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Holy mother of goose
Ah humans always one step ahead of each other in destroying each other
Hahahaa you got me their Johnny boy.Kudos John

I don't think she got married this must be from movie or drama set
Honestly they are rough (high-end) equivalents I would say. Maybe Litening has some more sustained feature performance (but only a pilot flown both could really tell you in the end), because from my experience, Raytheon + NG coming together produces some niftier end results compared to either going alone.
So they're more or less same got it. 1 more question you think that a fighter can takeoff and land on carrier while a litening pod is strapped on to it?
Disagree on this one bhai, Asfandyar bhai sums it well.Kudos
Well the border will still be there. The new lands would become like FATA and it will slowly be integrated into the country. First starting with culture and then economics and finally it will be done physically. It's not that difficult, we have a larger pakhtoon population that would keep them in check. They are our ancestral lands we have rights on them not Iran.

The current president of Afg was all pro Pakistan too, back during the campaign. Not trust worthy
1 more question you think that a fighter can takeoff and land on carrier while a litening pod is strapped on to it?

Shouldn't be any major issue given they (USN F-18s) do such with ATFLIR right now...both pods are about the same size and weight.

In fact I believe USMC are looking at both (and will choose one soon) for their carrier F-18s (which currently operate earlier NITEHAWK pod, which USN also formerly used.... which isn't that good compared to these 2).

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