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Imran Khan (ইমরান খান) talking about Bangladesh

Bollocks. BD is a democracy and the government they have, won the darned elections and is extremely popular. Your argumant could be applied to any country. Government is bad but people are good. Which is self serving rubbish. Anyway it matters nought today. When it mattered in 1971 they sided with Indian's. Rest is cobblers ...

Yes. And my uncle was in Bangla '71. And I heard his stories about these people.

And I am full on 1000% pro Imran Khan long before he became PM. But that does not mean I agree with him on every single sentence he has ever uttered ....

Bd is not a democracy and Awami league is not elected by the pople.

Imran Khan is a mumin. I’ve nothing but respet for him. His main focus is to uplift poor pakinstani and he knows how Bdian feel about Pakistani because he experienced it himself.

May Allah preserve you Janab Imran Khan.

I posted it to show that Imran Khan is different that other PMs of Pakistan.

And I also think that IK has something to do improve the relation with BD-PK.

And there are the elements of both love and hate for Pakistan among the Bangladeshis.

I hope that all Bangladeshis are not taken equally regarding the perception about Pakistan.

Some BD members here just want to spread hatred to establish their political agenda by maligning Pakistan and it works here unfortunately.

Bro, find a way to leave Bd. That county no longer represent your kind. You know what I mean, don’t you.
Bollocks. BD is a democracy and the government they have, won the darned elections and is extremely popular. Your argumant could be applied to any country. Government is bad but people are good. Which is self serving rubbish. Anyway it matters nought today. When it mattered in 1971 they sided with Indian's. Rest is cobblers ...

Except the main opposition party boycotted the elections nor is Bangladesh viewed as a democracy on the international stage.

But the results were anything but close: The incumbent prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, and her ruling coalition won 288 out of 300 seats in Parliament.

That kind of margin of victory — 96 percent — was a result one might expect in a place like North Korea, not a democratic nation such as Bangladesh.

That is exactly the problem: Hasina, Bangladesh’s increasingly authoritarian leader, consolidated her grip on power but at the cost of her own electoral legitimacy.

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Bro, find a way to leave Bd. That county no longer represent your kind. You know what I mean, don’t you.

I do not know, but I surely do not want my kids to be raised here, if such suppression and autocracy continue here.
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I do not hate BD per se. As a mater of fact I have a few FB friends in Chittagong and Sylhet and we go along very well. But I do have problems with BD members who are flooding our national forum with BD related news which has very little significance. These threads and posts are as annoying as pop up adds on the net or youtube. I am exposed to topics and news I don't care about.
And to make thing worse, many of these threads are nothing but di*k measuring trollfests and they are largely ignored by the mods.

More than 60% of Pakistan's population is younger than 25 years. They have no affinity nor any interest in BD or BD related affairs. I bet that not even 50% of my people would even know the names of BD's two main political parties or the name of the PM.

Another reason why no one is interested in BD is it's location. It is surrounded by India and has a very small border with Myanmar, another political no no. It has little strategic value. Things would be a lot different if it shared a border with China and built a trade corridor. But that is not the case. So BD will never be interesting for us.
mran Khan is a mumin. I’ve nothing but respet for him
@Al-zakir,I also have high respect for him as an inherited fan ( came from family tradition) of his cricket. However , once he was a playboy and all people know this . So he is mumin now because he has changed, and that's okay.

However Hasina also pray 5 times as far I know and yet you guys call her kafir and indian stooge ( it's strange, isn't it?). So tell me sir , when you will also call Hasina a Mumin ? Does she need to leave AL and join BNP-Jamaat alliance to serve your pir sahiban Khaleda zia? Will you declare her a mumin then ? Is it a requirement to become a Mumin? Just curious !

I do not know, but I surely do not want my kids to be raised here, if such suppression and autocracy continue here.
If autocracy of Hasina is soo destructive , you would not be posting here and there under nick name . Are you living in dark age my dear fella ?Do you not know that in this age it's very easy to find people by tracking IP . And specially lots of haters regularly defaming her in fb , yet they are safe! So do not be inconsistent when every time showing emotion .

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I do not want my future in a country where I can not vote transparently. Simple.

They do not admit our vote right.

It is a serious issue that my vote is not counted.

I do not want my future in a country where I can not vote transparently. Simple.

They do not admit our vote right.

It is a serious issue that my vote is not counted.
It's your choice bro , but do not forget that Ershad ( Not Ziaur rahman )made Friday as holiday and Islam as state religion.

So probably you will have your voting right in future I believe . And since you prefer right wing ideology ( and I also have no problem with it , and basically i prefer right wing too , just under true leadership, not under the culprit Tareq rahman , who drowned his father's glorious name !), so you can choose others who will be raised as strong non AL opposition.

If you can wait and watch young friend , you will see it in next 5/7 years I believe.
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I have often made mistakes with my brothers, some very serious, we even have at times come to blows but never, never would we side with a outsider to beat my brother. The day one crosses that red line ~ he is no brother of mine. Cut him loose .....
Soon we will see them drinking cow piss in solidarity with hindu Brothers
I posted it to show that Imran Khan is different that other PMs of Pakistan.

And I also think that IK has something to do improve the relation with BD-PK.

And there are the elements of both love and hate for Pakistan among the Bangladeshis.

I hope that all Bangladeshis are not taken equally regarding the perception about Pakistan.

Some BD members here just want to spread hatred to establish their political agenda by maligning Pakistan and it works here unfortunately.

Most Pakistanis and Bangladeshis want good relations with each other. At a state level however things are not simple and in this case the issue lies with Hasina. It does not matter if Sharif, Zardari or Khan are leading Pakistan, the approach towards Bangladesh has been the same i.e. a desire of closer relations but not at the cost of adopting the Indian narrative surrounding history. Hasina meanwhile has full out bowed down to the Indian narrative meaning that any Pakistani overtures are pointless, as hatred for Pakistan is ingrained in the Indian narrative surrounding the period between 47-71. Better to have no relations in such a case than bad relations.
Imran Khan has good popularity in Bangladesh. I have seen people in Bangladesh mostly supporting Pakistan's cause in the recent Indo-Pak fiasco.
Most Pakistanis and Bangladeshis want good relations with each other. At a state level however things are not simple and in this case the issue lies with Hasina. It does not matter if Sharif, Zardari or Khan are leading Pakistan, the approach towards Bangladesh has been the same i.e. a desire of closer relations but not at the cost of adopting the Indian narrative surrounding history. Hasina meanwhile has full out bowed down to the Indian narrative meaning that any Pakistani overtures are pointless, as hatred for Pakistan is ingrained in the Indian narrative surrounding the period between 47-71. Better to have no relations in such a case than bad relations.

Hasina does not need to "bow down" to anybody to reject Pakistani overtures. She has her own good reasons to do so, did you forget her father is Mujib and her family led the freedom struggle in 71? She and and her family have good reasons to be anti-Pakistan even without any foreign influence.

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