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Turks allowed their women to vote much earlier then French and Italians + world map

Both Pakistan and the Turkic countries have large numbers of Muslims, so it's relevant.

By your logic, why is IVC a Pakistani achievement? I'm sure there were parts of Pakistan that weren't part of it, where as parts of Afghanistan and Hindustan were. Is IVC now no longer a Pakistani achievement? Of course not!
Your logic is flawed. Deeply so. Apples and oranges analogies won't fly. The dates or when women got the vote has little to do with Islam or being Muslim - although some might argue there is a correlation that is negative. Turkey did not give the women the vote on acount of Islam and you should know that. It was the secular Kemalist republic that gave the vote. And giving the vote has anything to do with Islam then care to explain why most of Middle East or the Arab peninsula lagged behind the entire world?

The only correlation I can see is that those countries that were influenced or adopted West European ideas were the earliest to give the vote. Turkey or the Kemalisat republic was heavily influenced by western ideals. The Pakistani ruling elite of 1940s was heavily steeped in British/Western ideas as was Jinnah etc.
prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was the first human who recognized women's right in politics, and Saudi Arabia was the last one.
This means only one thing.

Saudi Arabia isn't Islamic?

Your logic is flawed. Deeply so. Apples and oranges analogies won't fly. The dates or when women got the vote has little to do with Islam or being Muslim - although some might argue there is a correlation that is negative. Turkey did not give the women the vote on acount of Islam and you should know that. It was the secular Kemalist republic that gave the vote. And giving the vote has anything to do with Islam then care to explain why most of Middle East or the Arab peninsula lagged behind the entire world?

The only correlation I can see is that those countries that were influenced or adopted West European ideas were the earliest to give the vote. Turkey or the Kemalisat republic was heavily influenced by western ideals. The Pakistani ruling elite of 1940s was heavily steeped in British/Western ideas as was Jinnah etc.

Fair point, I will alter my original comment.

You are right in regards to this topic.


Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan 1918 Kazakhstan 1924 Turkmenistan 1927 Turkey 1934 Uzbekistan 1938

France 1944 Italy 1945 Saudi Arabia 2011

wow this was interesting


@Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 @Kazakh soldier @Kamil_baku @Azeri440 @Deliorman @CAN_TR @Test7 @OldTwilight @Malik Alashter @SALMAN F @yavar @Blackmoon @mohammad45 @vostok @500 @dani191 @The SC @Combat-Master @cabatli_53 @SubWater @Adıvar @Shapur Zol Aktaf @TheConqueror @Islamic faith&Secularism @Hadii @Arabi @Yingluck @Saif al-Arab @Oublious @Dexon @Serpentine @BATMAN @Cthulhu @Tokhme khar @Exxxe @mohamed ali @mohsen @mangekyousharingan @kartal1 @2800 @Hamartia Antidote @Vergennes @beijinwalker @senheiser @JSCh @abc123xyx @jhungary @ASQ-1918 @Jugger @Solomon2 @DavidSling @HannibalBarca @Zarvan @Gomig-21 @Frogman @T-Rex @Falcon29 @Kaptaan @DESERT FIGHTER @
''Humankind consists of two sexes, woman and man. Is it possible that a mass is improved by the improvement of only one part and the other ignored? Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains and the other half can soar into skies?''
-Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK


“The centuries rarely produce a genius. It is our bad luck that the great genius of our era was granted to the Turkish nation.”

-David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister
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''Humankind consists of two sexes, woman and man. Is it possible that a mass is improved by the improvement of only one part and the other ignored? Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains and the other half can soar into skies?''
-Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK


“The centuries rarely produce a genius. It is our bad luck that the great genius of our era was granted to the Turkish nation.”

-David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister
Ceylonese (Sri Lankan) women got the right to vote even before independence in 1931 (Independence was in 1948), Maybe the only non white British colony to do so, It certainly got universal franchise decade or more before any of it's South Asian peers, And it gave the first ever female head of state to the world as well

And Australia was the first to grant women franchise.. Pioneers in this aspect
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Women in Turkic culture had power and same social/political rights with the man before adopting Islam which is based on ME culture.

The more dominant the semitic religion is on the social life, the less rights women have.

To compare

Which of the 5209210392 Shariah law is this? And what is this punishment based on? Or we are going to use corrupted systems defining themselves as "Shariah" and also corrupted Hadiths with which these punishments are given. Shariah laws are made by people that are giving us proofs for the punishments by the holy Quran and the Sunnah. In no place in Quran it is written "punish the woman that is wearing trousers with X number of lashes". The most of those punishments that are not determined by Quran or Hadith are given by the "court" so its human decision. Some of the shocking punishments that are determined as Hudud (source Quran or Sunnah) are based on Hadith. For some of the Hadiths there are arguments between scholars on the proper translation of the Hadiths and also their authenticity even if they are from books like Bukhari or Muslim. In one word you can't guarantee the authenticity of Hadith for 100% because some of them are being added into the books 200 years after the X situation and is being narrated by different people in slightly different way. The conclusion is that if you want to implement the Shariah law and want to be sure and clear from corruption you must use the Quran and stay away from big part of the Hadiths as some of them are being corrupted (some Shia scholars are talking more about this issue than Sunni). I think in our days perfect Shariah law CAN NOT be made. So if you are going to bash on Islamic culture or "Islamic law" better use something more credible than couple of taliban beating a woman according to the "Islamic law" in which nowhere you can find such punishment for wearing trousers. That's why the punishments are varying trough the "Muslim" states across the world. You can't be sure in any centralized system, scholar or human at all for those issues. I personally prefer when choosing to believe on something to make my personal interpretation influenced by sources I define as sure and the only sure source I find on religious matters is the Quran.
Here is a little bit detail about Turk women in the development journey of young Turkey.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s Revolutions

The Turk Women

"Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women." Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

  • The new Civil Code, adopted in 1926, abolished polygamy and recognized the equal rights of women in divorce, custody, and inheritance.
  • The entire educational system from the grade school to the university became coeducational.

  • Atatürk greatly admired the support that the national liberation struggle received from women and praised their many contributions:
" In Turkish society, women have not lagged behind men in science, scholarship, and culture. Perhaps they have even gone further ahead."
  • He gave women the same opportunities as men, including full political rights. In the mid-1930s, 18 women, among them a villager, were elected to the national parliament. Later, Turkey had the world's first women supreme court justice.

  • Atatürk's Turkey has produced tens of thousands of well-educated women who participate in national life as doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, writers, administrators, executives, and creative artists.


Sabiha Gokcen (1913 - 2001), the world's first female fighter pilot


Gul Esin (1901-1990), Turkey's first female mukhtar


Semiha Es (1912-2012), war photographer


Seventeen of the first Turkish female MPs


Samiye Cahid Morkaya (1897 - 1972), racer, musician


Halet Cambel (1916- 2014), Olympian and archaeologist


Vasfiye Ozkocak (1923- 2014), journalist


Sabiha Bengutas (1904 - 1992), sculptor

The source: http://www.trtworld.com/turkey/nine-notable-firsts-for-women-in-turkish-history-378489



The 4th Repbulic day...The honorable Turkish men, women at all age are together around the sign: ''This is how we won the republic.'', Taken in the city of Uşak,1933.

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