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Is CPEC the next East India company ?

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom
By Dr Aynul Hassan

The writer is Former Director, Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division, United Nations.

PEOPLE have often raised concerns about the CPEC being the next East India Company. But, much to their dismay, they have been proven wrong time and again. We now live in a globalised world where the countries are interdependent to fulfil their needs. Gone are the days when the foreigners would step on a land for the sole purpose of invasion and colonisation. They don’t set up their military bases now in foreign lands, but they are rather interested in setting up their businesses overseas. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is based on the win-win philosophy of Confucius.

With the successful execution of CPEC, both Pakistan and China are going to reshape the future of the economic world. China will have all that it needs at the moment to make its presence felt in every corner of the world; more seaports and direct routes to connect with different parts of the world, cutting down the shipping costs etc. Pakistan will see phenomenal growth in its infrastructure, energy and telecommunication sectors.

BRI bids to enhance regional connectivity and cooperation and to address the Infrastructural Gap of 68 countries across the Asia Pacific area and Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Thus, it has the potential to accelerate the economic growth. BRI has some of the largest infrastructure and investment projects in history, covering 65pc of the world’s population and 40pc of the global GDP as of 2017.

CPEC is a 3,218-km route, mainly consisting of, but not limited to, highways, railways, pipelines and energy projects. The project that had initially started off with a $46bn budget may now witness an increase which might take it to $75bn. Out of the total amount, a whopping $33bn will be for used for energy projects alone which will help Pakistan with its prevalent energy crises.

For China, its north-western landlocked region will become land and sea-linked through Kashgar, Gwadar and beyond. Its import cost of crude oil will decline significantly. More importantly, China’s further expansion of longterm trade with the West through Gwadar could be safe and secure as opposed to routes through the South China Sea or the Malacca Strait.

For many, CPEC is the gamechanger for Pakistan. Such are the expectations from the project on this side of the border. There is absolutely no doubt that it will help Pakistani traders get access to huge Chinese market that remains untapped to so many businesses in Pakistan.

With CPEC in place, one hopes that the large deposits of mineral resources will be extracted and made the most of. The tourism industry is also set to get a boost because of the opportunities that the CPEC brings with itself. Most of all, it will help create hundreds and thousands of jobs in Pakistan, resulting in significantly cutting down the problem of unemployment.

To implement CPEC in an optimal fashion, we need a development policy which ensures that peace, security and stability of the region are not compromised and there is scope for an averageeducated, healthy and disciplined workforce to perform duties on a mass scale. It should be ensured that the rule of law, accountability, meritocracy, transparency, good governance and business-friendly policies are in place for the successful execution of CPEC.

Once the aforementioned objectives are guaranteed, the work should be done to make the infrastructure better than ever because the CPEC will continue to play a critical role in the development of infrastructure across Pakistan.

Source: https://www.dawn.com/news/1409728
I think Pakistan has given too much unnecessary concessions to China. Pakistan virtually agreed to whatever china demanded. The shrewd country like china will exploit it like it has done in Srilanka, Myanmar etc. Pakistan should have rather played its card more wisely.
I think Pakistan has given too much unnecessary concessions to China. Pakistan virtually agreed to whatever china demanded. The shrewd country like china will exploit it like it has done in Srilanka, Myanmar etc. Pakistan should have rather played its card more wisely.
Lol oh the desperation. You are already out of OBOR project, dont worry about Pakistan.
Hahaha, We were offered multiple time to be the part of OBOR and CPEC. We opted out. They need us and not otherwise.

Ofcourse such projects cant complete without Super power like India's prior approval. The whole project was approved from India.

Since India refused project has halted. 68 countries are so stupid to work on this with China, 60 percent of World's population is such damn fool, that they became Chinese colony by participating in it, only Modern World's super power India made the right choice of staying out of it.

On a serious note its good that India is out of this, who has kept the whole region hostage with its terrorist activities. I know it hurts you watching from pavilion and not allowed to play the game but thats what happens when you make wrong choices.
Ofcourse such projects cant complete without Super power like India's prior approval. The whole project was approved from India.

Ofcourse china realized it and so they invited us. Later on Pakistan also realized it and invited us. Compulsion makes people accept the hard realities.
Hahaha, We were offered multiple time to be the part of OBOR and CPEC. We opted out. They need us and not otherwise.
Having more partners on chinese side is defiently a plus for the project but how come they NEED you and not the OTHERWISE? Did the OBOR/CPEC stopped without India being part of it or they had to redraw their plans just becuase you guys opted out? All major players in the region are part of it beside India so what it seems that you guys are isolated due to your insecurties.
Cpec is the biggest trap for Pakistan which they won't be able recover . No way out ...
China is a clear winner.................. Pakistan didn't play her ball well......

By the way, It's not my concern..... overall I will congratulate to China as per current status. Don't want to comment on future but not looking good for Pakistan.
I wonder why our enemy is so worried about us.
They are worried as they cant see Pakistan becoming strong.

The project has shaken india to its core , in the context of Pakistan. They tried there best from first supporting terrorism in Balochistan, than sending terorist like Kulbhushan yadev to sabotage the project. When all those tactics failed, India tried to build a port in Iran ( chah bhar) to counter Gwader. They have repeatedly given statements against the project. At one point , bypassing Pakistan India also send some fruits via air cargo to Afghanistan. Lately they have been working via propaganda against the project through social networking sites. At one incident where a Chinese worker was arguing with a Pakistani policemen ( who was later deported to China) was portrayed as Chinese taken over Pakistan.

The propaganda will continue but it has to be countered. A special cell in RAW is working solely to sabotage CPEC.

China is a clear winner.................. Pakistan didn't play her ball well......

By the way, It's not my concern..... overall I will congratulate to China as per current status. Don't want to comment on future but not looking good for Pakistan.
Haha oh no its India who is the winner. Its Modi G's master stroke to trap Pakistan in CEPC. All those motorways , bridges , power plants , fiber optic, airport , water purification plants , economic zones are all fake, photoshop images . You fool Pakistanis , there is nothing on the ground. If you want to see what development is, look at india.

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