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India: Girl tharshed by cops for choosing Muslim partner.

I think the issue stems from a national narrative as well. Whereas Pakistani narrative adopted that of Islamic history, Indian narrative is based upon freedom from slavery and subjugation. Those centuries of being ruled over by foriegners and having their culture mixed into and altered is the narrative they choose to define themselves including the inherent insecurities of needing recognition and self appeasement.
@TOPGUN what do you think?
But India produced some voices of reason...why could they not do anything? I heard a professor and his knowledge about history of Mughal empire was really deep and he had very balanced views. Even some bhakats are talk sense...so why people did not listen to the voices of reason?
With increase in literacy, the bigotry should have gone down..and they should have corrected the narrative.

what did we discuss about keeping to ourselves?
oh sorry, I forgot but edited so it is gone!!
But India produced some voices of reason...why could they not do anything? I heard a professor and his knowledge about history of Mughal empire was really deep and he had very balanced views. Even some bhakats are talk sense...so why people did not listen to the voices of reason?
With increase in literacy, the bigotry should have gone down..and they should have corrected the narrative.
But these are small voices of reason that will get drowned out in the facebook obsessed and intellectually shallow majority of today’s India.
I was watching a piece by John Oliver on the major role Facebook played in the Islamophobia and hatred against the Rohingya. What is happening in India is no different with both the state and politicians pushing a fake fact/news based anti-muslim narrative which the already low integrity based Indian media is running with as well.
I would not be surprised if Indian muslims start facing Rohingya like situation in a few years.
@Oscar, I see Pakistani society as a pendulum with peace and sweetness at the mean position .. It swings to extremes under certain circumstance...for example Zia, CIA and KSA played a role in indoctrinating the extreme ideologies in 80's so as to make people fight uncle tom's Jihad to liberate Afghanistan but it was still a foreign ideology and did not get any traction with the majority of the population. And did you see how most of religious parties have been rejected by the people in favour of PTI which they like to call dance party.

So I'm sure that if external forces are not allowed, the society will slowly settle to its mean...what do you say @Oscar

What was that?
Like calling spirits and some sort spell casting..you know it is strong in Indian culture.
@Oscar, I see Pakistani society as a pendulum with peace and sweetness at the mean position .. It swings to extremes under certain circumstance...for example Zia, CIA and KSA played a role in indoctrinating the extreme ideologies in 80's so as to make people fight uncle tom's Jihad to liberate Afghanistan but it was still a foreign ideology and did not get any traction with the majority of the population. And did you see how most of religious parties have been rejected by the people in favour of PTI which they like to call dance party.

So I'm sure that if external forces are not allowed, the society will slowly settle to its mean...what do you say @Oscar
But external forces will always interfere,
so checks and balances must be in the system so that it settles into equilibrium whenever rocked.

Oddly, many of us thought India was at equilibrium until we found that equilibrium to be that of a fast spinning top. Right now that top is near tumbling and the result of largest democracy is that they are fast moving into a fascist-nationalist narrative. It is all centered around Islamophobia which much like Nazi Germany is the call being given to give power to the current crop of Indian leadership.
But external forces will always interfere,
so checks and balances must be in the system so that it settles into equilibrium whenever rocked.

Oddly, many of us thought India was at equilibrium until we found that equilibrium to be that of a fast spinning top. Right now that top is near tumbling and the result of largest democracy is that they are fast moving into a fascist-nationalist narrative. It is all centered around Islamophobia which much like Nazi Germany is the call being given to give power to the current crop of Indian leadership.
Well, external forces are more like weak gusts of wind; come and go with little to no effect on the mean position and gets damped immediately but the sustained oscillations are only generated when your state or the establishment joins the hands and mechanically swings the 'bob' as it did under Zia but I think now there is a greater realisation that it was wrong and we should refrain from it.
As far as checks and balances are concerned, I think the true checks and balances can be established through good education which caters for both the worldly and religious needs. Thus school and madrassah division needs to be eliminated and schools should include religious education where scholars of highest eminence lecture students through video...thus eliminating the deobandi, barelvi, salafi, and shia madrassahs.
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'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.'
They are quite powerful in Pakistan but you won't notice it.

But that won't last long if they start speaking their mind.

What also helps that they remain ensconced in the civilized populace centers.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. One offshoot of dad's side (Kanpur/Lucknow) used to be in Lahore cantt.
Relationships between Muslim males and non Muslim females must be banned in India.


Love Jihad is a serious issue. When Bollywood is affected by it.
Muslim families kill interfaith couples?
From Jemima to Zaheer...
There is no equivalence. Hindus are far far more bigoted and narrow minded.
I'm talking about the regular families. Elites are liberal on both sides.
In my city, Delhi, the only inter faith killing in recent times was done by a Muslim family. Google Ankit, Delhi, murder..
But that won't last long if they start speaking their mind.

What also helps that they remain ensconced in the civilized populace centers.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. One offshoot of dad's side (Kanpur/Lucknow) used to be in Lahore cantt.
Ever heard of Ardeshir Cowasjee,that Gentleman did spoke his mind very well often.
They don't do farming,that's why no one goes into rural areas all of them are either Elite businessmen or Government Officals,though many of them have got farm houses over there.
Parsis in Lahore cantt did have very strong roots,starting from building of cantt almost 170 years ago,still many buildings are bearing symbol of fravashi on Mall Road,which indicates there presence from days unknown to us.
In Rawalpindi there is still an intact place of worship and a cementery.
Relationships between Muslim males and non Muslim females must be banned in India.


Love Jihad is a serious issue. When Bollywood is affected by it.
All Non-Muslim females revert to Islam before marriage so it is between a Muslim male and Muslim female.
I am debating with you what CIA does is good for you or for anyone.

All i am asking is if the indian constitution document lists an action for those who simply do not accept the constitution. I know if you disobey the constitution there is legal actions proscribed
YEAH, ppl go to jail if they break the laws in constitution. for eg murderers, frauds etc etc are put behind bars but open defecators are not.
but u being a part of south asia should have problems understanding the nitty gritties of such things.
YEAH, ppl go to jail if they break the laws in constitution. for eg murderers, frauds etc etc are put behind bars but open defecators are not.
but u being a part of south asia should have problems understanding the nitty gritties of such things.

People go to jail for disobeying the constitution.
What is the proscribed punishment for one who does not recognize/accept the constitution?
Please man i am so interested in your remarks about South Asia and how everyone is just a cousin. But maybe another time?
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