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Turks allowed their women to vote much earlier then French and Italians + world map


Jun 16, 2014
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Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan 1918 Kazakhstan 1924 Turkmenistan 1927 Turkey 1934 Uzbekistan 1938

France 1944 Italy 1945 Saudi Arabia 2011

wow this was interesting


@Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 @Kazakh soldier @Kamil_baku @Azeri440 @Deliorman @CAN_TR @Test7 @OldTwilight @Malik Alashter @SALMAN F @yavar @Blackmoon @mohammad45 @vostok @500 @dani191 @The SC @Combat-Master @cabatli_53 @SubWater @Adıvar @Shapur Zol Aktaf @TheConqueror @Islamic faith&Secularism @Hadii @Arabi @Yingluck @Saif al-Arab @Oublious @Dexon @Serpentine @BATMAN @Cthulhu @Tokhme khar @Exxxe @mohamed ali @mohsen @mangekyousharingan @kartal1 @2800 @Hamartia Antidote @Vergennes @beijinwalker @senheiser @JSCh @abc123xyx @jhungary @ASQ-1918 @Jugger @Solomon2 @DavidSling @HannibalBarca @Zarvan @Gomig-21 @Frogman @T-Rex @Falcon29 @Kaptaan @DESERT FIGHTER @

The west does not want democracy in Muslim states. Their lectures on democracy is designed to cover up what they want from Muslims. Their silence about ruthless fascists like sissy, hasina, MBS while criticizing Turkish democracy is in line with this game.
Pakistan is perhaps the unique country in the world which gave women the right to vote right in the independence year i.e. 1947. Remember Pakistan was born August 14, 1947 and before the end of year i.e. 3 1/2 months before end of the year, we gave women the right to vote.
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Pakistan is perhaps the unique country in the world that gave women the right to vote right in the independence year i.e. 1947. Remember Pakistan was born August 14, 1947 and before the end of year i.e. 3 1/2 months before end of the year, we gave women the right to vote.
Tunisia Independence 20 Mars 1956
Tunisia Woman Vote 11 June 1956. ( 81(ish) days)
Since we're on the topic of Muslim achievements
No it is not. Why must you turn everything into religion? In case it passed your notice Turkey, Pakistan might have been class leaders but Saudia Arabia/GCC who are regarded as custodians of Islam are the last on the list. KSA only allowed it's women to drive yesterday ...

Is there a correlation. You need to chew on that before you spit !
No it is not. Why must you turn everything into religion? In case it passed your notice Turkey, Pakistan might have been class leaders but Saudia Arabia/GCC who are regarded as custodians of Islam are the last on the list. KSA only allowed it's women to drive yesterday ...

Is there a correlation. You need to chew on that before you spit !

Both Pakistan and the Turkic countries have large numbers of Muslims, so it's relevant.

By your logic, why is IVC a Pakistani achievement? I'm sure there were parts of Pakistan that weren't part of it, where as parts of Afghanistan and Hindustan were. Is IVC now no longer a Pakistani achievement? Of course not!

Same principle applies here. Also, keep in mind a lot of Muslims did (and still do) view themselves as Muslim first. Why else do you think we always bring religion into everything? Is there any other way to explain things such as why wealthy Arabs went to poverty ridden Afghanistan to help fight against the USSR?
Tunisia Independence 20 Mars 1956
Tunisia Woman Vote 11 June 1956. ( 81(ish) days)
Bravo, so it is almost the same though we did it even earlier i.e. we had 3.5 months before new years and we did .. I don't know the exact date but I'm sure it was done within the first few weeks. Because our women played a very active role in independence, they would do same or even more daring jobs like removing the British jack from the government buildings and hoisting the green flag of AIML, an offence that could result in death or prison, but they used to do it and they were very good at it :-):-):smitten::pakistan:
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And Pakistan did it before Hindustan.

Heck, we did it before all our neighbours, except for China who did it at the same time as us.


India's first General Elections were October 1951 to February 1952.

ALL free Indians, man and woman, voted for the first time then.

And unlike some countries, they got to vote every 5 years after that.

Cheers, Doc
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