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Ex Taiwan governer: I feel so ashamed to see how backward Taiwan is to mainland china

“空谈误国, 实干兴邦” That's exactly the difference between mainland China and Taiwan's politics.

He suggests those whose minds are still stuck in the past to go to mainland China and see for themselves, with a mind stuck in the past and so detached from today's reality ,then one can not have a future.
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He said he is so depressed and heartwrenching after coming back to Taiwan from a trip to the mainland, everywhere in China is filled with glistening superhighways, subways, skycrapers spotless well planned city streets and airports, while Taiwan look so underdeveloped and backward, the main airport in Taiwan is decades old and is still leaking water when it rains.
He said he is so depressed and heartwrenching after coming back to Taiwan from a trip to the mainland, everywhere in China is filled with glistening superhighways, subways, skycrapers spotless well planned city streets and airports, while Taiwan look so underdeveloped and backward, the main airport in Taiwan is decades old and is still leaking water when it rains.

Instead of competing with China in science and technology.

What do the Taiwanese do they legalise homosexuality, Taiwan has better fish to fry but instead they waste their time with filth like homosexuality.

China won this because China itself knows that a country needs a healthy family unit to keep the country growing while Taiwan in the long run destroyed itself by legalising gay marriage and degeneracy the long term health of the country will go to the drain.

Progessivesness depends on science and technology not degeneracy.
Taiwan congress, can't expect much from those lawmakers





Instead of competing with China in science and technology.

What do the Taiwanese do they legalise homosexuality, Taiwan has better fish to fry but instead they waste their time with filth like homosexuality.

China won this because China itself knows that a country needs a healthy family unit to keep the country growing while Taiwan in the long run destroyed itself by legalising gay marriage and degeneracy the long term health of the country will go to the drain.

Progessivesness depends on science and technology not degeneracy.
You gay, bruh?
Another place ruined by democracy. Is everyone qualified to participate in politics? Definitely not and will never be. >90% of people are retarded to politics. "Everyone has the right of....." is just political correctness shit. Democracy is wrong from the root.

The sparkling side of democracy can be seen almost instantly. And people enjoy it. The dark side of democracy emerges very slowly. Slow but lethal. Like drug smoking.
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