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Modi's Clean India Drive & reality...

Not only do Indians like to litter, urinate everywhere, but they also don't like to bathe.
Every day when I return to my apartment from school, it's a disaster to take the elevator with Indians.
Imagine curry rice exposed in the open air for months, most of the Indians I met smell that bad.

Although white people also have body odor genes, they're not as stinky as Indians in general.
Indians should consider changing their habits. Learn to use deodorant/antiperspirant like white people & bathe every day. Otherwise, people in most countries of the world will hate dealing with Indians.
Not only do Indians like to litter, urinate everywhere, but they also don't like to bathe.
Every day when I return to my apartment from school, it's a disaster to take the elevator with Indians.
Imagine curry rice exposed in the open air for months, most of the Indians I met smell that bad.

Although white people also have body odor genes, they're not as stinky as Indians in general.
Indians should consider changing their habits. Learn to use deodorant/antiperspirant like white people & bathe every day. Otherwise, people in most countries of the world will hate dealing with Indians.
You should smell them after they sweat in summer.....I got stucked once in the lift with 5 of them.....it was hell...the lady with me had tears in her eyes. They are that smelly, concentrated urea plus spice. I am astonished they don't seem to smell their own odor. I mean don't their wives smell that ? I have been with black people and negroes, they don't smell like that...only Indians....it's really really really bad, i sometimes think they don't wash their armpits.
You should smell them after they sweat in summer.

This is deadly I guess.

I am astonished they don't seem to smell their own odor.

Indians should get used to this smell from an early age. Ordinary Indians are born with body odor and they do not use deodorants.
But what I am curious about is that after they came to China, did they realize that they had a completely different smell from the Chinese. Or they are just not able to distinguish between their body odor and clean air.

i sometimes think they don't wash their armpits.

I think so.
In addition to their poor hygiene habits, Indian food should be one of the sources of their unpleasant smell. They eat too much spice & curry. :p
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This is deadly I guess.

Indians should get used to this smell from an early age. Ordinary Indians are born with body odor and they do not use deodorants.
But what I am curious about is that after they came to China, did they realize that they had a completely different smell from the Chinese. Or they are just not able to distinguish between their body odor and clean air.

I think so.
In addition to their poor hygiene habits, Indian food should be one of the sources of their unpleasant smell. They eat too much spice & curry. :p

You are too honest and straight! It's strangeenough that you are not labelled as racist yet by Indian posters.

Bangladesh has reduced open defecation to only 1%, a “milestone change” from the 42% in 2003, making it a role model for other countries in the region.

Approximately 595 million people in India, about half the population, do not use toilets. This is not due to poverty, but more out of habit. India's per capita GDP is still quite a bit higher than Bangladesh.

In Pakistan the number is 41 million, or about 21%, while for Nepal the number is 15.5 million, or 54% of the population.

Only Sri Lanka, of all other South Asian states, has managed, like Bangladesh, to virtually wipe out open air defecation.



The way to solve a problem is to plan a solution and diligently, consistently act to accomplish it (with baby steps, if necessary).
I had an Indian one, she had hair on her legs and smelts like fermented chapati. Maybe you guys got used to that smell?

Oh dear,
news flash : Every women has hair on legs, hands, armpits and other sensitive parts. EVERY WOMEN.

Do Chinese think women are born with no hair on legs? :suicide2:
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