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The Un-Intended Eye Opener Of 27th Feb:---


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

The Paf may not have intended for it to have happened like it did---but the results of that day's---day light strike and skirmish over kashmir has many a powers shook up---concerned---and looking for answers---answers that may not be easy to find and consequences no easy to confront---.

The first major combat of two equally well equipped air forces of the world has some shocking results for the major powers to analyze and assess---.

The myth of the israeli / french / russian technology on one side---and on the other side---chinese technology with ruthless and brutally efficient Paf brains behind that technology in operation.

The Paf---after living all thru those years on sanctions---and as Air Marshall Latif quoted Gen Mushhy " we went with pockets full of money and no one would sell us the fighter aircraft---"---the Paf had a grudge against the claimed powers to be---they were mad as hell---mad as a hornets nest disturbed in the dark of the night---continuously being blamed for every wrong that was done in india by the indians themselves on their own---.

The indians came by choice---at a time and place of their chosing---openly threatening the pak military---and yret they had to trun tail.

In return---Pakistan's response of retaliation at a time and place of their own chosing was not taken seriously---and there were many who had reservations about it---.

But when pakistan struck back---the strike was made in the light of the day---for the world and the public to see---it was masterful---it was tectful---it was ruthless and it was brutal---.

Nobody in the world---no military power in the world expected that kind of retaliation by the pak military---.

And as they say---" success has many fathers---and defeat is an orphan---"---suddenly the indian air force felt like it had been orphaned by its very own---. Indian Prime minister after reviewing the losses---had the realization dawn on him that his aircraft were not capable of defending the motherland untill and unless he did not have the most modern Rafales---.

that was just one small part of the picture---. The bigger and the larger part of the picture was the Pakistan / China fighter / China EW package and china weapons broke the spell of the modern israeli / russian / french EW package---made it go to sleep and spun their own magic in chinese and pakistani and made the enemy fall from the skies---.

This was unexpected---was not a part of the picture---was not supposed to happen---was not allowed to happen---but it did---.

The unexpected successful exposure of the unknown newer weaponry into the air combat field by the Paf has had an eye popping effect in many a leading nations of the world---. The weapons system that was known to be below par and docile turned out to be a monster---.

i would not be surprised if mother China was equally surprised by the effectiveness of its weapons---.
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Good analysis. If you are correct about the results being a BIG surprise, then I see four BIG positives for Pak:

1. Pakistan's "it's not just the machine but also the man behind the machine" approach is still correct.
2. India should be deterred in the future from raising the rhetoric so much that they put themselves in a corner.
3. Pakistan and China have a few gems on their hand in JF-17, SD-10 & PL-15.
4. Pakistan's strong relationships with China is vindicated and a reminder to strengthen it.
All in all, it's good for everyone to think twice about messing with Pakistan & China. :pakistan::china:
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Imagine on 26 Feb if enemy attacks our airbases?? PAF was too late on 26th Feb, Even enemy announced they will take revengue of pulwama attack and it was sure they will do it from Kashmir side.
I believe there are serious holes in our defense system. Enemy will never announce or tell that they will attack
During Israel arab conflict, Israel sent their soldiers on holidays, just to make impression , clouds of war is over. So did surprise attack.
Considering Rafale, Induction of S400 system, what is our planning for next 5 years. ? I fear we don't have answer.
Today enemy is roaring due to our defensive strategy.
While I agree , next day response was extraordinary , but still we were not able to cross LOC as India did with 12 mig2000. Why? due to defensive strategy.
Current events leaving few question , Are we ready to Counter Surprise attack?
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The Paf may not have intended for it to have happened like it did---but the results of that day's---day light strike and skirmish over kashmir has many a powers shook up---concerned---and looking for answers---answers that may not be easy to find and consequences no easy to confront---.

The first major combat of two equally well equipped air forces of the world has some shocking results for the major powers to analyze and assess---.

The myth of the israeli / french / russian technology on one side---and on the other side---chinese technology with ruthless and brutally efficient Paf brains behind that technology in operation.

The Paf---after living all thru those years on sanctions---and as Air Marshall Latif quoted Gen Mushhy " we went with pockets full of money and no one would sell us the fighter aircraft---"---the Paf had a grudge against the claimed powers to be---they were mad as hell---mad as a hornets nest disturbed in the dark of the night---continuously being blamed for every wrong that was done in india by the indians themselves on their own---.

The indians came by choice---at a time and place of their chosing---openly threatening the pak military---and yret they had to trun tail.

In return---Pakistan's response of retaliation at a time and place of their own chosing was not taken seriously---and there were many who had reservations about it---.

But when pakistan struck back---the strike was made in the light of the day---for the world and the public to see---it was masterful---it was tectful---it was ruthless and it was brutal---.

Nobody in the world---no military power in the world expected that kind of retaliation by the pak military---.

And as they say---" success has many fathers---and defeat is an orphan---"---suddenly the indian air force felt like it had been orphaned by its very own---. Indian Prime minister after reviewing the losses---had the realization dawn on him that his aircraft were not capable of defending the motherland untill and unless he did not have the most modern Rafales---.

that was just one small part of the picture---. The bigger and the larger part of the picture was the Pakistan / China fighter / China EW package and china weapons broke the spell of the modern israeli / russian / french EW package---made it go to sleep and spun their own magic in chinese and pakistani and made the enemy fall from the skies---.

This was unexpected---was not a part of the picture---was not supposed to happen---was not allowed to happen---but it did---.

The unexpected successful exposure of the unknown newer weaponry into the air combat field by the Paf has had an eye popping effect in many a leading nations of the world---. The weapons system that was known to be below par and docile turned out to be a monster---.

i would not be surprised if mother China was equally surprised by the effectiveness of its weapons---.
LOL... It was first time in history that an Airforce defeated a politician.
Look at recent photos of Mr Modi. He is getting thinner day by day.

The Paf may not have intended for it to have happened like it did---but the results of that day's---day light strike and skirmish over kashmir has many a powers shook up---concerned---and looking for answers---answers that may not be easy to find and consequences no easy to confront---.

The first major combat of two equally well equipped air forces of the world has some shocking results for the major powers to analyze and assess---.

The myth of the israeli / french / russian technology on one side---and on the other side---chinese technology with ruthless and brutally efficient Paf brains behind that technology in operation.

The Paf---after living all thru those years on sanctions---and as Air Marshall Latif quoted Gen Mushhy " we went with pockets full of money and no one would sell us the fighter aircraft---"---the Paf had a grudge against the claimed powers to be---they were mad as hell---mad as a hornets nest disturbed in the dark of the night---continuously being blamed for every wrong that was done in india by the indians themselves on their own---.

The indians came by choice---at a time and place of their chosing---openly threatening the pak military---and yret they had to trun tail.

In return---Pakistan's response of retaliation at a time and place of their own chosing was not taken seriously---and there were many who had reservations about it---.

But when pakistan struck back---the strike was made in the light of the day---for the world and the public to see---it was masterful---it was tectful---it was ruthless and it was brutal---.

Nobody in the world---no military power in the world expected that kind of retaliation by the pak military---.

And as they say---" success has many fathers---and defeat is an orphan---"---suddenly the indian air force felt like it had been orphaned by its very own---. Indian Prime minister after reviewing the losses---had the realization dawn on him that his aircraft were not capable of defending the motherland untill and unless he did not have the most modern Rafales---.

that was just one small part of the picture---. The bigger and the larger part of the picture was the Pakistan / China fighter / China EW package and china weapons broke the spell of the modern israeli / russian / french EW package---made it go to sleep and spun their own magic in chinese and pakistani and made the enemy fall from the skies---.

This was unexpected---was not a part of the picture---was not supposed to happen---was not allowed to happen---but it did---.

The unexpected successful exposure of the unknown newer weaponry into the air combat field by the Paf has had an eye popping effect in many a leading nations of the world---. The weapons system that was known to be below par and docile turned out to be a monster---.

i would not be surprised if mother China was equally surprised by the effectiveness of its weapons---.

Thank God a positive post from you ...
Flight to Moon soon going to be open lot away and lot safer option don't forget to send regards to PDF from there :wave:
They were expecting Aim-120, but not the SD-10.

The SD-10 has scarred them for life.

One day, when I move to Antarctica, and write a book.

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