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Pakistan High Commission meddling with poll process: Bangladesh

As another general election is scheduled to be held in Bangladesh on December 30, intercepted content of a telephonic conversation between Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Standing Committee member of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Mehmood, official of Pakistani spy agency Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) has reached this newspaper.

From the 7-minute conversation, it is evidently proved; ISI is desperately working in helping BNP win the upcoming general election. It also has been working in helping BNP receive Chinese support. It should be mentioned here that, coalition partner of BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami is accused of having terror connection, while Jihad Watch, a website of Robert Spencer, one of the most acclaimed counter-jihad scholars in a report termed both Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami as jihadist groups.

BNP and Jamaat are antisemitic and supportive of Islamist terror outfits like Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah and Hamas. Jamaat-e-Islami favors ‘Allah’s Ain’ or Allah’s rule in every country, which is similar to that of Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Iran.

In the telephonic conversation, it also is revealed that Pakistani ISI are meeting their contacts mostly in United Arab Emirates, while it also suggests the agents in travelling to Saudi Arabia under the disguise of performing ‘Umrah’ and meet in that county.

In the recent years, ISI’s activities have substantially increased in Bangladesh.
Transcript and the audio clip of the conversation are published with this report.

The transcript:

Mosharrof: Hello Assalamualaikum brother!

Mehmood: Assalamualaikum brother. How are you?

Mosharrof: Fine, Thank you.

Mehmood: I am really pleased to hear you after a long time...

Mosharrof: Yeah! Yeah! You remember we met last time in Islamabad? Hotel...

Mehmood: Yes… yes!

Mosharrof: And... you know that with whom you visited me?

Mehmood: Yes… yes!

Mosharrof: How are you? Where are you now?

Mehmood: I am Alhamdulillah fine and I am here at Dubai now. So...I think… we can… sometimes… whenever you are available… whenever you manage… we can… you need to meet me first! If it is possible for you.

b>Mosharrof: Yes… Can I explain? You know that… we are really now in crisis. I have several cases. And with the excuse of one case… my Passport is seized. I can’t go out of the country. This is my position.

Mehmood: I think… once you met one of our office holders there also. Am I right?

Mosharrof: Yes...yes. I met your man here.

Mehmood: Yeah… It’s Okay. But it is necessary… if you manage to come one day...

Mosharrof: Yeah… I would love to do that… and I know that if I could come, it would be more fruitful! But what I want to tell you is this opportunity is that… from your side, you can try to help us. We are in crisis. You know everything.

b>Mehmood: Yes…

Mosharrof: You know everything I think...

Mehmood: Sure! That’s why… that’s why… I said… you are our only friend there now. We wanted to discuss all this with you...

Mosharrof: Yes… I want to be… and I am still what you think! But practical connection… communication is impossible for me to come out! I know that it would be fruitful… but what I want to mean that… I will meet your man here… you can get the message. But now what I like to request you that, from your side...if you can cooperate with China. Then in Bangladesh it will be useful before the election.

Mehmood: Yes, absolutely! That is already on the table. And it is being done. That’s why, we wanted to do….as a representative whenever it is possible to visit the places it would have been better. Because, in person...you would have talked to them also. But now as you are saying that...it is not possible for you…

Mosharrof: Personally if you want from your this office....if you want any alternative person...I can arrange. But for me...it is not possible.

Mehmood: Okay...okay! I understood your point. And along with this...keep trying… may be one… sometime...if it is possible for you to come over for some reasons...may be on medical reason… or may be on Omrah etc. So we can arrange meeting with you there. But meanwhile...we will try to contact you through somebody there at our office. Is it okay?

Mosharrof: Yes. If you can assign somebody from your office here, I can try and different time I can communicate to you or your side.

Mehmood: Yeah...sometimes...we will continue to each other. I got your point what you have told me. I will definitely convey this to my boss, and he will work on this. And I will apprise you about it. And at the same time...we will see how to remain in communication from your place. And continue finding the possibility outside also...right..

Mosharrof: Thank you very much...Thank you!

Mehmood: Thank you very much...and very kind! And kindly remain in touch! Because, it is crucial time for all of us. And we have to cooperate; and move forward for our aim to achieve In Sha Allah!

Mosharrof: Yes! What we also think very seriously...that we need to cooperate each other. We are in crisis, we need help!

Mehmood: Yes… yes! We understand that. Is is already on the table...and that’s why we said...we thought...why not to...sometime finding the possibility to meet you? But as you suspect it is not possible...it is little difficult. So we will find out how to communicate with you. And at the same time continue our effort, to meet you sometime...somewhere. Okay?

Mosharrof: Okay...Thank you! I will also try. I’ll keep trying to get my Passport back, so that we can arrange that.

Mehmood: Yes…
Mosharrof: And I can communicate with your man here.

Mehmood: Okay...I’ll you know about this option also...communicating with the man there. And at the same time...we’ll remain in communication In Sha Allah!

Mosharrof: Yes...I want to add contact with you. And you can consider me as your old friend.

Mehmood: Yes...yes! That’s why you know...I have made an effort to contact you…!

Mosharrof: Thank you very much for your cooperation! And I know that you did not forget us! That’s why you have tried your best to communicate with me.

Mehmood: Yes...Yes…

Mosharrof: I will be in communication with you. Through our friend, we will be in contact.

Mehmood: In Sha Allah...And regards to you and your family

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A secret communication between BNP and ISI exposed

Sohail Choudhury

Secret communication between pro-jihadist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and a clandestine business outlet of Pakistani security agency named ARY has been recently tracked by an intelligence agency. According to information, on December 4, 2018, a person named Towhidul Islam alias Ashiq Islam communicated with an official of ARY Digital asking for “immediate transfer” of the “committed fund” and said the fund is required “for that plan. “

Towhidul, hailing from Bogura district currently lives in the US. He has been active with infamous Hawa Bhaban during the 2001-2006 rule of BNP. He also belongs to the “inner circle” of BNP leader Tarique Rahman. It may be mentioned here that, Towhidul had served in the office of the Prime Minister when Khaleda Zia was the Prime Minister during 2001-2006.

According to a credible source, ISI is plotting of assassinating several members of the court that has been dealing with war crimes. It is anticipated that the Pakistani security agency might take the scope of the election-time situation in Bangladesh in implementing such nefarious plan. Eyeing on the upcoming general election in Bangladesh, ISI operatives in UAE have increased their activities and are regularly contacting with their agents in Bangladesh.

Seeking anonymity a source told Blitz, Pakistani ISI has become desperate in re-establishing its influence in Bangladeshi politics and administration. As part of this plan, this agency is looking into various options in ousting Awami League led government and reinstate BNP-Jamaat nexus into power.

The source added, while the ruling party in Bangladesh are confident of a third consecutive term, it is in total dark about some unforeseen situation as well the administration gradually becoming inactive in aggressively helping the ruling party in continuing in power. Due to ISI’s influence, major segment of the Bangladeshi media has already started avoiding anti-ISI and anti-BNP-Jamaat news contents.

It added the ruling party is not aware of the exact situation and those serious conspiracies and the possible consequences.

A business front of Pakistan security agency Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) is Abdul Razzak Yaqoob (ARY). In December 2000, Yaqoob established a television channel to “to the growing demands of South Asian entertainment in the region.” Now this ARY has expanded to six television channels, such as ARY News, ARY Musik, ARY QTV (Quran TV), ARY Zindagi, ARY Family and ATN Urdu.

ARY bouquet of channels use Samacom, a “monopolising uplink provider” based in the UAE, as the uplink teleport station. The channel started off with a format more closely resembling that of PTV (Pakistan Television) Prime.

According to ARY officials, “Qatar-based Al Jazeera was enjoying its fifteen minutes of fame that rooted its name prominently in the events folding after the 9/11 attacks but when the war on terror came to neighboring Afghanistan, Pakistan had no decent coverage and the likes of PTV hired people without prior knowledge of journalism to be investigative journalists. There was a limit as to how much PTV could show on their network. Soon enough, when ARY Digital started broadcasting news covering the Afghan war, ARY Digital was hailed for their efforts. This one-screen TV business grew into a network of channels beaming into over 130 countries.”

Because of its special status being a project of ISI, the network obtained license for DTH (Direct To Home) operations in Pakistan. ARY network has built ARY Digital Tower, which is one of the tallest buildings in the United Arab Emirates.

In 2003, ARY Digital received criticism upon its airing of a prisoner’s derogatory comments against the Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC-3) and a video showing balded young girls behind bars begging for mercy. ARY News and particularly its Q-TV promotes radical Islam and Sharia rule.

According to information, ATN Urdu is a Canadian exempt Category B Urdu language specialty channel that is owned by Asian Television Network (ATN). Owners of the channel claims it to be a general entertainment service, airing programming that appeal to the entire family including comedies, serials, talk shows, music, spiritual programs and more.

In December 2012, the channel was re-branded ATN Urdu due to the expiration of the programming agreement with ARY. As of January 3, 2013, ATN Urdu no longer airs any programming from ARY Digital as the rights are now held by a different broadcaster. On August 30, 2013, the CRTC approved Asian Television Network‘s request to convert ATN Urdu from a licensed Category B specialty service to an exempted Category B third language service.

The very launching of the ATN Urdu and later handing over rights to a different broadcaster is dubious enough. It may be mentioned here that, Asian Television Network originally was launched via Thaicom-3 satellite airing Indian and Bangladeshi contents. Later, ATN emerged as a Bangladeshi broadcast company.

@MBI Munshi ...i think you must be happy to see your brother ISI is helping BNP to win...What is wrong with it??
Looks like BD is heading toward a Hutsi-Tutsi like bloodbath....

It's obvious that some BD folks aren't yet ready to be 100% subjugated under India!!! They're looking for a way out!!!! Thanks to the rampant corruption, looting, tortures, killing etc. (putting them within top 10 corrupt countries in the world), it's now like the ruling party vs the rest of BD!!!! And, BD folks can be extremely outrageous against the opponents...
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I meant that you assume too much about my perspective ... Since the sources are Asian Tribune and Weekly Blitz then we may assume an Israeli/Saudi hand in these disclosures which seriously complicates matters ... Of course Blitz has been connected to the North Koreans but that makes no sense in this context

Like I said, all the hallmarks of an enticing spy thriller... whodunnit?!?!?
while Jihad Watch, a website of Robert Spencer, one of the most acclaimed counter-jihad scholars in a report termed both Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami as jihadist groups.

This rabid Zionist Muslim hater has made millions off of promoting and running various Islamophobic websites. Not only that but he was very influential during the Bush era, where he gained notoriety. He jumpstarted the Alt-right by shipping the anti-Muslim film Obsession to every US mailbox. Currently he enjoys a favorable position with the Trump administration.

He openly advocates equating Islam with Nazism and claims Islam is not a faith, but a fascist supremacist movement which should be banned. He advocates wholesale war and destruction on all Muslim countries.

He claims there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, and that Daesh is the real face of Islam. To him, every Muslim is an enemy who should be imprisoned in camps, tortured, and murdered.

Shame on this vile creature and shame on the writer of that article.
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As another general election is scheduled to be held in Bangladesh on December 30, intercepted content of a telephonic conversation between Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Standing Committee member of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Mehmood, official of Pakistani spy agency Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) has reached this newspaper.

From the 7-minute conversation, it is evidently proved; ISI is desperately working in helping BNP win the upcoming general election. It also has been working in helping BNP receive Chinese support. It should be mentioned here that, coalition partner of BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami is accused of having terror connection, while Jihad Watch, a website of Robert Spencer, one of the most acclaimed counter-jihad scholars in a report termed both Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami as jihadist groups.

BNP and Jamaat are antisemitic and supportive of Islamist terror outfits like Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah and Hamas. Jamaat-e-Islami favors ‘Allah’s Ain’ or Allah’s rule in every country, which is similar to that of Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Iran.

In the telephonic conversation, it also is revealed that Pakistani ISI are meeting their contacts mostly in United Arab Emirates, while it also suggests the agents in travelling to Saudi Arabia under the disguise of performing ‘Umrah’ and meet in that county.

In the recent years, ISI’s activities have substantially increased in Bangladesh.
Transcript and the audio clip of the conversation are published with this report.

The transcript:

Mosharrof: Hello Assalamualaikum brother!

Mehmood: Assalamualaikum brother. How are you?

Mosharrof: Fine, Thank you.

Mehmood: I am really pleased to hear you after a long time...

Mosharrof: Yeah! Yeah! You remember we met last time in Islamabad? Hotel...

Mehmood: Yes… yes!

Mosharrof: And... you know that with whom you visited me?

Mehmood: Yes… yes!

Mosharrof: How are you? Where are you now?

Mehmood: I am Alhamdulillah fine and I am here at Dubai now. So...I think… we can… sometimes… whenever you are available… whenever you manage… we can… you need to meet me first! If it is possible for you.

b>Mosharrof: Yes… Can I explain? You know that… we are really now in crisis. I have several cases. And with the excuse of one case… my Passport is seized. I can’t go out of the country. This is my position.

Mehmood: I think… once you met one of our office holders there also. Am I right?

Mosharrof: Yes...yes. I met your man here.

Mehmood: Yeah… It’s Okay. But it is necessary… if you manage to come one day...

Mosharrof: Yeah… I would love to do that… and I know that if I could come, it would be more fruitful! But what I want to tell you is this opportunity is that… from your side, you can try to help us. We are in crisis. You know everything.

b>Mehmood: Yes…

Mosharrof: You know everything I think...

Mehmood: Sure! That’s why… that’s why… I said… you are our only friend there now. We wanted to discuss all this with you...

Mosharrof: Yes… I want to be… and I am still what you think! But practical connection… communication is impossible for me to come out! I know that it would be fruitful… but what I want to mean that… I will meet your man here… you can get the message. But now what I like to request you that, from your side...if you can cooperate with China. Then in Bangladesh it will be useful before the election.

Mehmood: Yes, absolutely! That is already on the table. And it is being done. That’s why, we wanted to do….as a representative whenever it is possible to visit the places it would have been better. Because, in person...you would have talked to them also. But now as you are saying that...it is not possible for you…

Mosharrof: Personally if you want from your this office....if you want any alternative person...I can arrange. But for me...it is not possible.

Mehmood: Okay...okay! I understood your point. And along with this...keep trying… may be one… sometime...if it is possible for you to come over for some reasons...may be on medical reason… or may be on Omrah etc. So we can arrange meeting with you there. But meanwhile...we will try to contact you through somebody there at our office. Is it okay?

Mosharrof: Yes. If you can assign somebody from your office here, I can try and different time I can communicate to you or your side.

Mehmood: Yeah...sometimes...we will continue to each other. I got your point what you have told me. I will definitely convey this to my boss, and he will work on this. And I will apprise you about it. And at the same time...we will see how to remain in communication from your place. And continue finding the possibility outside also...right..

Mosharrof: Thank you very much...Thank you!

Mehmood: Thank you very much...and very kind! And kindly remain in touch! Because, it is crucial time for all of us. And we have to cooperate; and move forward for our aim to achieve In Sha Allah!

Mosharrof: Yes! What we also think very seriously...that we need to cooperate each other. We are in crisis, we need help!

Mehmood: Yes… yes! We understand that. Is is already on the table...and that’s why we said...we thought...why not to...sometime finding the possibility to meet you? But as you suspect it is not possible...it is little difficult. So we will find out how to communicate with you. And at the same time continue our effort, to meet you sometime...somewhere. Okay?

Mosharrof: Okay...Thank you! I will also try. I’ll keep trying to get my Passport back, so that we can arrange that.

Mehmood: Yes…
Mosharrof: And I can communicate with your man here.

Mehmood: Okay...I’ll you know about this option also...communicating with the man there. And at the same time...we’ll remain in communication In Sha Allah!

Mosharrof: Yes...I want to add contact with you. And you can consider me as your old friend.

Mehmood: Yes...yes! That’s why you know...I have made an effort to contact you…!

Mosharrof: Thank you very much for your cooperation! And I know that you did not forget us! That’s why you have tried your best to communicate with me.

Mehmood: Yes...Yes…

Mosharrof: I will be in communication with you. Through our friend, we will be in contact.

Mehmood: In Sha Allah...And regards to you and your family

isi budget is 100 b it runs several cells in eveey country ..infact it has a cell against alien invasion as well
Shut down all diplomatic channels, recall your officers getting trained in this rogue state and isolate Pakistan economicallay and diplomatically. Also, lodge protest at the UN.
Fckin ISI and its  despicable actions :hitwall:

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