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JF-17 block-3 ?

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Complicated but cost-effective. Needs experience. We need to develop in-house facilities for turbines. There is nothing more important at the moment. I hope PTI is listening.

Apparently “our”(I say this because we got a lot of rap regarding this from our acorss the border “experts”) approach of getting the airframe worked out and then working up avionics and other integration later is being pushed for the USAF 6th generation fighter.
:lol: F16
Funny its past id 2018 and people still don;t know how to use deep learning to enhance those images :/
From my understanding, block-III will be based on B variant. So if the picture looks like B, it is yet another indication that you could be looking at block-III first prototype.
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Its the B. The Block-III is on the jig right now.

Hey @Deino , heard on the (reliable but perhaps biased) official whatsapp “grapevine” a few days ago that Chengdu takes more pride in the Xiaolong versus the J-10; specifically in how it behaves in the air
Additionally there is some offer on the table for a 5th close coupled canard delta to Pakistan from China?
Our aircraft Design teacher used to hate the Canards...so all of us who designed a canarded A/C got bad grades..:D
BTW it is a fact none of US A/Cs have canards while Rale, EFT, most of Chinese A/C and just a few (perhaps two only) Russian A/C have canards (Su34 and Su47) ..
It is not Jf-17 B that is confirm it is jf-17 block 3 or a test bed. It is standing with J-20
What makes you say this with so much certainty?
What makes you say this with so much certainty?
You are a bit late it is already known to be jf-17 b
I said confirmed because some sources were saying it to be jf-17 but as @Deino has already clarified the issue few post above.
You are a bit late it is already known to be jf-17 b
I said confirmed because some sources were saying it to be jf-17 but as @Deino has already clarified the issue few post above.
Oh, so you have agreed with that. GREAT!
Since i never saw you replying to that post OR retracting what you claimed as CONFIRMED, i though you still supporting the same idea so i asked what might be the reason. Glad to know that its not "confirmed" anymore. :)
Oh, so you have agreed with that. GREAT!
Since i never saw you replying to that post OR retracting what you claimed as CONFIRMED, i though you still supporting the same idea so i asked what might be the reason. Glad to know that its not "confirmed" anymore. :)
I agreed because I never had any authentic source on the subject reading the title would have helped as there is question mark there. It clearly states I posted the thread as an inquiry and tagged a well informed member on the subject. :)
I agreed because I never had any authentic source on the subject reading the title would have helped as there is question mark there. It clearly states I posted the thread as an inquiry and tagged a well informed member on the subject. :)
Yeah, that actually gave me hope (the thread title) that his is more a question than a news announcement, that was until i came across the post i originally quoted above. Anyway, it is good that its cleared now.
Yeah, that actually gave me hope (the thread title) that his is more a question than a news announcement, that was until i came across the post i originally quoted above. Anyway, it is good that its cleared now.
Hope is very important thing in life one must not lose it. The life is dependent on hope the hope that we will breath the next chunk of air is what takes us forward. You just got hope from a thread title but I still have hope in you.
Hope is very important thing in life one must not lose it. The life is dependent on hope the hope that we will breath the next chunk of air is what takes us forward. You just got hope from a thread title but I still have hope in you.
Yup, indeed, why else would i open up the thread and see that may be,,,, may be!!! See, thats how imp it really is. :)
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