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Aug 9, 2008
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Apparently, this tank has 155 mm gun (capable of firing next-generation kinetic rounds), upgraded Active Protection System, upgraded active laser defense system, better armor, 2100-hp engine, and more.

This tank is apparently in testing, and initial batch of 200 Type 99KM tanks will commence production soon.

The report also claims that the Type 99KM tank is 10 years ahead of any other main battle tank in technology.

According to the Russian "tankreported, "reported in the Russian military is also looking forward to knowing when to come out of the T-95tank, the Chinese designers have quietly completed the 99KM latest main battletankof the test .

Previously developed with the Chinese tank is different, 99KM tank equipped with a modular active protection system that can more effectively resist the serial high-explosiveanti-tank weapons andattacks, the world leader in its advanced degree of at least 10 years, China's tank The first manufacturer to produce more than 200 of 99KM tank.

The report also said, 99KM tank still installed improved JD-4 type active laser defense system. The device consists of a laser warning system and generator of a quantum oscillation component. There are enemy tanks in the received ranging signal laser beam irradiation, JD-4 on the alarm system automatically directed to turn the turret where the laser beam emission source direction. After that it will launch a bunch of low-energy laser to determine the exact location of target, when this step is completed, the firing of the laser beam's energy is instantaneously severe increases, so does the optical system of the direct destruction of enemy or the operator blind. Currently, the world's modern tanks have been served in any kind of equipment do not have a similar defense system. This unique feature will no doubt become a battlefield tank 99KM an extremely dangerous opponent, a 99KM power equivalent to 2 to 3 T-90 orM1A1 tank.

99KM tank:
Total weight: 75 tons
Power: 2100 hp engine
Speed: 80 km / h
Maximum stroke: 869 km
Main weapon: 155 mm gun (capable of launching precision-guidedmissiles, and kinetic energy to launch a new generation of armor-piercing shells)

M1A1 tank:
Total weight: 57 tonnes
Power: 1500 hp engine
Speed: 66.8 km / h
Maximum stroke: 498 km
Main weapon: 120 mm smoothbore gun

T-90 tanks:
Full weight: 46.5 tons
Power: 1300 hp engine
Speed: 65 km / h
Maximum stroke: 650 km
Main weapon: 125 mm artillery​


The Type 99KM will likely be paired with the next-generation CSU-152 tank.
Whether the reports are true or not, at 75 tons; a really heavy baby.
Gives a new meaning to the expression-"crushed the opposition".
Whether the reports are true or not, at 75 tons; a really heavy baby.
Gives a new meaning to the expression-"crushed the opposition".

And crush any bridge that it uses :rolleyes: 75 tonnes is truly monstrous, I wonder if the specs are right.
fairly certain this is made up, there could very well be a type-99km, but probably nothing like whats described here
I am pretty sure that the PLA is more interested in upgrading the Air Force, the Navy, and ballistic missiles than develop a new generation of tanks. The Type-99 is already sufficient deterrent for most of our neighbors. No matter how advanced you make a tank you really can't use it to cruise around disputed waters.

p.s. If any one posts pictures of Nazi underwater tanks I will give you 10 reasons why the concept won't work now. So don't try.
I too thinks airforce and navy is receiving higher priority.
Good airforce is enough to make most country connected by land to china to think twice before attacking.
I am pretty sure that the PLA is more interested in upgrading the Air Force, the Navy, and ballistic missiles than develop a new generation of tanks. The Type-99 is already sufficient deterrent for most of our neighbors. No matter how advanced you make a tank you really can't use it to cruise around disputed waters.

p.s. If any one posts pictures of Nazi underwater tanks I will give you 10 reasons why the concept won't work now. So don't try.

No tank alive has survived a direct Javlin hit. Top down attack portable anti-tank missiles give a decided edge to the Infantry over tanks.
No tank alive has survived a direct Javlin hit. Top down attack portable anti-tank missiles give a decided edge to the Infantry over tanks.

Yea, but it needs to score a direct hit on the tank first. A modern active protection system can go a long way to preventing that from happening.
Yea, but it needs to score a direct hit on the tank first. A modern active protection system can go a long way to preventing that from happening.

I am merely reinforcing the point made above that developments in the Navy and Airforce are strategically much more important than a new MBT. This said probably to the dismay of many Indian Arjun fans.
I am merely reinforcing the point made above that developments in the Navy and Airforce are strategically much more important than a new MBT. This said probably to the dismay of many Indian Arjun fans.

... and our Toronto friend, if you recall the 10 page long argument we had regarding the effective deployment of tanks against China by the Russians :rofl:.

Yes I agree that MBT shouldn't be the priority. Look at what the U.S. is doing with tanks. The Abrams are going to be in service till the 2050s...
... and our Toronto friend, if you recall the 10 page long argument we had regarding the effective deployment of tanks against China by the Russians :rofl:.

Yes I agree that MBT shouldn't be the priority. Look at what the U.S. is doing with tanks. The Abrams are going to be in service till the 2050s...

Oh gosh I must be getting old I have no recollection of any such argument.

Well if you look at the US Army, they've gone from tank and Bradley RCT to stryker brigades and had great success in Iraq with them. They are smart enough to know that you need something much more agile and much better at dismounted infantry tactics than the Abrams in Urban built up areas like Iraq.

It's actually a fascinating transition.

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