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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Yes but the will be response later on as it is highly unlikely that a strike package of 24 aircrafts can be countered with a sizeable number on the spot as we can put a small number on active duty at a given point of time ...

Furthermore, a retaliation can get into a trap as well ...

What I am saying that we have to consider all type of possibilities and have to be vigilant ...


When i said disproportionate escalated response... That meant alot more severe escalation than what is shown in response this time ..

Its not an easy path but you are right they are dying for another go
Their history mostly is all about 71 war with Pakistan as per the link with Mig-21 and 27. So my question who flies the SU-30? Considering this to be their elite pilots and as per @Oscar damn good ones so shouldnt they be flying the best specially when they are tasked to take out our best.........Th F-16?
obviously has not posted about tactics of their modern jets but in simple and plain form its specialised branch of IAF tasked to develop tactics related to aerial warfare
Guys absolute hypothetical perhaps absurd thing.

Given that Indians are badly bruised as to what happened to them on 27 February 2019 and the fact that they want some face saving and something that perhaps might be quite public. So keeping that in mind what is the possibility that on 23 March 2019 during parade they could come near the border say around poonch sector and lock onto one of the performing fighters and fire salvo of missiles.

keeping in mind the distance from there to parade ground is around 88km which is well within BVR range?

If that occur will the performing air craft get alert? what would PAF response perhaps CAP response could be.

PS: It is absurd but nonetheless it is a possibility.
Only a few fighters take part in the displays. The rest are ready ans waiting. Any incursion on the 23rd will be an act of War and will be responded to accordingly. The response would be lethal and massive. No one repeat no one should be in two minds about it. Even if the Indian leadership is mad( I dont think they are) the forces know fully well what a stupidity at this juncture would invite from the Pak defence apparatus.
How could you get that Pak will be a sitting duck? Why your half-dead brain couldn't think of a brutal Pak response to any Indian aggression, big or small, today, after a week or a month. If they can try taking out our air bases then we have MashaAllah a much better capability to go, take control of their air space, and destroy their bases and divisional HQs, kill scores of pigs, and safely return. You coward better bury your head in sand and stay in peace. Don't spread your shit here in public.

Did you see pictures of today's meeting in Islamabad. Our leaders are relaxed and it looks like an informal meeting. We are not wary of anything, least of all a coward terrorist like Modi who can murder only unarmed innocent people. We are calm but vigilant. We don't want to appear as aggressors but we are determined to break the jaws of any aggressor. We are watching with eagle eye and ready to attack with eagle's maneuvering. Let Modi push himself in disgrace and we'll humiliate him even more. InshaAllah.

Punishment? We kicked Indian *** and busted it in the air and ground. Tell him come again, we are ready to f**k him again.
Relax and dont shoot your BP through the roof. They are ready and we are ready. They have some backing and we have backing. However when it comes to a fight it is always A vs B. All the other parties sit back and see how it plays out
It is a difficuly situation from every perspective. I am hoping that better sense will prevail but it doesnt always do so. Whether this upstaged aggression will be a cause for cancellation of Indian elections remains to be seen
As long as Modi remains there is a fear for a war. The best answer to him is to let the elctions happen so he gets defeated.

From india’ POV this is the best circumstances to pile pressure on Pak fragile economy to see visible reductions in militancy emanating from Pak.

Easy way out for Pak: close extremist elements under cover of FATF requirements.

Yes, if this continues the overall end result is reversal of economic growth in the region.
If you think Paklands can smuggle ammo. Incite youth into frank rebellion and send people to guide them through the worlds best guarded border then you need to fire your whole border se urity force on IOK. This is a classic case of diverting attention from the real problem in Kashmir by creating a scapegoat of international terrorism from Pakistan when truely this is an indigenous movement which has taken the life of 120,000 people in Kashmir. However this will come back to haunt you as Pakistan will notbow to Indian pressure. Once the elections happen we may have a more receptive Government able to look at the whole situation holistically and try and negotiate for peace with the people of Kashmir. Your defeat on the political and media front has been so stark it has led the whole world to think twice regards its strategy vis a vis the region.
We understand the fingers that is currently manipulating the puppet of Modi even as they fortify their own house. Rest assured you wont do anything and it will lead to a resonse which will be befitting.
Relax and dont shoot your BP through the roof. They are ready and we are ready. They have some backing and we have backing. However when it comes to a fight it is always A vs B. All the other parties sit back and see how it plays out
It is a difficuly situation from every perspective. I am hoping that better sense will prevail but it doesnt always do so. Whether this upstaged aggression will be a cause for cancellation of Indian elections remains to be seen
As long as Modi remains there is a fear for a war. The best answer to him is to let the elctions happen so he gets defeated.
I certainly hope that we are at least trying to ensure that Modi loses for the good of the entire world. I am alluding to the Russia model.
Their history mostly is all about 71 war with Pakistan as per the link with Mig-21 and 27. So my question who flies the SU-30? Considering this to be their elite pilots and as per @Oscar damn good ones so shouldnt they be flying the best specially when they are tasked to take out our best.........Th F-16?
I think this time they will lose both Kashmir and Indian Punjab and we can help establish Khalistan with established right to trade via Pak lands. Then see how they will dance.

I certainly hope that we are at least trying to ensure that Modi loses for the good of the entire world. I am alluding to the Russia model.
If we can keep the war from occuring we have won this battle. If India does not have any excuse for cancelling elections then Modi will lose. However barring concerted Media effort we cannot do more.
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Both R73 seekers are intact ... If R73 would've been fired than seeker is first thing that would've burst into pieces

54463130_2337122859682336_5850248187368964096_n (1).jpg
YES!! In case of another combat they too may lose another aircraft, that will only add to the humiliation. That is why they talked about missile options but it was countered by a strong statement of intent from Pakistan side. Now if they do attack and lose another aircraft, i will say that battle will continue till they shoot down PAF jets too (more than they lose) and make sure they have enough material to do an extensive propaganda about "victory". But before any of it, they will hope that we get provoked and cross the line, that way the blame will be on us.
Although possible but I think it is not probable, they will not launch an aerial strike unless they have decided to start a full. Mostly it will be a futile exercise to entice our aircraft to their side of border.
More danger now is that they will now launch ground incursions inside Kashmir over LOC most probably way up in north, where they can concentrate more infantry and it is difficult and time taking to bring reinforcements in men and material therefore providing ample time to execute smaller excursions.
You bad old man,you are scaring off our future tea guests from East.

Whatever PAF did to them, whats public and what is still private, they will remain deterred. PAF has effectively shown, through better planning, judgement, and a bit of luck, that Indian Air Force developments and acquisitions are null and void, for now. How much time do they take to recover? Rafael is taking to Tejas, and as soon as they come up with something, they will call me. By that time, PAF's other cards will be mature and flying.

MKI in vertical spin AND on fire.

Both R73 seekers are intact ... If R73 would've been fired than seeker is first thing that would've burst into pieces

View attachment 548094

Well, for AAMs, the seeker survives and you find it after the engagement. However, it is about the location where you find it that matters. If all four of these were found with the aircraft, then R73 was not fired from this Mig21. The question remains if Abhi was flying the Mig-21 or Su-30?
Whatever PAF did to them, whats public and what is still private, they will remain deterred. PAF has effectively shown, through better planning, judgement, and a bit of luck, that Indian Air Force developments and acquisitions are null and void, for now. How much time do they take to recover? Rafael is taking to Tejas, and as soon as they come up with something, they will call me. By that time, PAF's other cards will be mature and flying.

MKI in vertical spin AND on fire.

Well, for AAMs, the seeker survives and you find it after the engagement. However, it is about the location where you find it that matters. If all four of these were found with the aircraft, then R73 was not fired from this Mig21. The question remains if Abhi was flying the Mig-21 or Su-30?
I take your opinion very seriously bro, your like, one of the few people who is considered as being in the "know" and authoritative, are you sure that this is an mki in a verticle spin or are you just mockin' the indians (wouldn't blame you if you did)? And I'm still finding it hard to believe the abhi none done was the mig21 pilot. I've already posted a 2011 documentary the iaf su30s where he is flying the su30. It is very difficult to digest that a pilot of such an advance aircraft would be stiffed with the mig21. I could see him going to mig29 or mirage2000, but come on, a mig21??? after all the capabilities he has supposedly achieved? that's like stiffing an f22 raptor pilot with the 60s f4 phatom!
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