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The radar has a detection range of several hundred kilometers and the missiles can allegedly intercept targets up to 200 km. away.

JULY 1, 2019 12:44

3 minute read.


People watch S-300 air defense missile systems launching missiles during the Keys to the Sky competition at the International Army Games 2017 at the Ashuluk shooting range outside Astrakhan, Russia, August 5, 2017. . (photo credit: REUTERS/MAXIM SHEMETOV)

Airstrikes were reported in the early hours of Monday near Damascus and Homs, according to Syrian media. Syria has blamed Israel for the airstrikes. The airstrikes occurred just hours after satellite images from ImageSat International showed four Russian S-300 missile defense systems near Masyaf, not far from where the airstrikes occurred.

The S-300 was supplied to Syria by Russia in the fall of 2018 after an Israeli airstrike in Latakia led to Syrian air defense downing a Russian plane with an S-200. The weapon system was supplied by Russia as a message to Israel after Moscow condemned Israel for its airstrikes, which it said had led to the Syrian mistake and the downing of the plane.

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However, over the last nine months, the system has not been declared operational. Things changed on June 30, when photos showed four of the S-300s and a deployed radar system. The radar has a detection range of several hundred kilometers and the missiles can allegedly intercept targets up to 200 km. away. The Masyaf area where the missiles were set up is only a few dozen kilometers from an area Syria said was hit by an airstrike on Monday morning.

This shows that airstrikes targeted an area right under the nose of the S-300. If the system was operational, as some reports indicated, then why were airstrikes able to take place so close to the system? This also raises questions as to whether the airstrikes show that Syria’s air defense is still ineffective and whether they were designed to send this message. In the past, airstrikes were reduced following the anger in September from the Russian aircraft downing. In addition, Israel and Russia have held frequent discussions about Syria, and on Israel’s concerns about Iranian entrenchment.

Israel has said it does not want Iran building more bases or transferring weapons through Syria. According to the former chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot in an interview with The New York Times, Israel carried out more than 1,000 strikes in the last several years.

Israel recently hosted the US National Security Advisor John Bolton and his Russian counterpart for a high level meeting. Discussions focused on Syria and the region.

The messages from Jerusalem are well known. Damascus also knows that by hosting Iranian bases and allowing continued Iranian entrenchment that this raises tensions.
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The airstrikes on Monday were wide ranging, in an area over 160 km. in extent from Homs to Damascus. Their extent – and reports in Syria that they killed civilians – raises the stakes. They also appear to show that the S-300 system was either not effective or not yet turned on. It may be operational, but for whatever reason the Syrian regime and its Russian ally have chosen to keep the launchers in the same place, visible to satellites. This is also a message by the Syrian regime that the launchers are out in the open and that everyone knows where they are. With four launchers, the Syrians have the capacity to track up to one hundred targets and ostensibly strike at many of those targets simultaneously with the system.

The July 1 airstrikes may be a watershed or evidence of more to come. What they clearly show is that Syria is still struggling to use its more advanced air defense system, or is wary of even turning it on and risking it being harmed. For instance, according to a report at Ynet in May, an Iranian-deployed 3rd Khordad system – which was flown into T-4 base – was waiting to be unpacked in April when it was hit by an airstrike. The 3rd Khordad is similar to the S-300 in some ways and poses a threat. The S-300s near Masyaf were not damaged on July 1, according to reports.

Airstrikes and active air defense across Damascus into the mountains near Lebanon and near Homs 160 km to the north awoke Syrians after midnight in the first hours of Monday.

JULY 1, 2019 09:26

2 minute read.


Smoke rises past a mountain as seen from Damascus countryside, Syria December 25, 2018. (photo credit: OMAR SANADIKI/REUTERS)

Airstrikes and active air defenses across Damascus into the mountains near Lebanon and near Homs 160 km. to the North woke up Syrians after midnight in the first hours of Monday. It was the largest series of airstrikes many had seen in months or years, according to social media accounts tweeting from Syria or in touch with people on the ground.

Houses were damaged, soldiers and civilians were reported injured and killed. Explosions rocked areas around Damascus, primarily to the West and into the mountains.

Syrian state media SANA says people were injured and homes in Sahnaya – near Damascus – were damaged. But this is only one location, and as the full picture emerges, Syria’s regime and its allies in Tehran and Moscow will take notice. Over the years, Syria has accused Israel of numerous airstrikes and former chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot has said that more than 1,000 were carried out. However, the larger picture is that the Syrian government must wonder what the message is.
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Syria wants to put on a brave face, claiming that its air defenses have downed incoming missiles. But in the past, it has said the same and it has been shown that it cannot intercept airstrikes. Last fall, Russia said it would provide the Syrian regime with the S-300 system. On Sunday, images were released by ImageSat International showing four S-300 systems in Syria’s Masyaf area, not far from Homs.

In addition, a Ynet report in May indicated that an airstrike at the T-4 airbase on the road to Palmyra from Homs destroyed an Iranian 3rd Khordad air defense system that is supposed to be similar to the S-300. The two details matter for the Syrian regime, because in both cases these relatively sophisticated air defense systems were either all sitting in the same place – and thus not deployed to protect all of Syria – or one was allegedly destroyed at T-4.

Syria knows that a high level meeting was held in Israel in June with US National Security Advisor John Bolton and his Israeli and Russian counterparts. Russia has stressed that it does not want Syria to become a battlefield for any foreign power against Iran. However, Israel has said numerous times last year that it views the Iranian presence in Syria as a threat. US-Iran tensions are at an all-time high. US F-22 raptors were sent to the Persian Gulf this week in position to deal with any Iranian threat.

Reports now indicate that an Iranian-backed group used a drone from Iraq to attack a pipeline in Saudi Arabia in May. With each incident – whether rocket attacks near US troops in Iraq, Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia or the Iranian downing of the US Global Hawk drone in June – the tensions continue to rise. The complex airstrikes in Syria on July 1 are the latest in what appears to be a much larger regional message to Damascus and its allies. The Within Syria Blog reports “super heavy losses today.” As news continues to emerge about targets in Damascus and Homs, spanning such a wide area, Syria’s regime will have to weigh what it has lost. At the same time, the US and Russia will be watching closely.

Did another Israeli desperate attempt to launch missiles from hundreds of kms away failing to hit anything prove that S-300 ineffective?
Well, its actually pretty effective for Syria without even firing a single shot.
it all depends on who is operating these sams and whether they are properly trained and capable of using it.If russia is operating them they will not use it unless missiles hit russian bases ,Syrian army is incapable to operate them in efficient manner
Syrian missile fending off alleged Israeli strike hits Cyprus
Turkish Cypriot officials say Russian-made missile that was part of an anti-aircraft battery is what caused an explosion outside a village in the country's breakaway north; blasts shook the divided capital Nicosia several kilometers away
Reuters|Published: 07.01.19 , 12:20

an alleged Israeli raid missed its target and hit ethnically divided Cyprus, causing an explosion outside a village in east Mediterranean island notion's breakaway north. No injuries were reported.

Military personnel carry debris on a slope where a missile struck, in Tashkent (also known as Vouno), in northern Cyprus, July 1, 2019

Kudret Ozersay, the north's foreign minister, posted on his personal Facebook account that an initial assessment of the pre-dawn blast indicated that a Russian-made missile that was part of an anti-aircraft battery had missed its target during overnight airstrikes in the central province of Homs and suburbs of Damascus.

Ozersay said the missile likely blew up in flight because there was no impact crater and pieces of the object were found several kilometers from the main debris field outside the village of Tashkent, or Vouno, as it's known by its Greek name.

He said the writing on debris matches that found on pieces of a Russian-made S-200 missile that crashed in Gaziantep, Turkey, in July 2018.

Explosion caused by Syrian anti-aircraft missile (Photo: Cyprusmail)

According to Turkish Cypriot broadcaster BRT, Prime Minister Ersin Tatar said no one was hurt in the explosion and that firefighting crews have contained a blaze that the burning debris had ignited.

Police have cordoned off the main debris field and other locations in nearby villages where more pieces of debris have been found.

The explosion even shook residents of the divided capital Nicosia several kilometers away.

Cyprus was split in 1974 when Turkey invaded following a coup by supporters of union with Greece. The country's internationally recognized government is seated in the Greek Cypriot south. Only Turkey recognizes a Turkish Cypriot declaration of independence and keeps more than 35,000 troops in the north.

S-300 never fired a single shot yet..
The reason nobody rely on Russia as an ally. Egypt had to kick them out to deal with Israel in 70s
it all depends on who is operating these sams and whether they are properly trained and capable of using it.If russia is operating them they will not use it unless missiles hit russian bases ,Syrian army is incapable to operate them in efficient manner
According to several reliable pro Assad sources Russian S-400 fired shortly before the Il-20 shooting down.
Syria got owned by the Israelis - big time!

The Russians got embarrassed too and this now gives Israel & the US more encouragement to attack Iran because the IAF bypassed their Khordad system
I wonder why they don't say that they targeted babies this time

according to a report at Ynet in May, an Iranian-deployed 3rd Khordad system – which was flown into T-4 base – was waiting to be unpacked in April when it was hit by an airstrike. The 3rd Khordad is similar to the S-300 in some ways and poses a threat. The S-300s near Masyaf were not damaged on July 1, according to reports.
the news is fake as it only taker 5-10 min from the time you move 3rd of Khordad out of airplane to the time you are ready to fire at enemy targets. and nobody ever showed any evidence that there ever was a 3rd of Khordad in Syria
only talks and no evidence not even one Iranian soldier not one Iranian Air defense system nothing but talks. every one know if Israel had smallest evidence that they hit an Iranian Air defense system ( like they did with Pantsir sam ) or a Iranian soldier they would not have been silent about it not for one min they would have been showing it to world and even beyond so you have to show us some evidence first. do not act like we do not know you.
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Most probably the result of NSAs meeting of Israel, US and Russia. Russians are interested in anti terrorist operations and don't want to get involved in israeli arab conflict. Israelis have strong influence in US and Russians don't want to mess with them for Iran, infact they would like to use this as leverage to get some ease of sanctions from US.

Israelis are the primary beneficiaries of iranian-arab conflict. Arab states now don't even bother to verbally condemn israeli aggression.
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