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‘We Don’t Call It Annexation,’ Kazakh Leader Says of Crimea

If Turkey wasn't against, Iraqi Kurdistan was now an independent country, and your imcompetent army couldn't do a jack about it. You should be thankful us to keep your country in one piece instead of opening your shitty mouth which reminds me our proverb, don't shjt where you eat.

P.S.: Filling your post with smiley emojis doesn't make it funny or smart post ":)"

Seriously :facepalm: ... I comment on two guys Piotr and vostok. You just jumped out of nowhere with "Don't try to pick a fight with Kazakhstan, you've got enough enemies." comment. I didn't even mentioned Kazakhstan. :doublefacepalm:
I started the thread and it is about Kazakhstan and its Kazakhstan's position that Crimea was not annexed, you came to refute their position, that's picking a fight that doesnt concern you.
Dissolution of Yugoslavia and Soviets was the last big border changes. It's was a chain reaction of lots of combined events, mostly political. I assume you know them thus annexing Crimea and Yugoslavia can't be compared. I want to hear from you how "reunification" is %100 legal. I mean what's the legality criteria? Kind of agreement like UK handed over Hong-Kong to China?
The world is not static, borders will change forever while states exist. People referendum in Crimea shows the people's will. May be in another times it was not legal but in 2014 the constitutional order in Ukraine was destroyed by illegal coup so Crimea use it chance for reunification. I am 100% sure if one day Northern Cyprus will have a chance to unite with Turkey you will call it legal. Russia recognize Crimea as 100% legal Russian land - that is what matter for Crimeans, not some discontentment in London or Washington.
Crimean Tatar Turks are a nation that has been destroyed by genocide and exiles. Most of them were exiled to Siberia(those who did not died on the road). The lucky ones took refuge in Anatolia. Only less than 10% of the Crimean people were able to return. What's the importance of the land when there's no people ... Today, the composition of the Crimea is mostly composed of Russians.

Tsarism won this area with blood. The Soviets cleared them with genocide and exile. Since modern Russia is the successor of these two states, the claim on the Crimea also makes sense. So Crimea is not part of Ukraine, but actually part of Russia. However, it will remain illegitimate in the international arena. Just like the Crimean history.
I started the thread and it is about Kazakhstan and its Kazakhstan's position that Crimea was not annexed, you came to refute their position, that's picking a fight that doesnt concern you.

I didn't comment or quoted on goddamn Kazakhstan's position about it. And don't worry, Turkey and Kazakhstan friendship won't be harmed because a guy in a forum doesn't agree on Kazakhstan position about it. Turkey's and Kazakhistan's positions are clear. Now please cut this crap.

The world is not static, borders will change forever while states exist.

It's 15th century mentality. Borders change only stronger one grabs land by force and doesn't respect another country's soveregnity. Civilised world, law and order is unbearable for you?
It's 15th century mentality. Borders change only stronger one grabs land by force and doesn't respect another country's soveregnity. Civilised world, law and order is unbearable for you?
What international order are you talking about? West destroys state after state in 20th and 21st century. They even destroyed my own country Ukraine with their illegal coup.
As every self-respecting state Russia recognize the Russia's law priority over laws of America and her vassals.
What international order are you talking about? West destroys state after state in 20th and 21st century. They even destroyed my own country Ukraine with their illegal coup.
As every self-respecting state Russia recognize the Russia's law priority over laws of America and her vassals.

The West is the cheerleader of this shit, mate. Usa mostly, smaller countries like France to a degree. But trying whitewash your wrong actions by showing wrong examples doesn't make you right.
If Turkey wasn't against, Iraqi Kurdistan was now an independent country, and your imcompetent army couldn't do a jack about it. You should be thankful us to keep your country in one piece instead of opening your shitty mouth which reminds me our proverb, don't shjt where you eat.

P.S.: Filling your post with smiley emojis doesn't make it funny or smart post ":)"

Seriously :facepalm: ... I comment on two guys Piotr and vostok. You just jumped out of nowhere with "Don't try to pick a fight with Kazakhstan, you've got enough enemies." comment. I didn't even mentioned Kazakhstan. :doublefacepalm:
Actually Iraq is a lot better without donkeystan they didn’t do anything expect draining Iraqi resources in rebellions and now they live on Iraqi oil as for Iraq being one country that all thanks to western nations and to Iraqi soldiers who fought ISIS and not your terrorist supporting erdogan and Iran who done nothing except fueling conflicts.
The West is the cheerleader of this shit, mate. Usa mostly, smaller countries like France to a degree. But trying whitewash your wrong actions by showing wrong examples doesn't make you right.
Wrong actions from Western point. Highest justice since 1991 for Crimeans and the whole Russia.
‘We Don’t Call It Annexation,’

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