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Turkey says it will retaliate if US halts F-35 Fighter Jet sales

@Berkant , that is the article I was going to post...
That it shows that for the Occident , the Turkish membership in NATO is not relevant and with Trump he will do everything to get Turkey out and Israel in.

Israel is not interested in joining NATO...
Israel is not interested in joining NATO

even in 2013 Turkey blocked Israel access to NATO intelligence ...
Israel open a NATO mission at alliance headquarters. closer cooperation between Israel and NATO had been blocked by a feud between Turkey and Israel, which are now on the cusp of normalizing relations

also Turkey has vetoed Nato's co-operation with Austria
Turkey is doing a fine job in NATO, so there's no need to dump it. This way or that way, Turkey should develop her own nuclear weapons. NPT is a trap for the Muslim nations.
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Israel was not interested in joining NATO.

But if Turkey is out and NATO is looking for a major partner in the Middle East - why not.

If Turkey is out and who's going to do it, netanyahu? You invested too much imagination in making your holocaust dramas.
Israel was not interested in joining NATO.

But if Turkey is out and NATO is looking for a major partner in the Middle East - why not.
This is something interesting ... hhhhmmmm .... your statement has many future clues ...
- closing NATO Air/Radarbases.
- attacking YPG with no mercy.
- cutting the land connection between KRG and YPG territories.
- cooperate more with Russia.

There are many ways to hurt US interests in Syria.

If they threat us we threat them back, childish but they understand only this type of games.
The US can dish it out, but he can't take it...fact!

Threats are meaningless to the US. You have to hit them hard, that's the only language they understand. You're still talking rather than acting. Regarding hitting PKK, you should have been doing that long ago. Instead you allowed this cancer to grow and grow, and still you are continuing to let it grow. Every month this cancer gets bigger and stronger with NATO help...
Israel is not interested in joining NATO...
They already sit with NATO..and sorry to tell you..they have more power without a membership than Turkey as a member...When Turkey asked for a Patriot system to defend her airspace, the US furnished one manned by US troops..When Israel was in the same situation, Germany jumped and offered one without Israel asking for it...That tells you that Turkey usefulness to NATO is all but consumed..The good things, in case where they kick you out the the curve, they left you with a promissing arms industry...You all have just to get countries to trust you enough to buy your wares.
I dont see Turkey staying in NATO for very long. Turkey is not treated equally it seems. Turkey's economy, even though there is a downturn is still better than Greece or Portugal. Yet it seems, religion is the latent undercurrent that defines NATO and EU relationships.
I dont see Turkey staying in NATO for very long. Turkey is not treated equally it seems. Turkey's economy, even though there is a downturn is still better than Greece or Portugal. Yet it seems, religion is the latent undercurrent that defines NATO and EU relationships.

Being in NATO has much more benefits so Turkey will stay in the alliance for a very long time unless it dissolves :)
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