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Aryan Ethos: Loyalty To One’s Own Nature

This is the problem we face in the west the Pakistanis often and many Muslims chose to ignore this relevant growing political movement in the west, the west is moving away from traditional left wing and right wing ideals and treading quick to all types of populism closing our eyes to it will harm us more its sad that folks like @Desert Fox who is a fellow Pakistani is always shut down as a white nationalist a...s . k...ser while he is not all he is doing is trying to raise awareness of the implications of the changes in the west so our diaspora can better prepare themselves for the worse I think its a good thing

Right wing parties are on the rise. Italy is ruled by a far right party, the US has Donald Trump in power, far right parties are gaining ground in Germany again, etc. And with these parties comes a surge in ethno-nationalism which they help facilitate and even flat-out support to varying degrees.

People need to wake up and understand what these guys think, because they're only becoming more relevant day by day.
Some of them here in England become mad to the point of physical violence when I tell them we **** too are Caucasians ( not claiming any superiority just to annoy them) first they laugh but when I show them proof of the travel of aryan languages and how old German and urdu are similar they get so mad they almost tend to start becoming physical,
Okay, thanks for your opinion.

Do you mean Evola? How so?

Dude, there is an entire wiki article about him and his fascist world view...


He wasn't a typical fascist, but his views shaped what are today's modern fascist beliefs.

Btw Allama Iqbal also met Mussolini during the 1920's and praised him for the rejuvenation he was attempting to bring in Italian life. I guess that makes him a Fascist too.
Nice jumping the shark there. Gandhi also praised Hitler, everyone makes mistake.
Don't forget Dr Muhammad Shedai. He was a Sialkoti who studied Communism, met Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, advised the Italian Foreign Ministry on propaganda efforts during WW2, and even helped form an Axis battalion in WW2 (comprising soldiers from British India) that fought for the Italian army.

He was effectively the Pakistani equivalent of Chandra Bose, and whether you agree with him or not, he is an important figure from our history.

I recall Dr.Shedai they really needs to be more focus on the diplomatic efforts made by the Pakistan movement during the 1930s and 1940s as its big missing part of our history Pakistan did not come our of magic pooff it was result of men with intellect who saw the broad views of the changing Europe and Middle East and took advantage of that its not a coincidence
Dude, there is an entire wiki article about him and his fascist world view...


He wasn't a typical fascist, but his views shaped what are today's modern fascist beliefs.
Lol wikipedia. You dont even know what Fascism is.
Nice jumping the shark there. Gandhi also praised Hitler, everyone makes mistake.
Okay, let's stay on topic here.

The topic of discussion is a innate and natural hierarchy based society which characterized all ancient world civilizations (the major ones, at least).
It's a political ideology just like Communism, Kemalism, Classical Liberalism, etc. No harm in studying it.

European Fascism is one of the most relevant ideologies in modern history, it's impact on the world has been MASSIVE. One would be foolish to ignore it.

A lot of them just want us to GTHO of their countries, and many of them are capable of rational conversation. And just because they have some crooked views, doesn't mean we should throw out everything they say. They have some valid criticisms of modern society.

And this concept of a caste system IS relevant to us. Many people from what is now Pakistan DID follow a similar system in pre-Islamic times.
I'm not saying ignore it, I'm saying don't validate it. Simply present g a fascist view, like @Desert Fox original post did, without a rebuttal, is simply validating it. The OP wasn't meant for study, it was meant to validate an invalid and laughably flawed ideology.

European fascism has been the most damaging ideology that the world has ever seen, and to simply present it as a philosophy, without proper context or disclosure is NOT a valid way to study it.
Right wing parties are on the rise. Italy is ruled by a far right party, the US has Donald Trump in power, far right parties are gaining ground in Germany again, etc. And with these parties comes a surge in ethno-nationalism which they help facilitate and even flat-out support to varying degrees.

People need to wake up and understand what these guys think, because they're only becoming more relevant day by day.

Donald Trump would not be called Far Right he may be a symbol to some people but he your typical boomer Republican, however even before Trump there was a surge in interest in the far right due to the changing demographics situation, lack of cohesive culture and the use of high skilled and low skilled immigrants filling up the job markets European far right movements are more Anti American as they see the post WW2 Americanization of their culture and ethos plus their control of contients defenses as a negative
Interesting. I just learned something new. Thanks. If you have more knowledge on this historical figure do post links and sources.

Here's a picture of him:


Some more information about him:

Source is irrelevant, content is relevant.
I find this text to have merit.
Could not have said it any better.

People who are crying about this article are no different from extremists who behead people for reading the Bible, or the Quran, etc...

"How dare you post this article!!!!" "NAZI!!!!!!"
Simply present g a fascist view, like @Desert Fox original post did, without a rebuttal, is simply validating it.

So when the news reports about ISIS without giving a lengthy refutation of their ideology, is that validating ISIS?

European fascism has been the most damaging ideology that the world has ever seen, and to simply present it as a philosophy, without proper context or disclosure is NOT a valid way to study it.

We KNOW the context, you have to be living under a rock to NOT know about the history of Fascism.
Lol wikipedia. You dont even know what Fascism is.

Nice one, you really got me there, champ. Also, good job dismissing the source.

By your logic, I should dismiss your source as well,considering, you know, counter current is a literal fascist website.

Okay, let's stay on topic here.

The topic of discussion is a innate and natural hierarchy based society which characterized all ancient world civilizations (the major ones, at least).
Nice job changing the topic.
I'm not saying ignore it, I'm saying don't validate it. Simply present g a fascist view, like @Desert Fox original post did, without a rebuttal, is simply validating it. The OP wasn't meant for study, it was meant to validate an invalid and laughably flawed ideology.

European fascism has been the most damaging ideology that the world has ever seen, and to simply present it as a philosophy, without proper context or disclosure is NOT a valid way to study it.
Okay so now everything needs your stamp of approval before being available to the public? :lol:
I recall Dr.Shedai they really needs to be more focus on the diplomatic efforts made by the Pakistan movement during the 1930s and 1940s as its big missing part of our history Pakistan did not come our of magic pooff it was result of men with intellect who saw the broad views of the changing Europe and Middle East and took advantage of that its not a coincidence

Not just that, even some of those who opposed the Pakistan movement are still historically relevant, and people need to be taught about what they thought and why. Individuals like Bhaghat Singh are very relevant too.

The topic of discussion is a innate and natural hierarchy based society which characterized all ancient world civilizations (the major ones, at least).

Speaking of which, even other people beyond Indo-Europeans had such a system. Hammurabi's law from ancient Mesopotamia makes reference to a similar system, where Hammurabi suggests that those who are more productive towards societal development should be exempt to certain punishments due to their inherent higher worth.

Whether or not you agree is one thing, but it's an interesting topic none-the-less.
So when the news reports about ISIS without giving a lengthy refutation of their ideology, is that validating ISIS?

That's not a valid comparison, and you know it. A news report about about an event that occurred. A ideology or philosophy being talked about is completely different in nature.

We KNOW the context, you have to be living under a rock to NOT know about the history of Fascism.
See, you say that, but I just got accused by @Desert Fox of not knowing what fascism is. If he's to be believed, than you're wrong.
Nice one, you really got me there, champ. Also, good job dismissing the source.

By your logic, I should dismiss your source as well,considering, you know, counter current is a literal fascist website.
Wikipedia is not considered a "source".

If you use wikipedia in any academic institution you will get a big fat F.

Nice job changing the topic.
Please stay on topic.
That's not a valid comparison, and you know it.

It's a perfectly valid one. It's unreasonable to expect someone to write a lengthy refutation of a subject that has already been discussed thousands of times.

but I just got accused by @Desert Fox of not knowing what fascism is.

You might, you might not. A lot of people do misunderstand this stuff as just being "muh far right racism" but it's more complex than that.

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