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Dear Chinese and Turkish members

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it is always dangerous to make generalization no doubt there are some people (well know by all of us including the mods) who are using the forum like a war chimeny for firing and fueling hatred! however, my humble opinion is, this is why we have mods here right? to take care of the trouble makers and provide a civilized platform for people to share their oppnion and discuss! as I wrote guilt is personal therefore the punishments have to be personal as well. As you know there are some well prepared historical content on East Turkistan as well for instance https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/turkic-dna-east-tuerkistan.603822/ So telling the Turks in PDF to be silent on this matter is not accaptable by any standarts.
Well we are only banning 1 topic until all the heat is used up! I dont think we are asking for too much! If you can not understand the rules of a forum, brothers or not, we cant help you!
Here is an example of things that is not allowed on this forum! Irrespective of whose balls whoever is supposed to lick...SUCH kind of language is a no no!

THIS needs to stop!

stop licking communist Chinese balls poor Pakis
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I repeat...

Honestly You cannot expect us Turks sit back and watch de-Islamization and Identification of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan, and say nothing, do nothing.

It is against the nature of any living beings to watch such things happen to any of her family. Please do not want such thing from us.

We Turks open a thread about Muslim Turks of East Turkestan in de-islamization/identification; mention their conditions. Chinese members cannot defend their governmental policies and go for retaliation against us.

However, you hold us Turks responsible for actions of China and Chinese retaliation here.

Where is the logic and justice here?
Re-posting the same thing over and over will not yield any different reactions!
I really so hate 1,7 billion slave Islamic world

go the US-Israel , go India , go China destroy muslims in Palestine,Pakistan,East Turkestan and everywhere
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I repeat...

Honestly You cannot expect us Turks sit back and watch de-Islamization and Identification of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan, and say nothing, do nothing.

It is against the nature of any living beings to watch such things happen to any of her family. Please do not want such thing from us.

We Turks open a thread about Muslim Turks of East Turkestan in de-islamization/identification; mention their conditions. Chinese members cannot defend their governmental policies and go for retaliation against us.

However, you hold us Turks responsible for actions of China and Chinese retaliation here.

Where is the logic and justice here?
Let me tell you where the logic and justice is. Honestly You cannot expect me sit back and hold my bladder when I have the urge and do nothing. But I will relieve myself in the men's room, not in a forum or any other public place that isn't designed for this purpose. Here, in a forum, it expects civil debate no matter how emotional you are.
The forum hasn't bowed down to anyone. Moderators are just busy playing whac-a-mole and apparently they are tired of it. Anyone who badmouths is a mole popping and deserves to be whacked.

This thread was opened in Turkish Section Where @cabatli_53 strictly does moderation; and the content had nothing to do with retaliation, trollin or baitin if you go through you will see it with your own eyes.

However , the non-Turk moderator closed the thread; and the reason as seen in this thread @Dubious opened is threats of Chinese members with retaliation.

Our privileges as members here are apparently dependent on Chinese members and their actions not moderator or rules.

Does this situation sound healty to you?
So, where is the logic,justice here?
It's Chinese favor since they are the ones who want to silence everybody about this issue. Do you thinks it's good? Why do you think they don't post anything now and we are arguing with you here ?
THIS is another thing I would like to bring forward.
Take note!

Another question is; I have seen much more threads you guys and Indians fought for weeks over issues like Kashmir etc. You guys insulted eachother, did you ban people to open threads about Kashmir after all?
No more questions...
Negative ratings can be viewed by the public but warnings cant...So MOST of the time we send warnings which you guys cant see and 3 warnings lead to a ban!

The forum is PDF...we know the regional ground level situation. We also know Western propaganda -we did close fake news threads on Kashmir/ Pakistan and even india (despite having wars with them Mods have to do justice) so yes we do take care of our regional situations too...

As for China and Turkey, for no reasons at all you both are at each other's necks! Turkish hands are not entirely clean, you guys have a history of genocides which Chinese members can air and it will be truth but we close such threads. We Mods have been fighting BOTH your wars against each other from both sides and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! So kindly dont voice out things you dont know or topics you wish not to hear!
This thread was opened in Turkish Section Where @cabatli_53 strictly does moderation; and the content had nothing to do with retaliation, trollin or baitin if you go through you will see it with your own eyes.

However , the non-Turk moderator closed the thread; and the reason as seen in this thread @Dubious opened is threats of Chinese members with retaliation.

Our privileges as members here are apparently dependent on Chinese members and their actions not moderator or rules.

Does this situation sound healty to you?
So, where is the logic,justice here?
Maybe you like Turks to be called names by Chinese members, maybe you like them insulting your history and forefathers - might I remind you some Pakistanis also have Turk ancestors so no we dont like it! So yes if to protect you guys we have to ban a topic for you then be it!
Let me tell you where the logic and justice is. Honestly You cannot expect me sit back and hold my bladder when I have the urge and do nothing. But I will relieve myself in the men's room, not in a forum or any other public place that isn't designed for this purpose. Here, in a forum, it expects civil debate no matter how emotional you are.

If i was in the group who go for the retaliation; i would take it.

However, like @Dubious you hold us Turks responsible for the group who go for the retaliation.
China's rise is not effecting anything but only fueling ego into the heads of many Chinese! :)
Really? Well, in 2009 - the year Erdogan proclaimed China was committing "genocide" - China had a GDP of $5 trillion (nothing to sneeze at, but still on the smallish side). In ten years, it has nearly tripled to $13.5 trillion. Today, China adds more than the entire GDP of Turkey as an increment to its growth every year. America is terrified of what China is becoming and is doing everything it can to try to stop it, but - like all who oppose China - they are doomed to failure.

If you still think China's rise isn't effecting anything, then I invite you - and everyone else who'd like to learn something - to read my superb geopolitical analysis on China's grand strategy for the 21st century here:

You can attack only unarmed Uyghurs , nothing else

You chinese will feel the power of the TURKS again like 6.000km great wall of China , soon very soon

Turkey yet did not start the using cards against China
without Turks ( Turkey,Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan ) China's OBOR project is nothing

26.02.2019 - ANKARA Chinese Ambassador to Turkey Deng Li meet with Turkish foreign minister
Your "compatriots", all the jans and stans, are going to teach you a lesson that might embitter you: money talks. We'll all see whose what gets licked soon enough.

IF you claim you couldnt care less about the Turkish section then why do you and your countrymen visit it to troll it to pieces?
I can't speak for them. I can only speak for myself and say that I hadn't purposefully visited the Turkish section (although when I see a thread insulting China in the sidebar, I'll drop by to lay the verbal smack down). I really only got vicious with them when they came to the China section.

Oh I reached for that button to save people's eyes from the sore of a post you presented...It showed a really disturbed mentality which I do not wish Chinese members to be viewed as :enjoy:
Strange... I didn't write anything particularly disturbing. Just the truth - perhaps some might find that disturbing.
Someday in a Turkish forum, Turks will tell to you, "We forbid you to talk about Kashmir because you are offending our Indian friends" And you were only talking only in your corner, not even talking to Turks about this.

Yeah, friendship should have been a 2 way street.
1) I dont go to Turkish forums
2) If I or Pakistanis are the reason for such a ban (like too many fights) we will accept it like I said 2 way street! We know there are consequences to our actions!
3) I am not just forbidding YOU from talking about Turks I am forbidding Chinese from talking about Turks!
Talking about your kin should not include INSULTS to China

ok chinese insults and the low chinese attitude is welcome..? as if turks started it there are just a few turks with low iq and low speech but there is a professional chinese troll gang.. are they free to insult our president? our country? our kin? they roam around threads and filling it with hate.. a rampage on PDF WOW

your people

I just have to say this, point it out: they are our ppl.. because I live in germany this does not mean I am not from turkic kin.. because someone lives in australia or austria or switherland or on the moon even after 200 years this does not change my kin..

but I also know its hard to find one of them accepting anything that is not state conform and ppl who can think out of the box are rare.. so our talk will not change anything for ther hardened heard and mind..

also some of them write such ridiculous arguments like as if this forum would change a political stance or go to any parlament for a talk and agenda or would be topic of the News on TV.. some of them write about relationships between states as if it depends on random guys on an internet forum.. as if you have to think about it and take care what you say to not caue a political drama.. really as if we are generals, politicians, ministers and so on... its laughable
If i was in the group who go for the retaliation; i would take it.

However, like @Dubious you hold us Turks responsible for the group who go for the retaliation.
No he didn't. He held both responsible. Unfortunately, you Turks are just too hot-headed and easily take the bait. Chinese trolls can simply jack your emotion up, trick you to badmouth and then report you. That doesn't make you look good.
ok chinese insults and the low chinese attitude is welcome..?
No it is not that is why on this thread the warning is for both!

as if turks started it there are just a few turks with low iq and low speech but there is a professional chinese troll gang.. are they free to insult our president? our country? our kin? they roam around threads and filling it with hate.. a rampage on PDF WOW
You said it not me!

And the ban is on both sides! BOTH Chinese and Turks are not allowed to talk about the other!
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