have reacted similarly if some other religious community was targeted in a similar fashion. I believe you are good man and I am hundred percent sure you know what you are doing in Kashmir is very very wrong. You accept it or not here is another matter. You are secular but I don't know from what religious community you belong ,if today a environment in India prevails which alienate and pushes your community to the wall ,your survival instinct will kick in and your community will prevail over your secularism.Thats exactly what happened with MA Jinnah who was a secular ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity his whole life. The current political and social environment in India is inviting another partition ,hindu political leadership is repeating the same mistake.
As far as Kashmir is concerned I was not expecting that from a sane person like you. Since fifth August you are not able to lift a curfew, communication of all sorts still blocked ,anti indian public sentiment is stronger than ever before in the valley and the whole population is in a protest mode with no business,office work and and school attendance .If all that doesn't meet a criteria of a uprising what else does?Or do you have another definition of a uprising ? Are you able to bring any normalcy in Kashmir or able to digest the bitter pill you swallowed on fifth August? The Kashmir issue has brought to UN security council three times since 1965 and never ever before there was US congressional hearings on Kashmir issue. Has that happened before in the past 70 years??
If you think you are a civilized responsible nation and a aspiring world's biggest democracy and next super power then please try to solve the kashmir issue according to the UN resolutions.What India did in Kashmir is an act of war and in such a short time you can see it's negative affects in all over India and abroad.
I am a firm believer of live and let others live.The indian subcontinent equally belongs to all of us ,it's not a land of hindus only.India was never that much weaker in the past 70 years ,it's the most sensitive time in your history . Because the first time you yourself challenged your secularism and diversity,the two pillars on which your foundation is based. As said earlier in my previous conversations with you I wish the best for your country but if you people are determined in digging your own grave and support every wrong decision of your incumbent government I can do nothing and you should better know in which direction things are heading in the long run.So please stop being proud, open your eyes before it gets too late.
First of all sorry for my harsh tone ,

It was unusual, but I do make allowances for the occasional flash of temper.

actually what happened on 5th August in Kashmir and afterwards affected me as well.

I look forward to learning why. John Donne, asking us not to ask for whom the bell tolls, is rather too broad in stroke for any sensible conversation, and you cannot have wanted that.

If it is any consolation, I am terribly hostile to the actions that were taken. Although Article 370 SHOULD have been removed long ago, the way it was done was grossly illegal, and I object to that railroading action. Article 35A? A stupid thing to remove it; the same law, in almost identical form, is applied in half a dozen other states. This was a blatant picking of a fight.

On top of that CAA and NRC served as a icing on a cake.

No doubt you have some reason to believe that I need persuasion that these are bad things?

I am secular but not a agnostic or atheist ,the reality is I belong to a Muslim community and how does that anti Muslim campaigns of RSS and BJP shouldn't affect me is beyond me.

We can differ on that. To be honest, the display of emotion on behalf of co-religionists by anyone, anywhere, does not particularly engage my attention. Your sentence above and the sentiments within I note with some clinical detachment. It is not for me to comment on your propensity to be worked up by these matters.

Infact regardless of any religious association it should affect any good human being who has some moral values and principles.

This would have resonated strongly with me, if it had not been preceded by the reality expressed earlier, of belonging to a Muslim community.

A small quibble: it affects my sense of propriety, and offends my personal commitment to the rule of law and to constitutional equity. My objections are not of a moral nature; that seems to be somewhat overblown. We need not belt out every emotion at full pitch; there are milder reactions available.

I would have reacted similarly if some other religious community was targeted in a similar fashion. I believe you are good man and I am hundred percent sure you know what you are doing in Kashmir is very very wrong.

"....what you are doing...."?

I am very sorry, but do I have to beat people around the head with a shilellagh to remind them how bitterly I am opposed, and have been opposed from the day I joined this forum? Is there some mistake of identity, perhaps? You do remember what I have said, and maintained, in every single post that I have made that is germane, since 2009?

You accept it or not here is another matter.


And another straw man bites the dust.

You are secular but I don't know from what religious community you belong ,

All you needed to do was to ask; there is absolutely no reason to be coy. I am a Bengali Hindu, of the Shakta branch of Hinduism.

if today a environment in India prevails which alienate and pushes your community to the wall ,your survival instinct will kick in and your community will prevail over your secularism.

If I comment on this, the scoundrels who are bhakts will immediately get ammunition. However, I do wish to suggest to you that extrapolating your strong belief in a particular system of faith onto another totally unknown individual, irrespective of his (or her) own beliefs, is a little unsound.

Thats exactly what happened with MA Jinnah who was a secular ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity his whole life.

I could not disagree more.

The current political and social environment in India is inviting another partition ,hindu political leadership is repeating the same mistake.

I know that these situations lend themselves to selective viewing of events, but until recently, the gloom was pervasive. Now, for the first time in months, even years, I am slightly hopeful.

It is interesting to hear that these buffoons are being described as 'hindu political leadership'.

As far as Kashmir is concerned I was not expecting that from a sane person like you. Since fifth August you are not able to lift a curfew, communication of all sorts still blocked ,anti indian public sentiment is stronger than ever before in the valley and the whole population is in a protest mode with no business,office work and and school attendance .

You know because you have heard personally? What beliefs I hold I draw from direct conversations with my own circles of friends and acquaintances. It is amazing how every single Pakistani citizen assumes that he (or she) has a hotline to the sentiments of every single Kashmiri. I join my friends in despising the actions taken. The rest is wishful thinking; the word 'schadenfreude' intrudes itself into one's thoughts.

If all that doesn't meet a criteria of a uprising what else does?Or do you have another definition of a uprising ? Are you able to bring any normalcy in Kashmir or able to digest the bitter pill you swallowed on fifth August? The Kashmir issue has brought to UN security council three times since 1965 and never ever before there was US congressional hearings on Kashmir issue. Has that happened before in the past 70 years??

Did that quiescence in the last 70 years stop anyone from your country from proclaiming the imminent breakaway of the region? You do get the point, I hope.

If you think you are a civilized responsible nation and a aspiring world's biggest democracy and next super power then please try to solve the kashmir issue according to the UN resolutions.

If you have any pretensions to observance of law and treaty, please remind yourself firmly that the UN is no longer a party, and that your country formally agreed to this.

What India did in Kashmir is an act of war and in such a short time you can see it's negative affects in all over India and abroad.

An ACT OF WAR? Seriously? I am sorry but your feelings have carried you beyond rationality.

You will remember, won't you, an abiding article of the principles of Equity, that a suitor must approach a court with clean hands? Under the historical circumstances, that statement rings hollow.

I am a firm believer of live and let others live.

Noted, and appreciated.

The indian subcontinent equally belongs to all of us ,it's not a land of hindus only.

It emphatically does not.

One country here chose, of its own accord, that their portions belong exclusively to one community. Others chose differently. India chose to declare that its entire mass, after the exit of those seeking exclusivity, belongs to all creeds. That belief cannot be extrapolated. That is not Pakistan's belief; that is not Bangladesh' belief, and that is not Sri Lanka's belief. It does happen to be what Bhutan (with qualifications) and Nepal believe in. I do not count the Maldives; they are somewhat distinct.

NO land declared that it was for Hindus only. Two countries declared for Islam - exclusively - one that it was for Buddhism, exclusively.

India was never that much weaker in the past 70 years ,it's the most sensitive time in your history . Because the first time you yourself challenged your secularism and diversity,the two pillars on which your foundation is based.

I could not agree more, and I cannot help pointing out that you are contradicting your own previous sentence, the one immediately above, about who sought what.

As said earlier in my previous conversations with you I wish the best for your country but if you people are determined in digging your own grave and support every wrong decision of your incumbent government I can do nothing and you should better know in which direction things are heading in the long run.So please stop being proud, open your eyes before it gets too late.

LOL. There is no pride here, I have nothing to gain by flourishes and vain gestures in this forum, I deal with the matter at hand.
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It was unusual, but I do make allowances for the occasional flash of temper.

I look forward to learning why. John Donne, asking us not to ask for whom the bell tolls, is rather too broad in stroke for any sensible conversation, and you cannot have wanted that.

If it is any consolation, I am terribly hostile to the actions that were taken. Although Article 370 SHOULD have been removed long ago, the way it was done was grossly illegal, and I object to that railroading action. Article 35A? A stupid thing to remove it; the same law, in almost identical form, is applied in half a dozen other states. This was a blatant picking of a fight.

No doubt you have some reason to believe that I need persuasion that these are bad things?

We can differ on that. To be honest, the display of emotion on behalf of co-religionists by anyone, anywhere, does not particularly engage my attention. Your sentence above and the sentiments within I note with some clinical detachment. It is not for me to comment on your propensity to be worked up by these matters.

This would have resonated strongly with me, if it had not been preceded by the reality expressed earlier, of belonging to a Muslim community.

A small quibble: it affects my sense of propriety, and offends my personal commitment to the rule of law and to constitutional equity. My objections are not of a moral nature; that seems to be somewhat overblown. We need not belt out every emotion at full pitch; there are milder reactions available.

"....what you are doing...."?

I am very sorry, but do I have to beat people around the head with a shilellagh to remind them how bitterly I am opposed, and have been opposed from the day I joined this forum? Is there some mistake of identity, perhaps? You do remember what I have said, and maintained, in every single post that I have made that is germane, since 2009?


And another straw man bites the dust.

All you needed to do was to ask; there is absolutely no reason to be coy. I am a Bengali Hindu, of the Shakta branch of Hinduism.

If I comment on this, the scoundrels who are bhakts will immediately get ammunition. However, I do wish to suggest to you that extrapolating your strong belief in a particular system of faith onto another totally unknown individual, irrespective of his (or her) own beliefs, is a little unsound.

I could not disagree more.

I know that these situations lend themselves to selective viewing of events, but until recently, the gloom was pervasive. Now, for the first time in months, even years, I am slightly hopeful.

It is interesting to hear that these buffoons are being described as 'hindu political leadership'.

You know because you have heard personally? What beliefs I hold I draw from direct conversations with my own circles of friends and acquaintances. It is amazing how every single Pakistani citizen assumes that he (or she) has a hotline to the sentiments of every single Kashmiri. I join my friends in despising the actions taken. The rest is wishful thinking; the word 'schadenfreude' intrudes itself into one's thoughts.

Did that quiescence in the last 70 years stop anyone from your country from proclaiming the imminent breakaway of the region? You do get the point, I hope.

If you have any pretensions to observance of law and treaty, please remind yourself firmly that the UN is no longer a party, and that your country formally agreed to this.

An ACT OF WAR? Seriously? I am sorry but your feelings have carried you beyond rationality.

You will remember, won't you, an abiding article of the principles of Equity, that a suitor must approach a court with clean hands? Under the historical circumstances, that statement rings hollow.

Noted, and appreciated.

It emphatically does not.

One country here chose, of its own accord, that their portions belong exclusively to one community. Others chose differently. India chose to declare that its entire mass, after the exit of those seeking exclusivity, belongs to all creeds. That belief cannot be extrapolated. That is not Pakistan's belief; that is not Bangladesh' belief, and that is not Sri Lanka's belief. It does happen to be what Bhutan (with qualifications) and Nepal believe in. I do not count the Maldives; they are somewhat distinct.

NO land declared that it was for Hindus only. Two countries declared for Islam - exclusively - one that it was for Buddhism, exclusively.

I could not agree more, and I cannot help pointing out that you are contradicting your own previous sentence, the one immediately above, about who sought what.

LOL. There is no pride here, I have nothing to gain by flourishes and vain gestures in this forum, I deal with the matter at hand.
Well let the time and upcoming events in your secular, culturally diversed UNITED INDIA be your guide my friend.I prefer not to argue anymore with you,all I can conclude is you are heading towards a great disaster that's not my wishful thinks that's just a fact. It cannot be a wishful thinking because it's going to affect pakistan as well.Even though you agree with what i am saying ,you are not making a difference with such thoughts,denial of facts and diversion of a topics instead of answering them and digging deep into them.
You are definitely a changed person I can feel it. But cannot blame you because of the environment prevailing these days in our countries. Period...
Well let the time and upcoming events in your secular, culturally diversed UNITED INDIA be your guide my friend.I prefer not to argue anymore with you,all I can conclude is you are heading towards a great disaster that's not my wishful thinks that's just a fact. It cannot be a wishful thinking because it's going to affect pakistan as well.Even though you agree with what i am saying ,you are not making a difference with such thoughts,denial of facts and diversion of a topics instead of answering them and digging deep into them.
You are definitely a changed person I can feel it. But cannot blame you because of the environment prevailing these days in our countries. Period...

A changed person? In what way? I still oppose the SanghParivar. I still consider Modi and his administration a train wreck. I still think that their policies are divisive and malevolent. What is the change you see? I am curious to know.

As far as digging deep into them, I have done nothing but that for years, and that quest has taken me far beyond religion. It is difficult to discuss these issues on a mono-dimensional basis any more, but courtesy demands that I respond, so I do. The fact is that in my view, what is happening is a deepening and widening of a sociological process that began at least as far back as the Second World War, and that we will fail to understand the phenomenon unless we step back and get our perspective correct. Do you find that too difficult an undertaking?

Regarding my thoughts, my denials (never of facts, only of opinions disguised as facts) and diversion of topics, taking the last first, I urge all interlocutors, not just you, to consider things in their totality. That is not to divert attention but to focus on the real targets. For instance, after scornfully dismissing Savarkar, I have now increasingly come to realise his true role in creating mischief in the late 40s of the last century, and the effects of his actions then on the reality now. My denials are never of facts. However, I do point out those instances where enthusiasm leads someone to cite as fact what is only really that enthusiast's wild surmise. Finally, my thoughts are all I possess by way of weapons; surely you will not wish me to enter into unequal combat with even these missing?
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